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    20 guage
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    Diamond by bowtech
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. Love a nice matched set, just as Much as a set of (.)(.)
  2. My deck does the same when temperatures plummet Same thing happens with trees when we get a deep freeze must have something to do with moisture/freezing and expansion/contraction
  3. Never know what you’ll find shed hunting
  4. When I was younger I never would get a reaction to poison ivy… once I reached a certain age, around my mid teens, I started to get the reaction and dermatitis. It’s got to be a thing for more than just me
  5. Yeah poison ivy is no joke.. you can even get the oils from the root system on you and have a bad reaction if you dig it up and come in contact I’ve heard burning the plant leaves,stem etc can be bad to inhale .. and validity to this? Or experience with this issue
  6. Not 100 percent sure what I found here leaning towards fisher
  7. First ever one pointer/spike!
  8. On board, with fresh little 3 pt side tell you what, the feeling never gets old when I first spot one while searching
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