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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. i read that too....was wondering why...I know I probably fall into the overprotective parent category but my 12 year old is NOT gonna be at my home alone or at someone elses home alone.
  2. Congrat on a great buck.....one note though....we do have to get you out of Weschester more...lol....very few of us hunt tracts even close to the 1,000+ acre tracts you wrote about... ...but we all wish we were!!
  3. Funny thing in reading the forum posts. I didn't see one post talking about the overall betterment of the herd.All the coments seem to be focused on teh size of the horns. I really disagree with their take on culling spikes and forks as an indicator of true potential. Now I am no genetic expert but something they were saying just isn't sitting well. If the restrictions they are supporting are for a healthier herd why would horns matter. Let me explain this question better. Could we have bucks with great body size and very health physical make up but carry genes that are poor in rack quality. I think so,. and the converse is also true then.....poor body size and not the best physical characteristics but a great rack. Seems as though the main focus of the comments I read are all about the horns. The threads I have read here on this forum seem to want to use the arguments of herd health and a better age structure to support that. It seems great care is taken here to make it sound like it ISN"T all about the horns...If you guys are using the comments on the MS forum to substantiate your position are you saying it IS all about the horns?...just asking...NYANTLER...I know better from you.
  4. I would be curious if the victim's father knew the bouys would be by themselves for 3 hours
  5. I have one but you can never knock all the grounds out of it. You have to rinse the last little bit and I have a septic tank and don't like putting ANY non biodegradables in it. I do wrestle through it on occasion when I run out of pods. Best place I have found to get them on sale is Bed-Bath and Beyond....and Macy's...Sam's club has some good deals too
  6. Get Newman's best...nice and strong at the full cup setting
  7. Just bought my father one of these for Christmas. My Brother in Law has it and has had very good luck. The trigger speed is a little slower than I like but if you take that into account when setting it.....it works great and the price is great. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?i=427735&pdesc=Wildgame_Innovations_4_0_MP_Digital_Scouting_Camera_with_Infrared_Flash&aID=503B1A&merchID=4006
  8. When was the last ime they actually had a moose season in NY?
  9. I think the City of Rochester has such a law..not positive but I believe so
  10. I got some great clothes and a reack for my four wheeler. I also love Irish whiskey and she got me a bottle of Midleton's........It is very rare Jamesons....and the best I have ever tasted
  11. We have one of those coffee makers at home. We love it. the pods can be a little pricey but watch for them on sale and you don't waste any coffee...always fresh!
  12. Burt, To be honest I do care.....not my biggest concern...that resides at home in my daughter. I have a long closet in my bedroom. The kind with the 4' sliding doors that pass each other. it is on mounts on the blind side above the door. Unless you know it is there...never come across it by accident. I am 6'4" aand can just grab the receiver so I know it poses no danger to a child. I really wonder and can't tell from the stories I have read on this ....where the parents were that lived there. The story made it sound like the kids were out in the yard with the gun....."ran back in the house to call 911". So society could get the whole story I would love to be a fly on the wall and see just what type of households these were. I don't care if it is drugs....teen pregnancy...guns.....pic an ill....It really does start at home.
  13. I am not sure of the numbers but I would be willing to bet the number of cases of armed home invasion that either result in rape...murder...or robbery...are more than accidental shootings involving children with unsecured firearms....wht are the odds?...not sure but I know where my money is going. I am sad that any child had their life ended...and I know I will take the heat for this but it needs to be said. I don't care about this kid....or the child that shot them...or really any of your kids ....I AM concerned with mine. and if anyone comes into my house with bad intentions I will not be looking for a gun and rounds.
  14. Their problem was NOT gun storage and from personal experience the kids would have found another way to kill them selves if they we wrapped in bubble wrap and locked in a room. My daughter has been around guns, shot them and handled them since whe was 5. I have an accessible gun in my house but out of the reach of any small children. It is loaded but not chambered. I got involved in stuff just like any kid growing up but one thing I KNEW...if I touched any of our guns without my Faters permission I would have gotten my arm broken and a foot up my A$$.
  15. As a matter of fact I got one running last night....A group of 8....all in line....my lead was a little of and I got the second one in line even though I was aiming at the lead....took me two hours and 4 house roofs to track it though...wait til you guys see this mount...lol. Merry Christmas all
  16. Lisle is just to the west of Whitney Point. Other side of the river
  17. let's do it...any excuse for a summer party....you tell my wife...lol
  18. he said net. he said he carried the 6"+ circumference measurements an all of them....23" inside spread...adds up quickly. He said very few deductions.. Key words..."he said"...lol he isn't a fish story guy...
  19. I hope you don't show up Monday with a big pout on...lol Hope she comes through and good luck. HEY EVERYONE!! JOHN IS BREWING THE BEER FOR THE FIRST ANNUAL "HUNTING NY CHICKEN AND CORN ROAST"
  20. I had heard rumbles about it down there but hadn't seen a pic...so I am not sure...but sure fits the description
  21. If I am not mistaken I think that one was taken in Lisle. about 5 minutes from my camp... :'( :'( :'(
  22. I know...when he told me the measurements I was like...WOW. for an 8 to score like that is pretty impressive. Hard to believe that probably would have been dropped as a managment buck in some ranches because of the attraction to more points
  23. I have shot at and shot running deer. One observation I will make on it. I can't count the number of times deer have either stopped at the first shot...or turned and run right at me.
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