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First-light last won the day on February 15

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About First-light

  • Birthday 04/10/1963

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  • Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger lakes region

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  • Hunting Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger Lakes region
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 1187 autoloader
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  • HuntingNY.com
    Fast Eddie, he's to blame!

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  1. I'm seeing a lot of fox and yotes on trail cameras. Is it mating season? Seeing a bunch of fox in daylight hours also.
  2. Got this one this morning. Must be cold for him!
  3. We had a few of them, they were cool! As I remember they didn't vocalize much.
  4. Never seen so many birds this early spring if I can call it that. 3 big flocks by me good to see.
  5. I had ducks for a few years. Eggs were the best!
  6. I watch buying Alaska and that stuff goes for big $$$$$$
  7. Having my daughter ask the farm.
  8. How do I find that out? Just ask?
  9. So I want to build a coop. My Daughters 2nd grade class incubates 8-10 eggs. They watch the progression. This year the farm that supplies the eggs said she can give the chicks to me. So with that info can you guys send me any picts you may have of your coops. Board and Batten siding, metal roof and an area for them to walk around. Separate roof for nesting boxes if you think that is a good idea. Get the nesting boxes and enclosure off the ground. Thanks, FL
  10. Do I wish this site will stay around for a long time, yes. But to tell you the truth why do we join sites like this? To share our experience and to gain knowledge. I'm not saying I'm leaving but the members have dwindled to a few, I don't mind that, but It's not going much further than that. It won't survive with what we have here. I'm not leaving but it is on the back of my mind. I lived a slow death of the internet putting publishing magazines out of business. That is what is happening here. A long slow death. It was great at times but now pretty much stagnate. Just being totally honest.
  11. So I have a quad 400 King Quad it's 14 years old. I would rather now push snow with it but is an option. I have a Massey 1835M That will move a house! lol Those with experience with a bigger tractor what options do you like that won't break the bank. Right now I have two small steel skis bolted onto the bucket. Its ok. Im finding dragging the bucket backwards works good. With that thought what about a blade? Thoughts?
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