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First-light last won the day on January 16

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About First-light

  • Birthday 04/10/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger lakes region

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  • Hunting Location
    Steuben county N.Y. Finger Lakes region
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 1187 autoloader
  • Bow
  • HuntingNY.com
    Fast Eddie, he's to blame!

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  1. Important that you got to hunt with your son! My Neighbor next door has family in Maryland and you are allowed to bait and shoot a ton of deer. I always get invited but never go. Just not my thing.
  2. The whole bait thing would not sit right with me. Just like hunting with dogs if you grew up doing it, it's your way. I just can't see pulling the trigger on a deer munching on a pile of corn. This debate could go on and on JMO.
  3. Doc thinks its a ligament/muscle issue. On some anti inflammatories for a week. Rest and needs to lose 10 lbs! Don't we all! Thanks everyone.
  4. Back legs. Thing is this morning she acted fine. Got up stretched, ran outside came back in all happy. Still need a vet check I think?
  5. Yes Eric! YouTube channel is great. They only work on local vehicles. Very lucky to have found him!
  6. Bailey my 2.5 year old Curr has been favoring her left leg for a week. I bought supplements and been giving them to her. She has a hard time standing up after laying down for a while. Today I took them for a walk for about an hour she was absolutely fine. We get back to the house and she is now favoring both back legs, won't lay in her bed and pretty much wont move. That is not to say if I take them out she won't get up and pee. She is a big dog with long legs. Eat and sleeps well. Thoughts? I'm thinking making a vet appointment?
  7. So I was recommended to Main Street Auto in Avoca. What a nice place and friendly service. Dropped car off day before appointment and they had it done same day. Turned out a wire harness had a bad wire in it. It was to the solenoid to the Evap system. $160 bucks and I'm a happy man. They get my service in the future, great place and people.
  8. In all my years I only saw one at the ol H and E grill in Burdett NY. Nice big 8 pt but was missing parts! lol
  9. Not on the other site. Unless a name change.
  10. Cheapest venison I ever paid for was on a camping/hunting trip on State land in the Catskills. Eat, sleep and hunt. Drag your deer out if you are lucky! Can't put a price on those memories.
  11. Yes we are guilty of sharing some of the trail cam picts with him. I get that but he has to learn about eating a tag. I'm glad he took the deer now next year let him decide how he wants to hunt.
  12. My brother has a great attitude towards hunting. He has his name on the biggest deer taken on my property but he never lets that get in the way of a good hunt and kill. Doe , small buck or yearling. To him it's the hunt. Opening day he has his 14 year old Grandson with him. They have this half rack 6 pt come walking down 15 yards from the stand. My brother says for him to shoot, the kids says no I want a 10 pt. My brother looks at him and says this aint TV, that is your first deer now take it. We both had to remind the kid back at the buck pole what hunting is all about. He got it but it's unfortunate what was in his mind.
  13. I tried my hand in food plots this year. Now I have areas I mow that are in the woods and the deer love it. Nothing invested just mowing. This year we planted. I enjoyed doing for a number of reasons. First to see how good it would turn out, always wanted to be a farmer. Draw in the Does and hopefully a buck will follow. Give them some food for the winter. It's not much but will help a few. Honestly my plots are small and really a waste of time and money but I enjoyed it. Mowing the area keeping the grasses green and does the same. It never once crossed my mind, especially in my area which is heavy in Ag, that I would keep them on my land. These deer cruise everywhere and there is so much food around it wouldn't make a difference. As for trail cameras I love the picts they take but they have never helped me shoot a deer. Trying to remember back when it was spoken word of a big buck in the area, those days are gone. Everything changes. The young guys at my camp are into the plots and high end cameras. That will keep on evolving and drones will soon be the norm. Yes a lot has changed.
  14. I have yet to start on mine. We piut them in a 5 gal bucket with a aquarium heater at 90 degrees. Takes about three weeks but come out nice. Looks great Eddie.
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