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ny hunter

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Everything posted by ny hunter

  1. Drinking and carrying a firearm is the as poaching.I would call the state police if I ran across someone in the woods.
  2. I smell deer one time and my buddy said i was crazy.But to this day I swear I got a wiff and then 3 doe came out in the open.
  3. You know I stopped going up tree's awhile back.In a wooden stand or a climber,Always afraid of something like that.I well stay on the ground.Glad you were not hurt worse.I blew out a knee playing ball so I feel your pain witn the weather again glad you were not hurt bad.
  4. I have a friend who hit a deer with his car one night on the way home from work.The next afternoon we went to look for the deer and it was still alive,both his back legs were almost in half.That deer tried to crawl away from us with his legs in half.We called state police and they shot it.He was all busted up we couldn't save the meat.I am still amazed how that deer tried to get away from us.They are very strong willed.
  5. I have had Verizon for years now.My phone works in my stand,On silent mode.Up state in Oneonta and as far south as Florida I well never change.There bill is easy to read.And is what it is supposed to be.No hidden charges.I have 5 phones between the wife and kids.They are great if a phone goes down they replace or fix it.Great service.
  6. Steve ...........Really? Ted Nugent.Great guitar player.Great singer.Avid outdoorsman.Very over the top in your face kinda guy.It was said earlier you love or you hate him.I my self love his music.
  7. I have found 2 deer that others say were clean miss's.I agree you have to and look again and be sure that it was a miss.
  8. In thirty years of gun hunting Lost 1 deer I know was hit.Miss a few clean.1 that still haunts me he was so big.Never got one with the bow yetIts only been a couple of years with the bow hope that changes this year.
  9. I saw a lot of road kills in the spring this year.We went up state ever week end and saw at least 4 deer on rt17.Seems to have slowed way down now.
  10. I was a very heavy smoker up to three packs a day. Driving a truck in Manhattan well do that.Been 4 or 5 years now.I uesd the patch and never looked back.It can be done but you have to want to quit.
  11. sounds like a bunch of morons that never grew up.
  12. Great pics good luck this season.Now you really have to have the itch.
  13. The hardest one for me was after dinner.I feel your pain. lol
  14. Are you using anything?The patch really helped me.I smoked 23 years.I have not touched a cig.in 5years.Hang in there.Another week or two and you got it.It did get a bit heated with the wife but she understood.Hang in there Buddy.Its worth it.
  15. Maybe we should start cutting the skull cap off poachers.While they are awake.
  16. Culvercreek how long has iy been that you quit?
  17. They need to get rid of this dead wieght.He well end up a major distraction by mid season.
  18. Nice he looks like a horse.Congrats,and good like on the big one this season.
  19. I went back where I found the ground all torn up And it was not visited again.I did alot of walking and found nothing.I hunt in wurstboro so I was nervous about these pigs.Also spoke to some people and no one has seen pigs or heard of any in the area.
  20. Yes I am going to try these.I did get a chance this weekend.But I well get them as soon as I get a chance.
  21. They should take everything.Good for those break the law.As far as I'm concerned they could rot in a cell.
  22. I hope I never run into a situation like that.I hunt with very close friends.
  23. Real nice.Good luck Chasing him.
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