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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Darn cut and paste buttons...lol...sorry for the duplicates in the one above. What happened to the edit button for our posts?
  2. I laughed....I got two others that were even funnier yesterday....but since this is a family show
  3. A guy walks into a bar in Arkansas and orders a white wine. All the rednecks sitting around the bar look up, expecting to see some pitiful Yankee from the north. The bartender says, "You ain't from around here, are ya?" The guy says, "No, I'm from Canada ." The bartender says, "What do you do in Canada ?" The guy says, "I'm a taxidermist." The bartender says, "A taxidermist? What in tarnation is a taxidermist? Do you drive a taxi?" "No", says the Canadian "A taxidermist doesn't drive a taxi. I mount animals." The bartender grins and hollers, "It's okay boys. He's one of us."
  4. http://www.jcwhitney.com/12-volt-fluorescent-lights/p2003708.jcwx?skuId=220620&filterid=j1 These are the lights we use, however you can find screw in 12 volt flourescent bulbs that will screw right into a regular light fixture ....if they are wired to the 12 volt system. they do make incadecent 12 volt bulbs as well but they do draw more power.
  5. ok...Let me see if this helps you guys. you have to figure out your usage that you anticipate. Add up the total watts of power you will need for eaach of your applications. a 60 watt bulb on a 12 volt system is 5 amps...so it will burn 5 amps of power from your battery if used for an hour. IF you are running an inverter you have to add 10-20% depending on the inverter (cheaper inverters have higher loss). Let's use 15% for this. the bulb will use 5.75 amps for an hour. For your total load calc... list your wattage for each component and divide it by 12. multiply each item in that list the anticipated hours of usage. 60 watt bulb / 12 volts=5amps/ hour x 5.5 hours usage = 27.5 amps (inverter loss gives you 31 amps) total all you amps required and multiply by 2 (so draw down on battery is only 50%) and that is the battery storage capacity you will need. now for the panel. a 45 watt panel will give you 3.75 amps an hour into your storage. If you anticipate a 6 hour light day (figuring clouds and the fact that the panel can't track the sun to maintain the optimum angle) you get 22.5 amps going back into your battery each day. If you used the system every weekend and didn't during the week, the 45 watt panel shoudl give you 112.5 amps back into the system. I am running 2 each 100 amp deep cycle batteries (200 amps). that gives me 100 amps of usage. I think every one doing this should have a small gen set to help charge if the batteries drop. and I just saw a cheap 800 watt gen for sale at harbor freight for 90 bucks. That would be enough to run a charger if the batteries dropped. If you run the batteries down repeatedly you will ruin them. Here is the link to the 12 volt water pump I use. I draw out of a 275 gallon tank that collects rain water from the roof for non potable water. ok...Let me see if this helps you guys. you have to figure out your usage that you anticipate. Add up the total watts of power you will need for eaach of your applications. a 60 watt bulb on a 12 volt system is 5 amps...so it will burn 5 amps of power from your battery if used for an hour. IF you are running an inverter you have to add 10-20% depending on the inverter (cheaper inverters have higher loss). Let's use 15% for this. the bulb will use 5.75 amps for an hour. For your total load calc... list your wattage for each component and divide it by 12. multiply each item in that list the anticipated hours of usage. 60 watt bulb / 12 volts=5amps/ hour x 5.5 hours usage = 27.5 amps (inverter loss gives you 31 amps) total all you amps required and multiply by 2 (so draw down on battery is only 50%) and that is the battery storage capacity you will need. now for the panel. a 45 watt panel will give you 3.75 amps an hour into your storage. If you anticipate a 6 hour light day (figuring clouds and the fact that the panel can't track the sun to maintain the optimum angle) you get 22.5 amps going back into your battery each day. If you used the system every weekend and didn't during the week, the 45 watt panel shoudl give you 112.5 amps back into the system. I am running 2 each 100 amp deep cycle batteries (200 amps). that gives me 100 amps of usage. I think every one doing this should have a small gen set to help charge if the batteries drop. and I just saw a cheap 800 watt gen for sale at harbor freight for 90 bucks. That would be enough to run a charger if the batteries dropped. If you run the batteries down repeatedly you will ruin them. Here is the link to the 12 volt water pump I use. I draw out of a 275 gallon tank that collects rain water from the roof for non potable water. http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_527_527 Now for the small print....LOL... I am not math wiz or electrician....but I did do some research and I think this is sound. It works at our place
  6. Over a hundred pages and still probably fewer than if the lawmakers wrote it up...lol
  7. Now I don't care what side of the debate you are on......that was funny
  8. I can walk you through the calcs to make sure. Pretty easy. Biggest thing is having a controller where you have capacity to add panels
  9. Well that primitive bow at rut would also work as a kind of low pressure season splitter too....a lot of guys seem to be on favor of that
  10. Ok. Let's set a primitive archery.....an archery including everythin.....a gun including all guns.....and a primitive bow/ml.....
  11. I am still looking myself but an awesome option is finding good used golf cart batteries. They are 6volt so when a pair are hooked in series you get great 12volt capacity.
  12. We run two batteries as well and get a weekends use easily. You want to size your system so you never take the batteries under 50%. Inverters are a no no unless you really have to because there is energy loss in the conversion. If you were just going to run lights and a pump you could probably get by as you described. I am on the road. But when I get home next week I will PM you a link to the 12 volt pump and lights we bought. We only have electric lights in bathroom and bunkroom and the most they get used isduring a shower. The main lighting is propane.
  13. So if a hunter this coming late season take a deer with a crossbow.....it wont be fair chase? It isn't eligible for the book in P&Y's eyes.....but certainly would be for B&C. So is your definition of fair chase that it must be eligible for P&Y? Some guys just don't give a hoot about the books
  14. I certainly don't think that will solve any problems but I do think they will be viewing it as a revenue maker. I read the conservation fund report and I really don't understand their claims that they are falling short on money. from what I saw in the account projections revenues will be up and expenses will be down with a surplus of over 2o million....if you can believe anything printed...lol Interesting read anyway http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/cfabanreport10.pdf
  15. You don't think the financial situation of the DEC is dire? I think they are severely under staffed. I think the fines should go up by at least a factor of 10and that money should go to fund it.....not welfare payments
  16. Any charging battery has the potential of giving off hydrogen.vent any area you store to the outside. I am running our cabins 12 volt system a couple of ways. I got a45 watt solarpanel andcontroller from harbor freight. It works freak. Has ports to draw power direct from the panels and any surplus goes to batteries. You most definitely can charge and draw off your battery at the same time. Out lights and the Waterpump both end up running during the charge cycle. We also have a charger for our generator if we need a top off and mother nature hasn't been keeping up her end of the bargain.
  17. What are your thoughts on the NZ? Are you suggesting a statewide or by region?
  18. I think you are right G-man. I see a lot of hunters moving to impliments that are more challenging as their hunting matures. If not that many get more selective in the game they take. I have made similiar moves and hung up my shot gun 3 years or so ago for a muzzleloader. I intend on building a flintlock in the future so i can use that. I also want to get back in to a recurve or long bow. It might make a good entry level weapon for some and be a fall back for others in their later careers
  19. The survey the DEC did had the majority for inclusion. If I recall correctly only arounda quarter were against it. I support thesurvey option a it should be mandatory to get your license.
  20. I am in the same boat as you Joe. I wouldn't use one unless it was an add on season. In a perfect world for me separate 2 week season...maybe first two weeks of October SZ and 2 weeks before NZ opener. That wold give a user a month if they wished. anyone using during special season needs a crossbow license. the group during bow buys a bow stamp open in bow for handicapped (maybe an age class too...say over 65). participants must take the bowhunter education course would make me happier than a kid in a candy store.....I would get an extra month of hunting with my father.
  21. If you are taking the 6 and 8 point 1.5 yo's out ...are they some of the better genetics? And what of out brothers up in NZ with no doe tags and no open doe season....do we let them harvest does too with a population that DEC feels won't support a doe havest above ML and Bow...and some of those areas dont allow does to be taken with them either
  22. Great point Larry.....prior to this season they have been slob poachers...
  23. Static...lol. no idea....but it always happens
  24. I really believe we are all on the same team,Arrow. We don't always agree...and that is ok. We all should just keep our eye on the gold ring of seeing our sport grow......keep it ethical and safe and in the long run we get to enjoy those special days afield. I really don't seethe inclusion as a downfall to bowhunting.....since you do...we are just going to have to agree to disagree....I truely wish ya luck in the up coming season.
  25. I really think the opponents are going to be disappointed ...this will be offering an increased deer harvest and anopportunity to increase revenue....it is going to happen
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