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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. surface area, surface area, surface area.
  2. Sad commentary on society, isn't it? I used to be no big deal and was expected at certain times of years. I have had shotguns out on the trunk of my car in school parking lots showing the teachers my gun because I was going hunting right after school. How times have changed. As a society, maybe we need to actively and aggressively taking out the scum that are infecting our society. The soft more humane approach to dealing with the thug/criminal element has done nothing but foster it's growth.
  3. Somebody is buying the music so some must care. https://www.npd.com/wps/portal/npd/us/news/press-releases/the-npd-group-country-music-rises-to-become-americas-favorite-genre-in-2012/
  4. Quick run out back and My Christmas shopping will be done.
  5. . ID cards to prove identity to own a gun are the same for those states requiring them to prove ID to vote. The actual cost to regulate and implement the election and voting process is a cost covered by the government. Just as it should be to implement as regulate this if they must have it. If it is truly benefiting all the citizenry then it should be born by all. No? If they really want it then lay out the program and put it through the proper process to change the Constitution. Wouldn't that be appropriate?
  6. I understand all of that. Unconstitutional gun control regardless of who initiated it. For me I could absolutely get behind initiatives that would make a difference and if they were presented as a comprehensive and thought out plan, put together by people that actually understand what they are talking about. The problem is that the Left, as they have proven, have no intention of limiting what they planned or are doing today. They agenda is ever more consuming. Restrict more rights they do not agree with. I think a CC permit should be just as you had. a permit to carry and no gun or caliber specific. Pass a background check, get a card. Good to go in the entire NATION. Gun used in a violent Felony=Death penalty. If the Government wants paperwork on sales or transfers, it is their cost. Not paid by the firearm purchaser or seller. We don't charge for the expense to exercise our right to vote. It is born by the nation as a whole. Should be the same here.
  7. Did you read any of the links I posted? Have you looked into who is really running and behind this organization?
  8. CC has NO bearing on it. If you buy, it gets run. Consider yourself lucky if you can get a transfer and all the paperwork done to sell and transfer a pistol for $20.
  9. I was just picturing him strolling into a birthday party with some tree branches tied together or $2 cross country ski poles attached to each other with electrical tape. made me chuckle.
  10. Have you researched or read up on the organization? PETA has strongly spoken out against dog fighting. We all should be against that, right? You gonna belly up to support PETA?
  11. If I have a valid CC permit why should I have to pay for or go through another background check? Why are the same folks that scream it is oppressive, discriminatory and disproportionally targets poor and minorities when ever anyone suggests a Voter ID card? But impose costs and restrictions like the NYC residents have to put up with an it is just okie dokie. Added costs to ammo through background checks...just fine too. $45 transfer fee....no problem.
  12. Look into the founders and staff of the group he is supporting and get back to me. It isn't about gun safes, trigger locks, education, training and simple background checks.
  13. You guys did read this part of his original post didn't you?
  14. Didn't say he was a member. Supporting an organization that is clearly against our constitution is the same as a person that sends money to a group that clearly hates out constitution and country. I have said it many times before. There is a right was to change the 2nd. Go through the steps and make it happen. Takes all the steam out of us right wing gun hugging wackos. Right? But why haven't they gone this route?.
  15. Just like saying he is a POS. No one I read said to take his right. But supporting a group set on taking a right should be called out. That is more action than speech. To me it is right up with sending money to terrorists.
  16. When what they believe is to take away a fundamental right I do consider them a POS. I also believe that those that still believe I slavery are a POS. Those that believe beheadings as a means to enforce a religion are a POS.
  17. Sanitize. Sanitize sanitize. When you think the area is clean, sanitize again. Lol. We are anal about that. 4/1 water Clorox spray on everything after washing. Skinning knives are not used as cutting knives unless washed and sanitized. No wooden cutting boards for cutting. We use the plastic ones. Meat bins grinder parts and anything that come in contact. Never had one issue.
  18. http://www.basspro.com/Primos-G2-Trigger-Stick-Bi-Pod-Shooting-Stick/product/1304041552/?cmCat=CROSSSELL_PRODUCT
  19. Trigger Stick. I have the 2 legged one. can also be used as a single when they are folded together. Swivel top and can be removed to mount a spotting scope or camera.
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