looks great and I will hae to get up to spped. One thing I don't like is the recent post section in the upper right of the main screen. when you click on it it goes to the very first one...not the most recent
Doesn't work that way. If you bought a lifetime bow and lifetime ML you would get two tags. If you just picked one...the tage is either sex....the next purchase gives the antlerless only. just like buying the yearly licenses.
do you think you caved the entrance in and they can't get back in? Any possibility you could finish discing at night?
This is gonna sound odd but try this on your stings....cut an onion in half and rub the cut side all over the sting for about a minute
See Fantail...this is where you are wrong....."earn" means to provide something for monetary compensation.....they don't do jack....in the private sector these clowns would be on welfare.....come to think of it they arenow
They do....easy access stairs right up to it. 3D targets out to 60 in front of it....bag targets out to 70 ...and one Block target and 1 3D for broad heads
And based on the regulations and the clear questions and answers in the regulations guide, you would be 100% legal. That is why it is important to get any comment from DEC in some form of writing. Too often no two of them see a law the same way.
Gotcha... I have that problem too... I have to google words sometimes
Did you two know that if you say "gullible" very slowly it comes out sounding like "orange"
8C ALWAYS has extras. in the 2nd lottery anyone can get them there. from there is is shoot one----earn one...no limit. if you can find a place to get in to hunt though...let me know. you can bunk at my house if you share access
perimeter land around 8C gets just STUFFED with deer once the guns start going off. I tok one doe one morning....ran the tag to the DEC and took another on an evening watch that same day. If you can get access to a greenway corridor during the rut it is like a buck freight train in them. The 500 foot rule cuts a lot of that hunting out. If they ever reduce it...whatch some of the bucks you start to see get taken.
and DMP's can ONLY be used for antlerless.....or buck with less that a 3" antler. so I can't buy how this could be a possible out ...I stand corrected. Had no idea you could use on either sex now