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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. if you figure an adult deer's ear is 6", use that to estimate the tine length and beam length. multiple angle pictures sure help in this. Ear tip to ear tip in a relaxed position I figure about 15-16" spread. if you make an "ok sign with your index finder and thumb that will give you an idea what a 6" circumference measurement looks like. (It's huge and not seen very often). 115-120 being generous.
  2. Back to my regularly scheduled program with the waiting on a 3.5 year old buck. I know nobody here knew my Dad but when he grew up it was any horn they could see. To his last season he'd shoot a spike buck even if I told him there was better bucks around. I guess it was fitting that it was a spike I got first....lol. I keep the strap high so it is just about tight when I am seated. Trying to minimize fall length if I do go out. I think I may change that though and have the tree attachment just above my waist while standing and it should be cleared out of the way for a standing shot.
  3. They must have an adult right with them to gun hunt the youth season and can't be in a stand at 14-15 BUT you can bow hunt at 12 and can be in the stand all by themselves for that. Typical NY senselessness.
  4. the Pnuma vests are lifetime guarantee but the batteries are third party manufacture. the batteries only carry a one year guarantee I think. They got such great reviews from out two QDMA branch members that have them, we bought 8 as prizes for our last banquet.
  5. I know two guys that have them and they swear by them. They also bought an extra battery to carry with them. when one runs out they pop in the extra. If you can regulate your core and keep your hands and feet warm you can stay our in some pretty cold temps for long durations.
  6. https://www.pnumaoutdoors.com/shop-now/heated-core-vest-and-accessories/iconx-heated-core-vest?adw=PPC_Google_g_1595166404_61942092364&gclid=CjwKCAjw5_DsBRBPEiwAIEDRW2EF0UAJl5IVrCz6VvfAc-aEaKrzD8TKgXaTGSn1JtVi-FzLPr2vJxoCzu4QAvD_BwE
  7. https://www.amazon.com/HotHands-Insole-Foot-Warmers-Activated/dp/B001UQXAT6/ref=asc_df_B001UQXAT6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309812359670&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10020818537231297439&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005660&hvtargid=pla-423079746903&psc=1 I put them in my 1000 gram boots. Nice merino wool sock. and good for the day. Actually too warm if you are walking. I typically don't drop them in right away. if my feet start to get a tad cold I put them in and they heat right up. I use the hand warmers in a hand muff and since doing that I have yet to get a hunt cut short from cold hands or feet.
  8. DO you have an Piebald pic? I'd love for everyone to see her to appreciate how cool she looks
  9. Moog may have one of the deer in the dark by itself. I have no idea where my head was. Well. yes I do. Cranial rectumitis.
  10. I was being conservative and used strain line distance. It felt like 12 hours and 10 miles while we were doing it.
  11. Well time for an update. @moog5050 invited me to his property that we put the food plot in on. I had decided that I was suspending my 3.5 year old goal for bucks on this first year with the recurve. I wanted to take a legal deer that was not a fawn. He assured me that he had one tied up to a tree and ready for me. He delivered. I want to start out saying that I really underestimated how much my practice didn't really mimic true hunting situations enough. The more primitive the weapon the more the little things really matter. Things I didn't really have to think about with my really fast and accurate modern compound effected my hunts this weekend. Friday morning I met Moog and we headed into the property. I made it in VERY dark woods to the stand. I am use to very spacious ladder stands and Moog tends to favor the ones with a postage stamp foot platform...lol. SO I get up in and locked in with my harness. (I didn't practice with my harness attached to a tree---impact #1). It's too dark to range anything at this point and I have never hunted on this property before so in this tree was really new. (impact#2) I felt I could make a good shot out to 20 yards. Moog set me in a stand where he felt the movement would likely put them in that window for me. He was right. At about 730 I notice a flash of movement over my left shoulder up the hill and coming my way. It not only was a doe but the beautiful piebald doe that we had numerous sightings on the property. She was on a trail that would bring her by me at about 7 yards to my left (right hand shooter). At about 15 yards she went behind a tree and I grabbed my bow, stood and turned to her. At about 10 yards when she went behind the next tree I drew the bow. She stepped out and at 7 yards stopped and looked away from me broadside. I settled the pin behind her shoulder and I just couldn't do it. I had talked for the last couple weeks about wanting to take her and joking with Moog about him saying he would pass. But I just couldn't do it. I let the draw down and I think she say a bit of that movement and she turned and walked up the hill, turning to identify what she saw. A couple stomps and a short and walked off. I am not sure if Moog shared a pic of her but she is the most beautiful and unique deer I have ever seen. I saw a couple other deer over the next hour but way off and unidentifiable. Then at about 8:15 I saw movement on the main mowed trail coming my way. I could see antlers and new it was either a spike or a small 4 pointer. He stayed on the trail all the way to about 10--12 yards and passed behind a tree. he stopped. When he started to walk again I drew and he stopped again behind a single pine bough. He is now on my right side so I had to turn at the waist and now my right drawing arm is hitting my harness attachment line. At that point I was missing the let off of a compound..lol. He took two steps and I settled in and released. I would guess at 12-15 yards. He honestly spun so fast I did not see the impact but as he ran off I could see quite a bit of arrow sticking out of his right side. (the impact side). That made me nervous and the arrow did look good for height but it looked like it was in on a weird angle. I sat down and text Moog. My knees were jelly like I had just shot a Pope and Young buck. We waited a while and continued to hunt. I then made my way out to Moog and we went to lunch and set a new stand to kill some time. Then went in to look for the buck. This would have been about Noon, we tried to pick up a blood trail and during that first 150 yards Moog saw a deer trying to walk up a hill very labored. In the process of trying to find a blood trail we bumped him. We marked the blood and backed out. We climbed into the stands for the evening hunt. We saw some pretty good deer movement and it started at 1:30 until dark. Back to the blood trail. Best I can guess we tracked about .25 to .35 of a mile. leapfrogging and losing a trail a few times. Came across him dead. Based on his temp and how stiff he was, he probably went down shortly after we bumped him. (Impact #3). the arrow was so slow compared to what I was use to shooting out of my compound, I honestly think the deer saw something and started to spin away on the release. He was perfectly broadside when I released and the arrow hit behind the last rib on his right side. I know it wasn't my aim becasue the arrow path was clearly at a sharp angle towards his left shoulder. Ended up as a gut and liver shot. NOT my finest hour for sure. Had to drag him to the next nearest road and call for a ride. (another .3 mile) Oh. Forgot the mention the about 150' near vertical hill we had to drag this deer up to get him out. Thank goodness for Moog Or I would have had a heart attack. Thank you Moog for all your help in getting me my first traditional deer. Unfortunately I don't even have a pic of me and the deer. We were in the "let's get this damned thing out of here after a long day" mode. Went to another property with Moog on Saturday for an evening hunt after we butchered my buck. About an hour after getting into the stand I had a doe come across on my right side. (see impact #1 above AGAIN...lol). she stepped into an opening I had ranged and she was going to be at 20 yards. I had about a 12" alley to get the arrow to her and I released it. She was a huge doe. She still is. The underhand softball arc of my arrow was not what I was use to with my compound (impact #4). I hit an over hanging branch that I didn't believe was an issue. The arrow impacted right between her legs int he ground. I had a great time, achieved a goal, learned some good lessons and spent some great time hunting with good friends. It was a win all around, except for the trip I am making to the doctor's this afternoon to get the tick head in my neck taken out. I got bit. It was hot Saturday so I did not put my Rynoskin on and to be honest I probably wouldn't have had my head mask on anyway. (Impact #5) Gear doesn't work when you leave it at home...lol Buddy used the Tick Key on it and the head is still in there.
  12. I know this has a HUGE potential to derail a thread, especially one where Pygmy is involved. but any chance you can get a hold any fresh or frozen beaver meat?
  13. using the phrase "step in it" probably isn't the best choice in a shit identification thread...lol
  14. I am super excited to start trapping this year but very envious that you are in an area where bobcat is open. From all I have read and watched It seems that location is key and scent is not as big of an issue with cats as it is with canines. What traps are you going to set for them Dan? Edit: another question. What are you planning to do with it WHEN you do catch one? tan skin or mount it?
  15. I had Pnuma's Waypoint jacket and pants in my hands this past March. Was really impressed. Not sure how these others are but the jackets and pants are ordered by size and length. Important for me at 6'-4' and arm length and such. Pants are ordered by waist and length.
  16. another name you may want o check into. Their stuff is on my "next purchase" list. Pnuma.
  17. great news for a local option. I was just looking online at their products and pricing. Looks like they carry quit a bit. I'll have to see how sale prices are but regular pricing didn't look all that great from a few of the items I have just bought. But for a "gotta have it right now" when price isn't a deterrent, they look about like Field and Stream pricing.
  18. It could probably help some of the folks answer in more detail if you said where you are and how far you are willing to go.
  19. where is the public l;and in 8H that you are talking about. i only know of two very small ones.
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