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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I will have to look into NYC election rules. No place else in the state I know of requires an ID.
  2. Poster child for what is freaking wrong with our country. "Doesn't affect me, so why should I care?"
  3. Plain and simple. It is a right, reserved for citizens. Prove it or stay home.
  4. While it isn't difficult to do in person I think it is a much higher likelihood to see it utilized in early or absentee balloting. The cases you posted were using numbers of known fraud. you honestly don't think it goes on. With the unexpected close race up ere with Louise Slaughter I sure wish a few Republicans has tossed a couple hundred votes that way. We are currently sitting with 600 vote difference and 2800 absentee ballots.
  5. Mike, Maybe my brain is fried from the political focus of the last two days, but I have no idea if you are agreeing with my statement or disagreeing. I stick to my statement that as hunters our primary use by our Environmental regulatory agency IS as population management. Maybe not for all species but for the high profile ones, specifically deer. Also we are a cash cow.
  6. I wish you could find out. Good luck getting many to admit it. Or even better. How many actually voted FOR Cuomo.
  7. I am not saying how much it happens. I am saying it isn't difficult
  8. I disagree. Let me give you an example. No ID required. I can check voter rolls of registered voters and find out easily if they voted in previous elections. A signature that isn't even looked at. All the info is right out there if you want to look for it.
  9. If he resigns it certainly won't be his lieutenant Gov that repeals it. Picking her and sending the check to Buffalo for a Billion sure bought that county.
  10. You can't vote under your name but it would be soooooooo easy to vote under someone else's or numerous else's. very easy
  11. I don't see how we can split the two. Without an adequate result in the later there are usually extensive measures needed in the former. What we do as recreational hunters IS wildlife control and it is that reason why some "tolerate" us who may not truly favor hunting.
  12. Monroe county (Rochester) went Astorino The other areas were Urban areas. Buffalo, Ithaca, Binghamton, Syracuse, Albany, Plattsburg, and of course NYC. Iin the Plattsburg the numbers are very low and inconsequential. but there is a high percentage in that area that have their hands out too.
  13. I don't get it either Steve. Population and business making an exit, highest taxes and lowest growth. Starting to think I should just quit my job and get on the take.
  14. Keep your eyes out for a State gestapo, I mean State Police task force. State wide jurisdiction and firmly un the emperor's control.
  15. As far as I am concerned, I agree it is recreation for the vast majority of us. Who cares what the definition of fair chase is unless you are worried about getting in some record book. If it is legal and you have a good time doing it, isn't that what is important?
  16. I don't remember seeing one post that was in support of any poaching. Can you point one out?
  17. In 4 years when my daughter graduates college, I will be strongly considering a move out of here. Just need to impart a bit of influence on where she looks for a job.
  18. NY currently allows dogs in Fall season. Wondering if you ever ever done any of the above? It isn't like the are telling you that it is the only way you can hunt. Don't get injured falling off that high horse. So worried about what other people are doing (legally, I might add). And I would love to try deer with dogs.
  19. Maybe, just maybe they saw some of the yes voters get the boot and it will make them think. They do have a record of bending over and grabbing their ankles around hi, though.
  20. I use a back pack quiver so It is never on the bow.
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