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New York Hillbilly

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by New York Hillbilly

  1. Clever art projects. I love the one with the binoculars, and the one leaning back with arms behind the head cracks me up.
  2. Hey Al I have always been pretty efficient at bringing home game enough for me and the family, but never what I would consider a sharp shooter. I guess I never put in enough time to get that accurate. My guess is if I tried this, at the end of the session I would be wrapping them back up and handing out to kids next Halloween! lol
  3. Have not purchased a new firearm in years. Now I want one!
  4. I sort of went in the opposite direction here. After watching coyotes sweep my fields trying ( I think successfully) to wipe out fawns, I let let my fields grow wild. I figured I would try to improve on the cover, and at the same time cut back on my fuel and time spent mowing them on a tractor to small for the job. It has been a win/win situation.
  5. I would drop dead on the spot! And, if I didn't, I would quickly tell them it was not me that shot down their balloon!
  6. Maybe the pine tree shaped air fresheners were designed with us deer hunters in mind. lol
  7. Great reminder about the ticks! I hate the damned things! Had 2 or 3 over the past couple years go unfound on me for way too long after turkey hunting. I went on a couple walk abouts in our woods over the past weekend putting on several miles, and never thought to check for them. Time to get more careful it seems.
  8. I have a similar memory of my Uncle Pete, when he was in college, shot a deer with his bow and brought it home tied somehow to his 1969 AMX. It was the same car by the way he was driving with me when we went trout fishing one day in Coldbrook , NY, and on the way home had two horses that had gotten loose jump in front of and basically over the hood of the car. It scared the crap out of us both when those two giants just barely cleared the car, and one of them actually got hit judging from the loud bang. My uncle was so pi$$ed he drove up to the house where the horses ran, kicked on the door, and from inside the car I could see his face red as he shouted at the person who came to the door. I was only about 12 or 13 then, so it didn't really register with me how badly that could have ended and his lucky we actually were. Think back on it, after living in Alaska and seeing first hand and up close what damage is done hitting a moose with a vehicle, that event took on a whole different meaning. Ooops...sorry about that..I guess the hair style and little Ford sent me down memory lane. lol
  9. Excellent advice! I am not sure what the mentality is that drives those who hated this site so much, and created so much angst when they were here, to continue to come back and try to stir the pot. It really is twisted! The "war" is seems has only been declared by those who left. I'm not sure if for some reason a handful of those who left are desperate to take this site down entirely, or if it is more personal than that. My opinion is; to sincerely wish those who left the best, and avoid being drawn into the drama by those who keep coming back looking to drag this site and the remaining members down. As my grandmother used to tell me as a kid when it came to dealing with troublemakers, "just ignore them". Let's keep the energy and vibe here positive!
  10. With my right shoulder giving me fits making drawing back my bow really painful, and wanting to try something new, I I bought my crossbow 2 seasons ago last minute, from Walmart. I discovered very quickly there was no way I was going to be able to cock the bow using the string puller. Thankfully it came with a mechanical cocking device. The mechanical cocking thing once you get used to it is great! Without it, the crossbow would just sit in my closet.
  11. Thanks for the reminder! Just checked with the wife, and we have the all clear to go too! It will be our first time. I hope they have some promotions on tractors going on, because mine is getting tired, and we may be ready to take the plunge.
  12. Let me also welcome you back. I too am sorry to hear about the loss you experienced. Hopefully, you and your family however remained safe from harm. As far as this site goes, we are in agreement. While I was disappointed to see most of the people leave, because I really enjoyed reading their posts and seeing their pictures, overall I was glad to see the rest gone. You and Al are both correct, in my opinion this site's tone has greatly improved. How long it will be around I do not know, but I too will be here until it is not. Then, I guess I will also fade into the sunset. That is unless we all find a similar place to still meet and share our thoughts and experiences, because I have no plans to join the other site. Again, welcome back!
  13. Great catch! : ) I love to see young, actually, all people enjoying the wonders of the outdoors .
  14. I think there are far more who simply will not ever own up to being wrong, or admit they were duped into, too stupid, too filled with hate, and/or wanting to be one of the cool crowd, that they brought us to this.
  15. I was curious about the pigeon, because I had an uncle who talked about dove hunting and eating their breast meat. I wasn't sure if pigeon might be similar. I tried shooting pigeons once with a buddy many years ago, around his corn cribs. I couldn't hit a damned thing. lol. That's why I was so impressed with how many you got. Must be a pretty good shot!
  16. Wow...impressive number of pigeons. Do you eat them?
  17. With it so cold yesterday; it seemed a good day to stay in, thaw venison, and make jerky this weekend. So, today I cut up the thawed venison, boned out a 22 pound turkey, and as the wife canned the turkey, and several pounds of beef, I made my marinade. I have two batches of venison soaking now, about 12 pounds raw. She also made a couple loaves of cranberry bread, and a really good new bread we came up with using our canned sweet potatoes. I'll start drying the venison this evening.
  18. Does anyone else here other than me, remember the scene from F-Troop, "It is balloon"? If not, check it out on YouTube.
  19. Wife says it was -13 at 11:30 last night. Not sure what it was when we got up. Just know it was freaking COLD! My two dogs wouldn't go more than a few feet from the porch to relieve themselves before running right back to the door to come inside.
  20. So...is that the balloon falling from the sky over Billings? Last I heard it was over Kansas.
  21. It's a very good point. Could be a decoy. And, that is the point, that there is no telling what these devious bastards are up too. But you can bet it's nothing good! What's further; as I posted right here from the start of this nightmare, don't forget those who voted for this shit show. They own it!
  22. Rather than shoot it down and play into their hands, or risk releasing whatever payload it may be carrying; better idea is to float up and tether as many weather balloons as possible to it, with the face of Trump 2024 and the American flag on them, and the words "Hold On I'm Coming!" That would make a mockery of their scare tactic in the eyes of the world, and really piss them off. : )
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