I remember the line used to start to form the day before on Sunday for deer season.I saw alot of nice deer there.I only bird hunted there.Nice to know its still open.
I have been shooting those lightfields for years I think they the best slug out there.I do not not shotgun hunt very much but there are 10 box's in my safe of lightfields.
I under stand what your saying but I put the arbor gently.If careful you will not do any damage.If the gun is never dropped or you don't switch scopes you never do it again.
I just bought a leupold rx 600 it was on sale,I paid 169.00 dollars free shipping and handleing.So far it seems to work good.I well mark things by my stand and leave the rangefinder home.No need to carry it all the time.
I hunt in Wurtsboro.I found a patch of ground this weekend that was all torn up,leaves scattered dirt all torn up.Way too big to be a scrap.I hope this is not a pig.
I have an old metal foldind chair in my blind.I leave the chair there and just carry a hot seat.It is the only place I sit other then that I still hunt.
Slohand.Out of the three of them I think the Jets well do the best lets see what happens.I have no faith in Eli whats so ever.I think he sucks no way worth millions he is being paid.He is no way half as good as Peyton.
I hope he has a great season.I still think Rex should bench him.But hey lets see what happens.I know the Giants are gonna suck this year.So lets hope the Jets do as good as last season......................