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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. Dan, I was about to start a similar thread but I had in my mind that there was one already up and posted that I had seen long ago. I kept going back searching and finally found it so I brought it back to life, it is a good thread. I hope to add the 6.5 PRC to the list this year. Al
  2. I think those little 28 ga shotguns are just about perfect for small game, I have a TriStar 28 OU and along with my CZ side by side and one of those two are what I grab most of the time when out with one of my dogs. A lot of people rag on Turkish made firearms but I have had nothing but good experiences with any made in Turkey. I have shot quite a few clay birds with mine and not only can I make good hits with them, they have also been totally reliable. The only negative is the shell can be hard to find but I solved that problem by handloading my own. The price is right, that little OU will make someone a great small game getter, good luck with the sale. Al
  3. Me and Harliegh are hitting the timber hopefully to knock off a Hare. Al
  4. A blast thread from the past, and what I can recollect from the past 60 years plus, Still have some safe queens that have yet to earn their stripes. The vast majority of my Deer hunting and kills were with 12 ga slugs and for rifle my 280 Remington. Bottom line all what I used killed deer with no problem with a well placed shot. Al ================================== 22Lr 222 Remington 220 Swift 243 Winchester 6mm Remington 25-05 Remington 250-3000 Savage 280 Remington 338 Winchester mag 357 Mag handgun 357 Mag rifle 44 Mag handgun 44 Mag rifle 47-70 Government 20 ga slug 12 ga slug 6.5 Creedmoor 45 cal muzzleloader 50 cal muzzleloader
  5. On my several hunting trips in Canada especially in Newfoundland I found tongue was very popular, I tried and developed a fondness for pickled lamb's tongue, also tried pickled hog tongue which was pretty good too. The cooks in our hunting camp cooked up Moose tongue several times in different ways and that was great also. Tongue is tasty and very underrated. Al
  6. Poking around on ebay I found slingshot prices ranged from just under $10 up to around $50 for something like the one pictured above. Watching the video above most of those guys use a basic traditional type slingshot for what they do and they seem pretty deadly and accurate with them, well made traditionals can be had for around $20. Al
  7. Email from DEC about their tree seeding program, These are a pretty good deal, Got some Cedars from them some time back and they did good. Al
  8. Did anyone try and eat that Merganser?, I can eat almost anything but Mergansers I have taken are something I do not care for LOL Al
  9. As the old saying goes "The Truth Hurts" Sorry but I call them as I see them. Do you people have your heads up your rear, take a good look at what has happened to this country. Something has to be done. I can not be a hypocrite and pretend these people are my friends, I won't do it. The political actions of those that are ruining the outdoor and shooting sports along with the whole country for that matter need to be called out and just because you hunt does not give you a free pass from the terrible harm that is being caused. I will not be quiet about it and I will expose those responsible every chance I can get. The days of keeping quiet and my head in the sand are over!! Al
  10. Now that is what I call a banner day, congrats, the top retriever looks like a Chessy, they are a Hoss. Al
  11. Libtard socialist Democrats pretending to be our friends, anything but! All the ones that hated the politics section of this board. They learned their lesson exposing themselves when they were here and I will bet a dollar to a donut they now lay low in the shadows. Al
  12. Got an email from the DEC that they are scrapping the current plastic license material and will be issuing them on regular paper which is fine as long as it does not muck things up.
  13. Yes there are expenses for hosting and maintaining, this board has pop up advertising for some income, the number of clicks to the site determines the money shelled out which would go to the board owner to pay for the expenses, extra would pocketed but there no fortune and no bags of money here. I would think with the traffic here the owner can meet expenses but I do not know for sure. My board is paid totally out of my pocket, there are zero ads, I do not want to owe anyone a cent. Al
  14. Harleigh my Airedale and I hit the timber this afternoon to see what we could come up with, she treed two Squirrels but I gave them a pass as I have a few in the freezer now. She flushed a Hare out from under a windfall but I was on the wrong side and could not get a shot off. Harleigh trailed for a bit but she is far from being a rabbit-hare dog and lost it, she just does not have the nose power like a good Beagle. Even though we came home empty handed we had a good time. Stopped at the mailbox and found a prize I had ordered, a primitive knapped knife made by flint knapper Tony Stanfield, I have always wanted one of these for my collection and finally I bit the bullet and got one. This thing is very nice and very sharp, would have no problem field dressing and skinning a Deer. Al
  15. Well I am tapping out of this Cluster_Puck thread, I allow myself around a half hour a day on social media and I have gone way over the limit. 40 degrees here, I am grabbing a gun and my dog and going hunting, see if I can kill something but probably won't, too soft. Al
  16. One good thing I see the hits are adding up big, the advertisers love it. Al
  17. With the likes of you and some of the other beauties that fled there! not a chance in Hell, I want no part of that board, I like it here. Al
  18. Talk about spin, there is not a thing wrong with the thread it is you people from the other board that can not stand to see anything positive said about this board, consequently here you come starting your crap, you have a track record for doing it every few weeks the same ones time after time, it is all here to see. I would like for you to tell me is there anyone from this board going to your place stirring the pot?? And would it be allowed??? Al
  19. Lets cut to the chase, they are here to undermine this site in any way they can, the sorry excuses for being here are laughable. They are not satisfied that they have a site that they always wanted and brag up, this site must be destroyed as far as they are concerned. It shows every time they come here, and these shits shows are they only time you see them for the most part, not to contribute useful tips to the board members all the rest of the times. Ya they post a complimentary post once in a while to keep their feet in the door, that is about it. Quit the charade! Al
  20. I am sorry to inform you that you are wrong. There may be a few bots but the majority are not. I think I know what bots are and what I am talking about, I have a lot of experience with message boards. Al
  21. Much to your chagrin this board as long as it is online and stays clean will cruise along nicely just as it is. Let me give you a little lesson about message boards, I have run three and one is coming up on it's 20 year anniversary and going strong. I did some surveys when I first got involved with message boards, the number one reason folks come to them is for "information". You will find that only a very small percentage of members post frequently, most do not join to get into some kind of circle jerk in crowd, in fact most never post and this board is a good example. It has 9000 members now. My Airedale board is the same, there is a core group of hunting dog folks that know what they are talking about that do the most posting, the vast majority of members log on and never post but read the content profusely, they are looking for useful and accurate information. I belong to several other boards for things like cars and motorcycles, have belonged to them for years and never made a post. It is all about content, good content gets clicks and traffic and this board has plenty of it. Al
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