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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. Actually this forum is turning me off lately. You have to weed through all the political and religion stuff- have at it but I don't need to come to a hunting website to discuss this stuff. I know what you'll say don't read it if you don't like it. So be it. Bang another one taken on opening day! lol
  2. Yes it is. There was an article in the Times Friday that had him saying, "I'm not against hunting or hunters owning guns" but do they need a 33 round clip to kill a deer?" Just posting what I read.....
  3. SplitG2, Just found some picts from last spring. The spruce you see is three years old. Most of the seedlings took and are all different sizes. The majority are the size in the picture. Burt
  4. How can someone be so stupid in such a position. Led around by his _ _ _ _! When will these people learn? http://www.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/02/09/house.lee.resigns/index.html?hpt=T2
  5. Coming up real soon, get your reg in early! http://ccealleganycattaraugus.org/images/upload/19th%20ANNUAL%20RURAL%20LANDOWNER%20WORKSHOP.pdf
  6. I would love to see my two neighbors (both can't draw a bow from neck problems) shoot the biggest deer in the area during bow season with a crossbow. Wouldn't bother me one bit. One guy served this country for over 20 years and fought in two wars. Don't you think he deserves the right to crossbow hunt while we bow hunt? Don't we all deserve the right!
  7. It's been a rough winter, don't kid yourself upon the stress on the deer herd.
  8. Ar's will do nothing for the sport. The frustrated hunted will become more frustrated and need medication. Soon we will see ads for male hunting disfunction and a new pill will be on the market! lol
  9. Along with looking for horns to tell what your shooting at, the body structure between a buck and doe is different. A deer 20 yards broadside, I would think most of us would hesitate shooting thinking it was a buck. Body type is different for sure. Hey it happens out there and we try to do our best. Glad the meat didn't go to waste.
  10. Good for you kid! Always stick to you guns! (No pun intended)
  11. I wanted some apple trees this year, this looks good. Do you have them shipped or do you pick up?
  12. What is the royalty fee? Is that the cost per tree?
  13. FYI, I live 6 hrs from my camp. In the past if the order came to my house and I wasn't going up for a while I took cheap window boxes from Home Depot and planted the seedlings in some real nice dirt. They did real well. One year I got the order in the spring and waited till the fall to plant, boy did they really start to take off after a few months. The back of my Tahoe looked like a jungle when I brought them up. Your biggest concern should be while planting. Try not to let them dry out, it takes a while to plant hundreds of trees. Pick a cloudy day also. Anyone else have any tips they would like to share?
  14. The guitar for me, I play in a small band with my Brother and Brother-in-law. We play Buffett, Urban, Eagles to name a few.
  15. Government overstepping it's boundaries, next let's ban gum chewing.
  16. Some good articles in the current issue of NYON. Gas drilling in NY, you decide. http://outdoornews.com/new_york/
  17. I've posted these before, here they are for people that didn't seen them. We have a good bear population in my area 8P. They can and will cause some serious damage to your property if the have a good food source and den area. They love this pole and only this one. They will snap a 6 foot pine tree in half and let the sap run and come back eat what's there. I don't know what these berry trees are called (choke berries) but they take the whole tree down and eat the berries. If you got corn and bears you will find crop circles in the field. They love corn! Nice to watch but I feel uncomfortable walking around especially with my girls, the gun comes with us.
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