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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. You drop them , I will take them. Never too much sausage.
  2. LMAO. Didn't know my comment would raise such interest. At least my FUCUOMO avatar made the screen.
  3. And they still tease him about the selfie he took in a G string.
  4. We let them visit in the hopes of changing their condition, but membership is just me and Dad...lol
  5. Not very imaginative. but when we leased our property we had to have a club name on the lease. since there is a Culver Creek very near, we went with that and I used it here. (too freaking long by the way when you are filling our posted signs..lol)
  6. I have been up to Canada twice to hunt bear over bait. The first trip the bait got hit once during the day while I was not in the stand. Other than that, no sightings. The second trip I got a very nice female. It was OK. no great excitement for me. I expected more. The second bear I took was while still hunting through a swamp during deer season up in the northern zone.. That one was more exciting for me. They both tasted great. It is my daughters favorite meat. She always asks when I am going to get another, like it is taking a trip to the store...lol
  7. typically not required with discs because thee is no need for depth control that could vary with the "squatting" of the machine. If you used a hitch mounted disc like the Kolpin ones it actually might help to have the added down pressure from the squatting under load. The ones I have are tow behind with two rows of discs. when it squats, the hitch and tongue goes down and the pressure comes off the back disc set. SO I use one for pulling that and the grader.
  8. I am not disagreeing with you but without clear direction to enforcement, I wouldn't bet that a charge couldn't be filed on that. Both halves sitting next to each other in the safe might get you a trip to court. Probably would win with the poorly worded law but it would still cost you. If they wanted to use the "all the components = a gun" argument, there are probably gun shops that are in possession of AR's with more than one feature right now. lol
  9. is it just the picture angle of is the G2-3 form 2010 a common base? if it is, pretty cool how it spread out on the beam in the next 2 years.
  10. He was running out of head space for those bases. You gonna get it scored?
  11. I haven't seen anything except speculation on that point. .
  12. I know one 22 year old pipe welder that made $120,000 last year up there and wasn't there the whole year.
  13. Ok. let's say Joe has one. The law requires it be registered. what is the best option if Joe doesn't register it? He certainly isn't going to parade it at the range or toss it on his seat to go predator hunting with it. So it sits home. As long as it is sitting home anyway, why not pull it apart and have no chance at a felony? Like WNY said if you wanted it in a situation it would be together in a matter of a few minutes. For me that wouldn't be my go to first response firearm anyway but I can understand why someone would want it. If I had on(and I don't) it would be in the safe anyways,.
  14. You would have to buy a rear suspension lock if you a pulling anything that will be sensitive to the hitch height dropping. As you strain against eh load the rear end squats. I have to pu the locking bar across mine when pulling the rake or grader blade. EDIT---and I don't see the problem with PINK. I am rather fond of it
  15. There are options to reconfigure so it avoids the characteristics that are outlined. It also is possible to just separate the components, in the case of an AR so they do not reside in one location as a complete firearm. Components (aside from high capacity mags) are not included in the law.
  16. There are so many ways around it right now. I wouldn't register and let the court cases play out.
  17. I certainly don't like what we have and what we have is not as the founders had intended. Quite the opposite I believe. I think they structured the Constitution to avoid what has happened. What would I like to see? I would like to see a Constitutional Republic. Wouldn't that be a novel idea?
  18. buddy had the same issue with his 835 and he tried a half dozen chokes and loads. The thing shot patterns like a donut. He was convinced it had such a high charge it was blowing the center of the pattern out. I don't know what caused it but I saw the patterns.
  19. If any of you are looking into making your own beer or wine, these are perfect. I have 8 of them. Near perfect, used once. No chips or cracks. All cleaned. $20 each or all 8 for $140. I am just south of Rochester.
  20. 12 point buck that dressed 205 and a 250# bear. Never scored either one.
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