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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. you won't be disappointed. He must still have a stove? under the broiler or in a cast iron pan is a great option to finish them as well. The time really isn't that bad. especially since you can start it from frozen if you wish. Just adds time. I've seen a lot of videos of people packaging with spices and what not and sealing in a vacuum sealing bag. straight out of the freezer and into the pot.
  2. 130 degrees. Tell her if she feels up to it I'll pick some up and come cook them for you guys.
  3. I've got the Precision. Couldn't justify the bump up to the Pro.
  4. Grabbed some 2" thick strip steaks for Father's day dinner accompanied by baked sweet potato . Steamed clams for an appetizer and fruit over angle food cake for dessert. A perfect steak has never been easier.
  5. Can't believe I missed this on. Happy Belated guys
  6. It's an organized effort by the left. At work I have gotten a couple dozen "complaints" about employees private Facebook pages. Calling their posts racist and bigoted. "They" want the person fired or they will be publicly "exposing" the company as employing racists. I looked at all the pages in question and the only thing that was posted was a call for handling the rioters and looters with a heavy hand. Not a single race comment.
  7. I know it is so easy to just toss out the tag of "racist" but i am sincerely wondering what about that quote you view as racist? is it an emotional response? The quote is pretty accurate under the canvas of statistical crime numbers.
  8. Let's just talk probabilities. According to the FBI consolidated statistics even though blacks make up less than 15% of the population they commit 50% of the violent crime. (some classifications higher and some lower but is averages to about 50%). These are not opinions. If any section of a population was participating in activities that put them at a higher risk of negative interactions with police I would expect their death by police number to reflect it. If the police had the "systemic" issues that are claimed I would expect that based on the percentages of committed crimes, the death rate of blacks by police would be higher than the percentages for white, Hispanic or other. The death rate doesn't reflect that. If 50% of violent crime is conducted equally by blacks and whites and the black death rate is lower than the white death rate, the wide spread systemic racism has an issue. the per capita of the general population really doesn't play into it other than the reflect that a higher percentage of blacks are omitting violent crimes. That, again, is not opinion.
  9. I agree with you 100%. Any Company or individual who receives tax payer money as part of a program should be listed and in plain view of the entire public.
  10. Very Kind Offer JJB Just so everyone knows. This unit withe the addition of a rubber mallet, a few misc supplies, bullet, powder and primers will reload 357 rounds. google it. It's a pretty unique set up for anyone that is a low volume shooter. They have these for multiple pistol and rifle cartridges.
  11. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote
  12. You weren't effected by the Safe Act? Ever hear of the 1994 AWB? I know a lot of folks that were effected by both. Been effected trying to buy online ammo? I know vendors that will not even ship into NY even though their product is legal here because of the possible liability of dealing in NY. The "regular person" is the only ones that gun regulation does impact. It sure the hell isn't the criminals.
  13. Your sexual preferences are no one's business but your own and I will fight to protect that.
  14. what portion of NY's budget is dedicated towards infrastructure and opposed to social programs?
  15. No he took a benefit away from us in high taxed and socially pandering states. I get killed now but why should I bay less tax than a person in a more financially responsible state dies just because NY can't control a budget.
  16. You may be registered as a Republican but you are no Republican and certainly no Conservative.
  17. Oh geez. That brings tears to my eyes just seeing the pics. hope it heals up ok.
  18. would you post up the links to the film and pricing?
  19. I love how every time he makes a comment about how things need to be reopened the media and the states start screaming that he doesn't have the authority to open anything in the individual states but int he next breath say he mismanaged the closings...lol. The states also resist and want no part of shared services to cut costs but then he is beat up for not getting joint purchases of PPE together for them. Personally he is nowhere near the conservative I want in the White House but was a damned site better than the alternative in 2016. He spends like a liberal. I voted for his with one hope. Constitutional Conservative SCOTUS appointments. We got them and are one failed heartbeat away form another. I don't see RBG making it through another term so he has to get re-elected for that reason. If Trump is re-elected I certainly hope Thomas retires and allows for another appointment that will stand for decades. I'd love to see Roberts retire as well but that would be too much to hope for. Anything we get above and beyond these appointments is just gravy.
  20. I would have thought that with as much time as Nancy has spent on her knees over the years she would have been able to get up unassisted.
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