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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. This is something NY has sucked at as long as I can remember. The resources in the ADK and Cat parks should be managed in such a manner as well. Tall mature forests can be a virtual desert for wild life. In areas that I hunted grouse as a kid you can barely find a bird anymore.
  2. Amen Doc...sort the rest of stuff out latter. This should be a one topic election for all of us.
  3. How can you even say that with a straight face? Are you related? As sportsman and as firearms owners he should be targeted for removal. His stance against the 2nd Ammendment is basis alone.
  4. I have never had anything dry out when I used a bath in my smoker.
  5. Mike, Soyour approach and logic is to say "work with the ones that sold us down the road and try to convince them to see the error of their ways"? I think we stand a better shot at voting them out. ANY member that voted for it should have a target painted squarely on ther back. (Metaphorically speaking, for the NSA monitors out there)
  6. Biz. The one in the background by the stumo is the one you need to get. great body on that boy. He is the same one and the same series of pics fromthe last picture post
  7. THen if they won't give permission then let them have a barren yard. Seems pretty simple to me. If they want the population controlled there is currently only one effective way.If not they can start building fences and wrapping their shrubs in wire. Not one tax dollar should be spent on a useless program like this.
  8. Are you looking to smoke just the meat or are you planning on processing into things like snack sticks and sausage?
  9. I know when folks get as old as you Doc you have to take advantage of every possible day of hunt because who knows? JK. Seriously though, I know there are hunters out there (let's call them those slob gun hunters) that will be more likely to take their kid out if it doesn't run into conflict with their hunting. I was lucky, I went with my father in the small game and deer woods since i was 8 years old. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that offered like my father did for me. I know just what DOC is talking about wit the whole deer camp experience becasue I remember those times and stories today much more than the actual hunting that took place. I now probably most on here are like that too. For us it just dooesn't seem possible that there could be kids out there that have an interest and don't get a chance. I hope this is a first step into allowing younger hunters into deer season at a younger age. I hope it is a pilot program. I would like to see it open at 12 years old across the board. I now this is going to sound like a plug...well....it is. For those of you out here in Western NY, please scratch your heads and see if you know of a youngster that may have an interst in hunting but will not get an opportunity to do it. Get involved and do it. If you can't then please get the information that GRST QDMA has posted on this site for the youth hunts. For us this is step one and we are also working on youth mentor programs that we hope to get off the ground in the future. Taking a kid out for a couple days and then just turning them back to their routine will do little. We need to find the ways and time to make the difference.
  10. And Phade, it is does what they hope it will (I have no idea if it will but can hope). there will be an ever increasing amount of shooting each coming year.
  11. SO if you were in his district would you vote for him or against him if the election were tomorrow?
  12. I neer heard a shot on that weekend last year. i hear many many more shot near me during the early goose season.
  13. I thought I had the pic on this computer but it was the other side that was squashed in.
  14. Yes two totally different topics. The hunting one is secondary. if a rep is willing to step on the Constitution what makes you think that you can count on them for anything? You can support him because he has this one stance that is in line with you (And I guess there could be more or many more of his stances you agree with) But I believe that any Rep that voted Yay on that law should be opposed ant every turn. If NYB supports him becasue of his crossbow view and they are willing to turn their back on what he did, that speaks volumes about them and reinforces my view of them. Personally I don not think any legislation should be stonewalled regardless if I agree with it or not. It should go to vote and then we get to hold our Reps accountable if they vote contrary to our views.
  15. I am not a fan of the "special" avenue either. We have too much in life going down that way. That said I can't see a negative impact on the hunters numbers from doing this hunt. To me if there may be a positive and no negative, I say go for it.
  16. Well he also voted yes on teh Un Safe act so keep telling me how great this pinko Commie is.
  17. And the readers digest version is HE STILL SUCKS.
  18. Not familiar with those areas but without the ability to lay your boots onteh ground prior you may be better off just buying a lotery ticket...LOL Seriously though, It will be long shot odds. Best two words I can say to you is Google Earth. check the terrain. and then when you get there you are going to have to look to three things during that time of year. Food, Food and then there is Food. Berries will probably be gone. so I would focus moreon the hard mast types like beech nuts and acorns. Grasses are always good and if you can find some marshes on Google earth there may be two things a bear like. Grass and beaver. The ground is aslo softer making looking for tracks and sign a little easier. You are probably going to reallllly be covering some ground. If your time is limited I would head towards the marshes firt and try to find one with heavery cover adjacent and if there are ridges with the hard mast you have as good a spot as any.
  19. Don't agree Mike. The "public" is not the ones expressing the preference for non-lethal. It is special interest., Humane Society and the sort. The Mayor is even quoted that he believes the Population would suipport a killing program. As far as your baiting concerns, how many outbreaks of disease have there been in states that actually allow it on a wide spread program legally during the season. I haven't seen any recently documented. CT in areas along the coast allow baiting and that is probably very similear to , not only the mind set of residents, but in term of population density as well. They ran a bait and shoot North of Rochester and they didn't have a disease outbreak either. They went through a crazy expense of using police sharpshooters for a while but they were paid OT to do it. There was also a program where archery had to qualify through shooting to get in a lottery and drew stand locations. A program like that is NOT using relaxed regulations other than allowing the hunting in a area that normally didn't. I hope the DEC shooots this program down and then see how the ones against it change their tune. THis is TAX money being pissed away to soothe the touchy feely needs of the antis.
  20. That totally has me stumped. If it were me I would email the DEC before I attempted to take a crossbow afield.
  21. Has to be. I bet they expected it to go through when they went to print. does it say that on the web site as well?
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