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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I like these and I still use with the 777 pellets until mine are used up. Bullet is inserted into the narrow end with the tip of the bullet facing in. pellets or powder in the tube and primer in the little holder on the top. Thumb flip the top and dump in charge. place narrow end inline with the muzzle and rod right through the tube to push the bullet in. pop off the old primer and Grab the cover and slide in a new primer. ready to fire again. I have tried a few different styles and like this one best. (they make 50 and 45 caliber ones. (I think 45 is green)
  2. I rough rinse and hit it with a tooth brush with a little soap. Rinse and then resharpen. Better than new.
  3. check out the 4 sided diamond stone at Harbor freight. we bought one to just bang around on the counter where we cut up deer. it actually works great and I use to do my Montec G5's on it. I think it was less than 30 bucks and has 4 different grits.
  4. How old are the powerbelts? is is possible the gas check on the back is getting hard or more stiff with age (cue pygmy). Eerratic gas blow by on that seal I would think could effect accuracy. I was thinking it could have been issues with the 777 until you said the Barnes shot well. (personally i would bet the Barnes will perform better for you in the long run, so you may just want to accept fate.
  5. This is the first thread I open every day. Thanks for what you do Tom. I wish you were closer to us so I could just see them work one time.
  6. It varies by area and I am certain most are leasing to cover the tax bills. Probably the biggest reason that they go up at each renewal. (Lord knows NY never lowers taxes). The timber company I lease through (Cotton Hanlon). seems like its in the $20's per acre. larger tracts are less per acre than the smaller ones. Their land is 12 month total use, not just related to Hunting activities. We got a cabin permit and put one up. Good deal in my book.
  7. A lot of it depends on what you are getting for your lease. access with others also leasing? Exclusive hunting rights during a specific season? Exclusive hunting rights for all hunting seasons? Use of the property 365 days a year? Allowed to place a trailer or build a camp on it? It all factors in. What do you consider "egregious"?
  8. Tag? Any Joe Blow that hits a deer and kills it can get a possession tag to keep the deer. Nor hunting license or carcass tag required. Some people just don't want them and a person pulling up can ask for it.
  9. I must have missed this thread the first time through. But I guess my answer is no
  10. I have been trying to carry 3 with me as well. Just haven't been able to keep 3 in the quiver...lol
  11. @grampy I can't tell from the pictures but are you using the Breech lock quick change bushings? They are a HUGE help when you are switching dies but a tad pricey. https://leeprecision.com/breech-lock-quick-change-bushings.html
  12. I know you said you are going up with the bow but make sure she has plenty of orange on for her walks on those trials. Muzzleloader opens up on Saturday.
  13. Never happen. Archers can't take enough deer to meet the objectives.
  14. Otto, Do you buy the juice from a vineyard or squeeze it yourself?
  15. Saturday night I was in a stand that Moog said was "sure to produce a doe". It's in a big willow and on a fence line that separates an overgrown field and a swamp. At about 6 pm I saw 8 deer working down the overgrown field towards me. The lead doe was the largest and she basically came right down the trail I walked into the stand on. She came right to the stand from my right. So basically a line of deer coming head on. She turned and walked straight ahead as I was facing. Where the stand is placed there is a bunch of brush and "windows" through the brush to shoot through. The trail she was on would should have put her broadside at 15 yards when she popped out. She took her time snaking through the brush and then finally popped out and was standing hard quartering away, left side facing me. I had drawn as she emerged and she stopped. I then noticed one of the does in the line staring straight up at me. I picked a spot on her that would slide past her left hind quarter and enter behind the ribs. I released and the arrow went just a touch further right than I had hoped but still missed the hind quarter. She bolted and there was about a third of the arrow still sticking out. I watched her run straight away for about 40 yards and then hard left turn through an opening in the hedge row and out of sight. This would have her headed right into the swamp. I waited about a half hour and grew more and more unsure of the shot. I got out of the stand and made my way to the road and to the truck. As I was walking down the road I saw a deer take a couple bounds in the swamp and was out of sight. My heart sank. All II could think is that I bumped her trying to skirt around her. Moog wasn't there for this hunt. I called him and told him what happened, even me feeling I bumped the deer. He brought up that it could be very possible the deer I "bumped" was a different deer. We both did agree that it was probably best if I let it lay until morning. Temp at 40 over night should be good. Sat for a couple hours in he morning and at 830 went down to see what was up. I figured I'd go right to the opening in the brush I saw her go through and try to pick the blood up there. I stepped through the opening and there she was laying. She was dead before I had gotten out of the stand the night before. That night I was bitching to Moog about these 28# limbs and not getting any penetration. I was sure I needed heavier limbs. Well I can see why this one didn't pass through. Is entered mid way between the last rib and hind quarter on the left side, hit the liver and through the off side lung. broke a rib and left a three point star in the right shoulder blade. It made it through a couple feet of deer. Two and a half hours later and she was in the freezer. Buddy had cosigned over an 8H permit to me to use. It is nuts that they make us wait to November to get second rounds in a area they never give them all out for. (Saving my Antlerless only tag for NZ Muzzle loading season this coming weekend) 2 for 2!!
  16. Another option to do some aging if you feel you really need to is get a vacuum sealer. process all the meat as soon as you can and then allow the sealed bags to "age" in the fridge. You will have no loss from the dry aging process and once you hit your timeline, simply toss them in the freezer. The breakdown of the tissue is still happening in the bags and it is happening at a very controlled temp so you don't have to worry about warm weather.
  17. So sorry to hear this Jay. I pray it all works out and he makes a full recovery.
  18. 2 of out branch QDMA member have them and live them. Bought an extra battery though. Good for full day sits
  19. There are 4 matched tires. Title says it all only 1500 miles on them. I have them listed on Facebook marketplace for $600. $500 to any forum member. (rims in picture not included)
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