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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I can't wait to see the gun owners that sat on their hands with their "doesn't affect me" attitude react to round 2. Watch the screaming when the liability insurance requirements for all gun owners get presented.
  2. I do t think they will take them. Just make it so damned expensive you can't own them. Next step. Mandatory liability insurance for gun owners
  3. Might want to check the recent trends in Georgia. Headed down the Democrat toilet too.
  4. Fair enough. But all the more reason to say no. Would love to see a change requiring more time for review.
  5. Hate to say it, but you had a chance to react immediately. Might have been your best opportunity.
  6. So you actually saw them on the property on Saturday?
  7. https://voterlookup.elections.state.ny.us/ Will tell you if anyone is registered.
  8. Pheasant Hollow gun Dogs and hunting Club is in Bloomfield NY http://www.pheasanthollow.com/
  9. Delicate meat. I have the best luck freezing fish in a block of ice. Growing up as a kid we always had small brookies, browns and rainbows in the 10-13" range. gutted and took the heads off. stood them up (like McDonalds French fries) in empty and cleaned half gallon milk jugs. The old paper cardboard type. filled with water and froze. Never any freezer burn.
  10. http://www.encoreclassifieds.com/?rc=Done Can get a pretty good idea here. Have you considered just selling the barrel and maybe picking up a rifle, shotgun or pistol barrel for it?
  11. I have the older model of this one http://www.foodsaver.com/vacuum-sealers/FSFSSL3880-DTC.html#start=6
  12. Love my Food Saver. I would suggest getting one that has the roll cutting option. making bags is much easier from the rolls with it. I also like the Marinate feature mine has with the canisters. Works good for the times I forget to put the meat in marinate and need a speedy process. I have at least 40 deer though mine
  13. I have used a climber base as a lock on stand. a ratchet at the bottom around the tree is no different than any hang on. climbing sticks or ONE PIECE screw in steps would be a good option for getting in and out. I also used the seat/climbing aide section but before leaving the stand I would put it above head height so I wasn't trying to climb over and into the stand. once on the platform I lowered it and sat down. . Harness...harness...harness.
  14. Well, maybe a hard ball but definitely not a walnut
  15. #1- NO....#2-NO...#3-NO...Especially #2. Last thing I want is to make it easier for them to speed up an process in stuffing laws down our throats.
  16. I start my pick ups at 4:30 to head to the polls with me and five others that have either never voted or not voted in years.
  17. I was pulling for you. been checking the thread every day...lol
  18. check out his story from this year in Minnesota. http://www.kare11.com/story/news/local/2014/09/29/hunter-fights-off-525-pound-bear-with-knife/16411473/ and I don't know if arrow shot bears are any different than gun shot ones but I can tell you from personal experience they DO lay down when wounded. on one of the ears, IA buddy and I followed a bear a he y wounded into a thick cedar swamp in Canada. Now we had guns, but since visibility was about 3 feet I can tell you the pucker factor was about 150 on a scale of 1 to 10. It was a 200 yard track and took a good 4 hours. liver hit and that fat was like a cork in a bottle. I wouldn't hesitate shooting one again with a bow or a gun, but I can tell you, if gun is open there WILL be a gun on the tracking of it.
  19. Honey burns are legal. 1.5 ounces.
  20. they handled the whole thing wrong. I would call region 8 and make a stink. THEY screwed up, not you Eddie.
  21. gut shoot one and follow it into a swamp with a bow in hand. I agree their natural instinct is to avoid us at all cost. Personally I believe all bets are off when they are wounded.
  22. scents are the only legal baits for bear in NY. I would have to look it up but I think you can only use 1.5 ounces of liquid sent. The fish would be illegal baiting.
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