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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Best bet is to just call the county clerk. All counties are different with how they handle these processes but I think it will require a form and the judge's signature
  2. If it have me extra time hunting I would be right in line to get one? Aluminum or carbon? Lol
  3. I guarantee he knows generations of the deer on his farm. This industry is probably ahead of the cattle/dairy industry in terms of tracking lineage and at least on par with the kennel clubs. I bet the per straw prices are higher than both for a proven line.
  4. yes. Mounts are legal to sell in NY. The only restrictions are on the meat of wild game.
  5. Do the vets test for all anything where testing is available prior to a sale such as this? For things like Bovine TB?
  6. If the BS report that New Yorkers support the law 2 to 1. That could mean that 8 jurors support the safe act and 4 do not. But all you really need in one juror to refuse to vote guilty.
  7. I don't. I don't know who is shipping them or who set it up. You posted about this. Seriously, do you know if anything has been done?
  8. The big difference being the comparison of an inanimate object vs one with will
  9. He'll get back to you on Friday, after he Googles all those words.
  10. I still say that making them compliant, not registering and storing the "bad parts" is the best bet until the dust settles. No way on earth they are getting info in the one 22 lr I have. (since all my others fell in Lake Ontario in that boating accident.
  11. I guess not because they can also shut down access to Federal memorials and keep Vets out. They have proven that also.
  12. Has there been any testing of the native species for susceptibility to whitetail illnesses or parasites, like brainworm?
  13. I am thinking posts and emails may hurt a persons cause. I heard an interview on the way in this morning with some lady from NYAGV and she certainly had her talking points down. I would really love to have an hour with her to actually have a conversation with firearms displayed and discuss the points she kept hanging her hat on. They fly in the face of logic and make no sense when you understand the function of the firearms. I know logic in this argument is an oxymoron but unfortunately people listen. she was justifying registration in NY of "assault weapons" and cited the registering of pistols as justification and a demonstration of how it will reduce the AW use in crime. I don't understand that. Her argument actually proves the opposite since the pistol is the most used firearm in crime in NY and is the most highly regulated.
  14. Location and directions will be sent to registered participants only. General location is Southern Monroe / Northern Livingston County Near I-390 corridor.
  15. I would love to see an impartial account of the complete timeline and facts. It sure seems that both sides seem to have a spin when presenting. I will say that I wish the Feds put the same resource and effort to pursue illegal aliens as they are pursuing illegal cows.
  16. Your wife can pop it together as you hold the zombies off with your crossbow...
  17. disassemble and separate. Wait for the legal challenges to run their course.
  18. one great option for kids is if you can get access to a farm pond. A bass bluegill pond can be almost like catching fish in a barrel.
  19. Doc. Quoting the paper? I'll have to go back and actually read the sections again. I can tell you one thing. If I ever sit on a jury and it is for a charge where the person is brought up on charges under this where they weren't actually committing a crime there will not be a futility vote from me.
  20. I very much agree with your entire first paragraph. Just gets my fanfare up when gun owners seem so willing to give in and bow to what has clearly been an attack on our Constitutional rights. Especially when I hear them using the same arguments that the antis use. The "need" argument is one of them. I own nothing that is effected buy they law..... For now. But that has been my choice. Have you ever fired or owned what they are viewing as an unnecessary firearm?
  21. Ok. I get it, You would comply. but if you don't support it what are you doing about it?
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