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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Dicks on 104 in Greece. Walked right up and got 2 for 8H
  2. I want to challenge everyone to find one like mined, registered voter that wasn't planning on going and drag them with you to the booths
  3. hinged piece of plywood with a hasp and a lock. works great
  4. As I said. DEC screwed the pooch on this. They should have shut the system down until they got it fixed. Nothing good came from trying to keep it opened running half a$$ED
  5. Depends on where it it. I see them often in WNY
  6. Sounds like they need the IT folks to correct this. What they should have done it contact the retailers and just shut it down until it is fixed.
  7. NY at its finest. I am about ready just to us last years since they can't seem to get their act together. Left DEC a rather nice lengthy message. Douchebags
  8. And how many species really get stocked? Trout and salmon? Maybe some eyes? Slot limits and size limits are used extensively I. The saltwater and I don't believe they are stocking them. But hey. Some of these guys pay for their license so why not keep every fish they can. Lol
  9. Nah, just cant own 50 acres for recreational use and fall under the "not needing a license" clause. I am betting you had better have live stock or be able to prove you are growing a crop....a legal crop.
  10. probably 4000 shares of original Kodak stock. so worth about 36 cents...lol
  11. but I believe they must have passed the hunters education course.
  12. And within the legal confines the people with the spot lights or just driving down the road looking are all legal too. Only one way to stop it and that is to screen it. bitch all you want about a LEGAL activity, but until it is made illegal you are doing nothing but causing yourself stress. So there are a few options. screen it ignore it lobby to get it changed (spotlighting, because you can't stop some one from looking) or just bitch bout it.
  13. Understand you frustration but spotlighting is not illegal unless it is within 500' of your house or they have a firearm in the vehicle. I you want it illegal I suggest you start lobbying for a change. Until that point, one small correction. It isn't your game.
  14. I disagree. From what I have seen over the years there are more and bigger bucks than when I was growing up. Look at some of our fishing regulations. Things like slot limits to protect specific age classes of fish.
  15. buddy of mine does the same but hangs it from toothpicks so he can get more on the racks.
  16. I am with Biz. I would have had that thing open before the ink dried on the documents.
  17. Wow. Had just looked for hemlock and up here and it doesn't look cold enough
  18. not to be contray but a perfectly placed shot would have been the heart on that target. What bullet were you using that didn't perform?
  19. I chose my calibers for a couple reasons. Availability of ammo and components. range of bullet weights ability to anchor a deer and still deeply penetrate the vitals. I have no qualms taking a quartering to shot on a big whitetail or bear with my '06. I know it with go though the shoulder and still perform well in the vitals and I have yet to have one not exit. That gun has taken game from woodchucks to elk and moose.
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