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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Soooooo. Since you don't have anything that you need to worry about "complying" with, What are you doing?
  2. Danny, We get it. You don't think it does or will affect you. You don't see the issue and those opposing it are over reacting and not willing to put there actions where their mouths are. Now besides voting for Cuomo in November, what else do you have planned?
  3. From the report you posted the non mature does and bucks had a higher incidents of CWD than the mature one did. How does that fly in the face of what you keep posting?
  4. If you don't live in NY you can with the proper tax stamps and background checks
  5. Oh, they got all guns? All guns were not confiscated, I can guarantee that. My point is the looting and anarchy that took place. We were discussing you evaluation of what other people "need". There is a legitimate need. Look at any situation where riots and looting has occurred and you will find people that protected themselves, their family and their property. Who are you to tell them how to do that. Plus., they can only confiscate what they know you have.
  6. Take a look at what happened after Katrina, brainchild. Again....you are the problem not the anti's And I would use lethal force to protect my family, myself and my property. I gather from you feeling that you don't not need to consider the possibility of lethal force you must be on the other side of the supply and demand chain.
  7. I believe what is more likely to happen is this. Our system can not continue on the track it is. We are very near the point that the people supporting the system will no provide enough to supply the ones with their hand out. I believe we are headed for a collapse. There will be riots in the streets and that is when the arms will be needed first.
  8. We all have to make our own decisions. Yours may feel that you do not NEED the arms that are outlawed now by the safe act. You may also feel that the other sections of it at that big of an inconvenience. That is you choice. That isn't my choice and you should not have the ability to impose your choice on others. You may say that you are not for the Safe act but in fact if you are not opposed to in in word and action you are passively supporting it. I don't mean this badly but more in fact. People (gun owners) like you ARE the reason this happened.
  9. Honestly I am less concerned about having to take on a "military" presence that I am about having to defend against a group of individuals. A mob scenario in a situation like a natural disaster or similar.
  10. If they are acting contrary to the Constitution and their oath, they are criminals
  11. And on a side note. Exactly where in the Constitution or the Amendments (specifically the 2nd) does it require "need"?
  12. Probably not a 30 but could easily see a need for more than 7 or more than 10
  13. piled up like they are it would look very much like the end of an opening day at the local butcher shop.
  14. How would you handle a home invasion with 2 or 3 coming through the door? 911?
  15. Do you think he could be the first terminal case of Cranial Rectumitus?
  16. You have officially slipped to the dark side.
  17. Yup...pictures of this nature are like Speedos. Just because you can post it doesn't mean you should. Just because you can squeeze into it doesn't mean you should.
  18. Really? look at just what breeders have done in dog breeds when the desired end result was to manipulate the breeds and pump out puppies to meet a demand ($$$). Look at the heart problems in Setters. Hip Dysplasia in multiple breeds. Spinal issues in the long breed like Dachshunds. The list goes on.
  19. When I was a kid (8.) there was one old timer that hunted with our group. He used to set a small radio up on a stump and play it low all day. He swore it attracted the deer out of curiosity. I don't know why but he seemed to shoot deer every year. I do know a lot of deer were shot with guys just wearing blue jeans and now they say that blue is a color not to wear because of the deer's' eyesight. I don't think they minded gray, green or red plaid either...lol
  20. Very hard to argue with any of it. I have said this for years. If they don't want the Second, there is a legal was to get rid of it.
  21. I heard that too but can't seem to find any updates on the topic.
  22. There is also a proposal to give the Supt. of the State Police authority to designate assault weapons by name and model. That would mean, no matter what modifications you do to try to make them compliant they can be classified and banned by name.
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