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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I haven't even seen any further expansion discussed for next year.
  2. one exit? Did you find the bullets in him? recovery of the bullets will probably tell the story better than anyone here could. I don't by the splitting on a twig theory. Any chance he was wounded coming it to you?
  3. I'd call it at 3.5, Seems to call for a little jaw bone aging!!!
  4. Then they just move the finish line. It is truly a mental disorder to have to need to recreate others into your vision of what they should be. They need a cause. If they got everything they wanted, they would just discover a new cause.
  5. Like anything else, Tickets can be written. Getting charged and getting convicted are two distinct things. In the end, you may win but considering the cost and aggravation I can't see it being worth it. But some people just can't seem to help themselves.
  6. a person who enters [remains] upon unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to such person by the owner of such land or other authorized person, or unless such notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner.8]
  7. For anyone out in our area (WNY) our QDMA branch will be having an educational even in January. I will post all the details once they are finalized, but one of the topics we are tossing around is Co-ops. Theory, organizing and how to implement. Good way to get like minded folks all pulling in the same direction.
  8. Buddy has a Traditions and it is a bear to load. He can pretty easily load the 250 gr shockwaves in the super glide sabots though. The second shot in it is about impossible with any bullet we tried without patching the barrel. Seems like the first 4-5" of barrel is the toughest.
  9. Sad part is all of us should be able to wear brown Carharts and still be safe, if everyone was doing as they should.
  10. I have to disagree. I can pull it up and repost it. if it isn't legally posted there MUST be a warning given and it would have to be documented. It spells it out. The only gray area is the definition of improved or unimproved property.
  11. I don't believe there was a death last year and NY has a pretty good safety record IMO
  12. It has been discussed, argued and beat to death over and over and over again on here...lol. I can tell you I am personally seeing a shift in how many think about their taking bucks. Voluntarily. Their are many that probably won't make the move but I am still not a fan of mandatory AR's. I have had a few hunters tell me what you just said. "we do not let legal bucks walk by. If we don't kill them the neighbors will" and I tell them that the only sure way to guarantee that that buck doesn't make it to 2.5 is if YOU shoot it. It has zero chance then. NY's habitat is widely varied as are the deer populations and availability of Doe permits. Out by me a 3 side rule wouldn't protect the majority of the 1.5's I see every year.
  13. I know a guy that that got ticketed during duck season a few years ago.
  14. But unless it is properly posted the result is a warning. A trespass conviction or ticket will not happen for a first offense.
  15. I have an All American and it works great. The pickled sausage can be handled in two ways. Cooked, packed in brine and stored in the refrigerator OR if you want to shelf store it, it MUST me pressure canned. As a general rule high acid foods can be canned in a ho water bath. Non acidic foods are pressure canned. MEAT is always pressure canned.
  16. There are certain times in ones life where and inch or two can make all the difference in the world.
  17. Probably the worst angle to try and do this from
  18. They go to their dens. Could be a dug out or even under a deadfall or brush pile. I have seen bear tracks in the snow so I don't think a day or two of cold will put them in the den. This is just my opinion but I believe their denning instinct kicks in as soon as their ability to take in calories can not equal their calorie use.
  19. Block will be cheaper but the Concrete will have a higher resale. If you plan on finishing the basement, the poured can have a foam forming system that stays in place and allows for easier finishing. Depending on the manufactures in the area and access to your site, you could also look into precast concrete foundations.
  20. You don't bow hunt? right? when did you get a look at a buck at 5:30 am? Was it on November 1st before the clocks changed?
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