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silent death

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by silent death

  1. Apparently mother nature didnt get the memo its spring lol still snowing here pretty good I guess she had the best april fools joke
  2. Mother nature is a joke she waited to play her april fools joke on all of us here and it's still snowing
  3. Honestly its probebly the norm now with the red flag laws you will probebly start seeing this happen whenever any argument happens ain't no differant then them asking if you have any weapons when they pull you over for a traffic stop
  4. To dam early for those things nooo
  5. U always Gotta protect the mcnuggets lol
  6. Gander outdoors sales will be up for sure. Been goin there sense they reopened in kingston never had to deal with bs.... I hope all the other anti freedom stores like dicks sporting goods go down the tank honestly
  7. Yup and it's still snowing mother nature isnt done with winter yet
  8. They are saying more snow and ice possible for tomarrow
  9. I'll lock all mine up when they supply a fully paid security guard for my home otherwise kiss it . Takes 20 minutes for anyone to show up around here for a emergency
  10. There basically goin after any mag fed rifle semi auto or bolt . "Precision rifles" as they call them...guns and gadgets on you tube did a write up about it ..they left the door open in the wording to pretty much effect any firearm with a detachable mag
  11. Out getting coffee and I see this lol
  12. Trees wer down all over the place up here some wer without power all day
  13. Missed my house bye 10ft glad the top snapped off otherwise that would have been bad
  14. Be safe out there its nasty had a close call at home today
  15. I've looked for one of the 44mags to but ruger stopped production of the pc4 I believe in 96 and those rifles still are priced high to this day I've seen them on gun broker as high as 850$ used... I already have the new pc9 and it's a fun rifle for plinking ammo is cheap to
  16. 123gr sst brass cased hornady black is what I got for it ran 60 rounds through it today no issues held 2 inch group out to 140 yards not bad for a gun that isn't broke in yet ..
  17. We can only hope we get some pro gun leader but I fear they are always pushed to the dark side ....I know alot of people who are buying semi autos because of some of these new Bill's bein introduced
  18. Yeah cant have none of the fun shit anymore in ny..I only got 2 five rd mags with the gun not even a 10rd mag.. wasnt to mad about it because it included the scope rings inside the box which the salesman didnt even know wer in there till he opened the box to get the numbers off the gun lol
  19. Went out and got myself a tax gift it's a new ruger mini 30 in 7.62x39 figured I'd better snatch one up before they get banned to ...gun cost me 915$....the Nikon scope was another 250 . Gander mountain loves me lol
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