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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. It's funny but if I go on the other site it is slow and has problems with uploading images at times. This site no problems.
  2. Old timer told me lighter colored deer we will have a snowy winter????
  3. Well said, I could just imagine the scene. Pretty cool!
  4. I know after meat is processed the tag is taped to the box. Hopefully I get the plastic tag back also. I'm sure there would be no reason to take the tag out of the holder.
  5. It's just not me but my neighbors saying the same thing. There are so many dark colored deer this year seems strange. The other day I had a doe 20-30 yards from me she looked like a different species! lol Taxidermist told me once its normal just like people some lighter or darker skinned people out there.
  6. Field is turning yellow now. I did see 4 deer in it last night and two this morning. I know eventually it will die and be plowed. Nice to see them back though.
  7. My Brother in law went from 60lbs to 54lbs said it made a world of difference. May do that for next year but if xbow goes full inclusion might put the compound down.
  8. Been shooting the last few weeks I'm dialed in. Got pain in my elbow. The arm that hold the bow. I'll be fine just hurts like hell after 20 arrows.
  9. If I remembered correctly he was from the North country. Probably hunting right now.
  10. Everyone here in 8P got two tags. Yes a lot of shooting.
  11. Well That field will effect 2 stands on the lease property. There are 12 other to choose from. Plenty of corn to go around but yes that does suck for those two stands.
  12. After talking to my Neighbor he said they use some type of mixture that kills the roots first. Said it should take two weeks. This Oct 2nd will be week two.
  13. So after a week the field is still green as ever. Nothing dying. Funny thing is I have not seen 1 deer in that field since they sprayed. I was seeing at times 10-15. I don't get it?
  14. Hey Doc I donated those bows and 1 more to the 4H club last night. Was at whitetail unlimited dinner! Thanks for the idea they were thrilled.
  15. Didn't win anything. I was a great time and lasted around 6 hrs! Excellent food and a great benefit to donate to. BTW I donated 3 old bows to 4H!
  16. Won the invitation at a gun raffle. Whitetail unlimited game dinner. Worth $330 I'm in every drawing. Really looking forward to it. I'll report back!!! https://www.whitetailsunlimited.com/i/p/events/southerntier09.21.24.pdf
  17. I use them to see whats around thats it.
  18. Hope I get to text that to my buddies!
  19. This is a still shot from a video. Not the greatest. This buck is a natural 6 pt. He is huge, way outside his ears and tall. We named him Elvis.
  20. I texted the farmer and conformed it was round up. Will be in corn next year. They tried injecting manure in the middle of the summer but it didn't work. Horrible time to do that! lol
  21. I totally believe deer will detect your stare. I just try to move my eyes and not directly look at the deer. It's their 6th sense. Great you brought this up because it happens all the time.
  22. So my Farmer sent in a big tractor and sprayed two fields with round up. Clover was't doing well. My question is will the deer know not to eat the clover? They have been pounding it every night. Just a thought for you guys. Also be interesting to see how the action is just inside the woods where we have a camera.
  23. NY never had a system like that. State Troopers would have random deer check stations set up on the highway or by the bridges leading into the City. Honestly I think these businesses would not like the problem of hiring someone to check deer, unless the DEC does it.
  24. I just ordered these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL6GG31T?psc=1&smid=A201QTUB47UTJE&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp
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