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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. "Contests B&C does not support programs, contests or competitions that directly place a bounty on game animals by awarding cash or expensive prizes for the taking of wildlife." pretty funny. Seems quite a few Near Record mounts are sold quite frequently, even to sporting goods retailers, I couldn't find their opposition to that.
  2. Boy oh boy, this is going to be a very long off season....lol
  3. I have seen my fair share of real winners holding a compound as well. The tool in the hand doesn't make the personality.
  4. No. You can hunt with it during gun but must follow regular season rules and regular season tags
  5. It makes sense to me. I think many that will use them may be aged hunters who for the same reasons that they can't use a compound anymore will also pass on tree stands. Shooting on a more horizontal plane I can see a longer set back
  6. not to derail this but since you were lumping a lot more than the crossbow in that post, Was there any word on the fate of the youth hunt?
  7. I read it as farm raised game birds. Could have been quail from anything I read. 200 quail carcasses would about fill a couple 5 gallon pails. LOL Not to make excuses. Also dead preserve birds do not require a receipt. The preserves I have used and done dog training at issued a metal tag that was only required to transport. I never really knew so I kept the tags in a bag in the freezer until they were consumed.
  8. Lots of forage. It is just 50' up. Lol. Would be great if NY ever decides to stock giraffes lol
  9. 6 days on the wrong 1,000 acres falls far short of the right hour on the right acre. Google Earth, topo maps and boots on the ground scouting. That time of year it is identifying food sources, bedding areas and travel corridors. You might be further ahead to skip the bow season for the most part and spend that time scouting the area. (plus I thin early bear may be open so you can carry a gun and hunt while scouting). I have spent a lot of time in the ADKs hunting and it can be a very lonely place for the deer hunter.
  10. but what if you bought it used from an owner that did not register it.
  11. No need to keep up. What we are involved in isn't business for us.
  12. Leopold base and twist lock rings. Rock solid
  13. Now you will get his comments on how the bottle raised deer are as difficult to hunt as a wild one
  14. Buddy shot one and it was a nightmare to tune
  15. heavy and no teeth and there is only one place that it can call home. West Virginia.
  16. winters are more harsh up here. They only get that big down towards the City and NJ...lol
  17. I know the line. My assertion still stands...lol
  18. I think there was a Serval hit out that way that had gotten out of a near by preserve. It was about 5 years ago IIRC. They could have had other cats in there I guess
  19. I have tried it but they are a son of a gun to get lit in a pipe. Seriously, I have had smoked catfish and they were great. Google it, I think there is a brining that makes it come out better when doing fish.
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