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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I got the feeling that in almost all areas thee will be doe tags. but you will have bow/gun/ml hunters in the drawing for them. so some of the areas like up north will not be very likely to get them. Dad and I ML hunt up there just to put that quick doe or two in the freezer to feast on during the rest of the deer season. when we have guys up to camp the meat is almost always venison. Helps keep grocery bills down to a minimum. I understand what they are trying but I do like how it is now. If they change to this system I will still go up but the likelyhood that I get a buck there is small. I hae hunted these 3 plots of land for 25 years and taken 2 bucks there ...a 100 class 8 and the one in my avatar. only 2 I have seen in 25 years.
  2. I need a warmer and fuzzier feeling before I plunk down about $1,300 on the lifetimes..How is that for no faith in Govt...lol
  3. Especially in the winter when large sections except for the channel are frozen
  4. Not really sure where to post this so if the Mod's have a better area .....have at it. I was going to get a lifetime Sportsman, bow and ML this year. I was concerned about the possible changes they are tossing around inthe 5 year plan and how that would play out for me if I did. So I emailed region 8. Email to Region 8 I am interested in getting a lifetime sportsman, bow and muzzle loader. I am concerned though, that the information and possible changes included in the DEC's 5 year plan may affect the benefits and priveledges in each of these lifetime licenses. For example the loss of the antlerless for bow/ml. If I buy a lifetime this year will I be impacted by future changes? I am almost hesitent in buying one now and not sure if I will do it. Response: The 5-year deer plan is just a proposed plan for management of deer over the next five years. One element of that plan is to improve our ability to manage the antlerless deer take. In some units, the desired take of does is met or exceeded by the take through archery and muzzleloader either sex and antlerless tags. This results in the deer herd declining despite a complete lack of DMP tags. The plan calls for exploring elimination of bow and muzzleloader take of antlerless deer except by DMP. This would allow us to set the level of doe take by how many DMP tags we issue, and allow us to keep units from being overharvested. While it would remove the ability to use a special season tag to take a doe, it would result in increased DMP tags, and allow all hunters in the chance to get one and take a doe rather than just the special season hunters. Currently this is just a discussion in the plan and the actual regs have not even been drafted. There is no intent to move to a 1-buck system, and a special season license would likely come with some form of a tag for an antlered deer, but those details will be worked out if and when the regs are drafted. Any proposed regulation changes would also go through a public comment process of their own. You may wish to see the clarification of this part of the plan that has been posted on the website. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7211.html#DeerPlan I still don't know if I dare to buy one. I guess I would still hunt the areas I do up north if I didn't have the ability to take a doe there. It is a lot of money spent while not knowing for sure
  5. I thought remember reading they were pretty good swimmers
  6. For the most part i find myself.....rational, something that you are not For the most part I can admit when I am wrong, something you can not. the questions about counrty of birth may have never come up before because the past presidents have disclosed the information either prior to or in a timely fashion. He could have avoided it but chose not to. it is a requiremnt to hold the office. Kind of like you providing a birth certificate to get your first drivers license. Every president has had controvery brought up by the opposite side to cast doubt on them. That is not new. Your assertion that it is his skin color that makes this happen to him does lead me to a conclusion about your charater though. I see you as much more of a racist that the person that made the Kenya comment. and just one more racist comment for you....I am an Irish American redneck conservative. and you are a tool
  7. So any false statement is based in racism? You jumped the gun when you played that card. How about this. Many still feel that there concerns over BO's citizenship were not totally answered. THe route he took in taking so long to produce the documentation only fueled that fire. And just because someone strongly feels that BO's views and the direction he wants to push this country is wrong...and cling to anything that would discredit and invalidate him does not mean it is based in race hatred. It could somply mean they do not agree with his politics...could mean they feel he is a socialist....could mean he has no qualifications to hold the most influential office in the world...could mean a lot of things that are not racist. motivation...?....how about they just do not like the MAN.....now pardon my french and I do not subscribe to this thought ..I am only using it for illustration. If the comment had been anything like "spear chucking socialist"...."fried chicken and watermelon eating socialist" I would be right behind you in line for the public flogging....but it wasn't even close
  8. you are correct. I am betting there are more taken this year. I know a lot of guys who see them that opening week and then they disappear...lol
  9. opps...forgot the link http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/huntingseasons1112.pdf
  10. Was just ont he DEC site and the opening day of southern Bear season has been changed to coincide with opener of gun season. That should increase the take numebrs this year
  11. it got off that way DOoe. the original topic of the globalization of our 2nd Amm. rights (the original topic) is of concern though. It seems we have a Govt.(both sides) that is all to eager to sell us out. The whole "by the people, for the people" seems to be a concept that is not held fast and practiced by politicians anymore. It has turned into a group of "what is best for me". I guess it kind of morrors what I see in society today so I shouldn't be surprised...... And by the way.....have a couple lobsters for me.
  12. There has never been any controversy over Cumo's citizenship. A more appropriate comparison would be to call Arnold a Austrian socialist....beacuse of his origin of birth. And my reference to pre-mature was your assertion it was racist based on that comment alone. You seem very sympathetic to many left leaning stances and issues. that is entirely your right (no pun intended), but as you call VJP on what you think is his "radical" stance, pulling out the tired old saw of "racism" so easliy is extreme as well
  13. I would be curious how many markers they matched. the more they match the more specific the results. With sightings in Quebec some of those could have come form the Dakotas as well 20 years ago. this one could have come down from there....or up from the confirmed sightings in WV. I would be curious how defined the link is.
  14. My areas seem unchanged. that is good news.
  15. It was tounge in cheek, Virgil. I think you were a little premature pulling out the race card on this topic. I was trying to illustrate how absurd you were being. There was no difference between the Kenyan comment of inserting any other nation in there. The jab was at the question of his nationality NOT his race.
  16. To be honest ...there is something about being on the top of the food chain that makes me sleep very soundly at night. I have no interest in seeing them re-established here.
  17. Poison Ivy is a native species...right? I wonder why the increase? I know it does better in shaded areas...could the increase be tied to decrease in large tract logging operations?
  18. never thought of that. I could see that being an issue. I could probably still get both and stay in my budget. Great coment Thanks
  19. Yeah, I dont have a Kitchenaid. I was actually thinking of going that route but then the mixer portion would sit on the counter of our kitchen and collect dust since it isn't required to microwave food...lol There are 3 of us that hunt together that we would be processing for. Would probably end up doing 3-5 deer totally into some form of ground product.
  20. Really? I am the one thats an idiot? You are the one that pulled out the race card for no reason. Im pretty sure that you are the one that is actually being racist. There you go again WNY....using logic and an thoughout approach...You should know by now that Virgil can't process that.
  21. I was actuall looking at a few of the Waring models because they also have a cuber attachment you can get for it. it is tough...especially when you start reading reviews.....best model I have ever owned.....total POS...lol. every model seems to have great and below poor comments.
  22. Ok all, I am in the market for a meat grinder. I am looking to stay under $400 and would like to get the stuffer tubes for it and I am tyring to stay away from nylon gears. It will only be used for game meat. Looking for any experience ...both good and bad. Thanks in advance.
  23. As far a bear it is one of my favorites and my daughter's as well. MUST be cooked raised and our prefered method is a 50/50 rub with brown sugar and montreal steak seasoning. mix in the blender and pulverized to a fine powder and rubbed in the meat.....wrapped in plastic wrap and in the fridge for 24 hours...then grilled to med rare. I do believe that they are what they eat and i you are hunting what could be dump bears....save your ammo. they do taste like crap.....and stink too.
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