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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. I disagree. Anti-hunters don't change their minds about hunting. It's not about the slobs, it's about killing animals. To them there is no justification for that. If you hunt, they hate you, no matter how ethical you are. The people in the middle are there because they are more open minded and analytical about their opinions. They can distinguish between slob hunters and ethical hunters and do not form their opinion of the sport based on a few idiots. I'm sure they believe the slobs should be held to account, but do not blame the ethical hunters for the slobs behavior. They're the same folks who do not hold all of Islam to account for the actions of a few radicals, or all gun owners to account for the rampage of one fool. My point was, if you think you are protecting yourself from attack by the anti's by pointing out the bad guys for them to focus on, you're wrong. After they feed on them, they will still be coming for you.
  2. People who hate hunters will hate them both equally.
  3. If it is really good deer hunting land, $3000 would be a great price, $4000 would still be fair.
  4. I agree. Mandatory Blaze Orange would effectively say anything in the woods that is not orange is fair game.
  5. Wow. We should all be awed by your presence here. The great unwashed should bow down to our better half. Dude, you're an animal killer! They hate you too! Wake up!
  6. Nothing like putting one's self on a pedestal to look down on the self perceived riff raff. Charging most of your own community with unethical behavior has a real danger of coming back to bite you in your own behind.
  7. Another attempt to ban lead ammo in Colorado. Colorado Park & Wildlife Commission Denies Ammo Petition It was a nearly unanimous (5-1) rejection of a petition asking the Colorado Wildlife Commission to prohibit the use of traditional ammunition for hunting all game in the state. Commission members based the rejection of the petition on -you guessed it- the absence of credible scientific evidence, along with the potential economic impact on hunters, businesses -and the Parks and Wildlife budget. Once Pandora's box has been opened, there is no turning back. How did all the past generations of hunters ever survive using lead ammo?
  8. How do product names like this help the archers image with hunter haters? Wac'Em Archery Products Acquires Wac'Em Broadheads
  9. That other thread on this subject is full of assumptions. You think people would love hunters if there were no slob hunters? Wrong. People hate hunters because they kill animals. No matter how pure and ethical you believe you are, anti-hunters are going to hate you because you are a hunter. Throwing the slob hunters to the wolves doesn't change their minds. A sanctimonious attitude is wasted on folks who hate hunting.
  10. New York Won't Have Ammo Background Checks This Hunting Season New York state still doesn't have the information technology infrastructure in place to enable retailers to perform mandatory background checks on ammunition purchases required by Governor Cuomo's SAFE act. So When? Here's the official reply to that question: "Pursuant to the SAFE Act, the system will be considered complete after the Superintendent of State Police certifies that it is operational and that all business processes are functioning as required." It's coming to NY soon folks.
  11. They're getting real creative now. Die, and your guns are taken. Blasting the Buffalo, New York police departments announcement that it would begin confiscating guns registered to recently-deceased citizens as " not only cold-hearted" but " ghoulish" The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has described the act as one you might expect in a police state, but not the United States. Estates of Buffalo residents have 15 days to either dispose of firearms or surrender them to police who may hold onto them for as long as two years.
  12. Mr VJP


    Wait until NY decides it's illegal to have an open container of ANYTHING in your car while driving. Soda, coffee, water, etc. It's all about safety, right? You shouldn't be distracted while driving. No eating either. Soon you will have to wear helmets in the car too. These laws are major encroachments on liberties, justified with cries of safety, when they are really designed to allow law enforcement to easily arrest and convict serious offenders like drunk drivers. But they also allow cops to extort revenue for municipalities that want to abuse innocent victims. Many of these violations actually allow civil forfeiture of your private property in some locations. Always take note of elected officials that support these laws and remind them it's their job to revoke them. If enough people did that, many of these oppressive, nanny state laws would be taken off the books. People who give up liberties to obtain security, perceived or real, deserve neither. Besides, once you allow a little encroachment by the government, it only comes back for more.
  13. "Incrementalism is the foundation of political special interest groups" One step at a time, bit by bit, piece by piece. There is no end to their war, until they have won everything they want.
  14. I hope they show the rest of this country how to handle lawlessness by legislation! http://www.thefederalistpapers.org/video-2/i-will-not-comply-5500-wa-state-gun-owners-to-protest-i-594-with-mass-civil-disobedience
  15. Americans that oppose this radical HSUS agenda need to join the organizations that oppose them. It's all about money and how much each side has to influence laws. The agenda surely includes the elimination of all hunting rights, which goes hand in hand with the elimination of all firearm ownership rights. In their eyes, no hunting, no need for firearms anymore. That's why we hear a lot about gun control not affecting hunters, because they think that's all the 2nd Amendment is about. A lot of bleeding heart vegans and animal rights advocates have money and it makes them feel good about themselves to contribute to HSUS, thinking they are actually doing something good. The judgmental attitude and desire to control others, is detrimental to a free society. We cannot allow them to determine what is morally acceptable in American society today. Get involved, talk to others about the facts and contribute whatever you can to the groups that work to stop these radicals.
  16. Are the anti's just blowing smoke? http://dailysignal.com/2014/11/10/fracking-amazing-benefits-texas-town-just-ban/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social
  17. No, the one in the box has a wood stock also, but I'm not sure if it's the same rifle. It appears to be engraved on the left side of the receiver. Is it the same rifle Eagle?
  18. LOL! I guess we shouldn't like so much stuff on here. I found it really weird the first time I got that error message.
  19. I'd say it was a good barter deal. It appears to be like new. The 7600 should be more accurate than the semi-auto version. Every 760 or 7600 I've seen shoot was very accurate. And like you say, being a pump gun, he can use it in PA as well as not caring what King Andy may do down the line in NY with semi auto rifles. I like a 2x7 scope for hunting under 200 yards myself, but that 3x9 looks to be a good option for the money. I assume you used Loc-Tite on the bases too, right?
  20. I think they're going for accuracy and a smooth draw with this bow. I've used wheel bows in the past and they do have advantages. I currently use an Onieda Phantom. No wheels or cams at all and super accurate. No where near the price of this new no cam bow either.
  21. I'm concerned about the distance the deer went while bleeding. Most deer hit by an arrow will not go far unless they are pushed. If it wasn't disturbed, it should have laid down after 200 or so yards and just bled to death. That could have taken hours though. The deer must have seen you, or heard you coming, to keep going after the hit. I would go to the spot I last saw it's blood trail and spend the day combing the area around it, in ever expanding circles. If luck is on your side, you may find it nearby.
  22. In person voter fraud does happen, though it isn't a big issue state wide or nationally. But a couple of extra votes can affect the outcome of local and county elections. Those are the positions many elected officials start from, and if not for fraud, would never have been allowed to start. There is no reason NOT to make people show ID when they vote. As was stated above, ID is required for so many things, voting should certainly be one of them. That's just one issue with voting fraud. There are many more. They ALL must be addressed. The most important point in the issue is that most all of the incidents of fraud that have been identified have been schemes that benefit Democrats. That's why they are so adamant voter fraud is a myth!
  23. I'm not addressing NY state here. The Democrats don't need to resort to fraud in NY. There are enough fools that vote for Democrats in NY to keep them happy in Albany. But if too many Republicans get elected to too many seats, they may start to use a lot of these tactics. BTW, I escaped from NY state already. I just own land and hunt there now. My only interests in NY politics now are the property taxes and gun laws that affect me when I go there.
  24. I can't believe anyone would believe there is no voter fraud going on. Seems to me the Democrats protest too much, when it seems to benefit them the most. I don't put it past them to cheat, lie and steal, any way they can, to stay in power and ultimately ruin this country. Voter Fraud and Voter I.D. By Thomas Sowell · Nov. 4, 2014 "One of the biggest voter frauds may be the idea promoted by Attorney General Eric Holder and others that there is no voter fraud, that laws requiring voters to have a photo identification are just attempts to suppress black voting. Reporter John Fund has written three books on voter fraud and a recent survey by Old Dominion University indicates that there are more than a million registered voters who are not citizens, and who therefore are not legally entitled to vote. The most devastating account of voter fraud may be in the book “Injustice” by J. Christian Adams. He was a Justice Department attorney, who detailed with inside knowledge the voter frauds known to the Justice Department, and ignored by Attorney General Holder and Company. One of these frauds involved sending out absentee ballots to people who had never asked for them. Then a political operator would show up – uninvited – the day the ballots arrived and “help” the voter to fill them out. Sometimes the intruders simply took the ballots, filled them out and forged the signatures of the voters. These were illegal votes for Democrats, which may well be why Eric Holder sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil. As for race-based “voter suppression,” amid all the political hysteria, how many hard facts have you heard? Probably none that supports that claim. Widely available free photo identification cards mean that poverty is no barrier to voting. Since blacks and whites both have to show photo I.D. for everything from cashing checks to getting on a plane, why has requiring a photo I.D. for voting caused such shrill outcries? Unfortunately, this is part of the cynical politics of promoting as much racial polarization and paranoia as possible, in hopes of getting more black voters to turn out to vote for the Democrats. Nothing is too gross when promoting racial hysteria in an election year. Veteran Democrat Congressman Charlie Rangel from Harlem declared that Republicans “don’t disagree – they hate!” According to Rangel, “Some of them believe that slavery isn’t over and that they won the Civil War!” Republicans did win the Civil War. That’s why there is no more slavery. It was a Republican president who issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a Republican-controlled Congress that voted for the 13th Amendment, outlawing slavery. In the 1960s, a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats voted for the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. If we are going to talk about history, let’s at least get the facts right. Only an utter ignorance of history, in this era of dumbed-down education, could allow demagogues like Rangel to get away with the absurdities that abound in election year politics. Images of lynching and Jim Crow laws that made blacks sit in the back of buses are used against Republicans, even though the “solid South” was solidly controlled by Democrats during that era. Bull Connor, who turned police dogs and fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators, was a Democrat. So were other Southern segregationists. In those days, you could go hundreds of miles through the Jim Crow South without seeing a single Republican official. That is why political observers called it “the solid South.” Perhaps the biggest voter fraud of all is the fraud against black voters, by telling them bogey man stories, in order to try to get them to come out on election day to vote for Democrats. The most cynical of these bogey man ploys is Attorney General Holder’s threats of legal action against schools that discipline a “disproportionate” number of black boys. Unless you believe that black boys cannot possibly be misbehaving more often than Asian American girls, what does this political numbers game accomplish? It creates another racial grievance, allowing Democrats like Holder to pose as rescuers of blacks from racist dangers. The real danger is allowing disruptive students in ghetto schools to destroy the education of other black students – in a world where education is the only hope that most ghetto youngsters have for a better life. Sacrificing these young people’s futures, in hopes of gaining some additional black votes today, is as cynical and fraudulent as it gets." Favor Amnesty? Forget Freedom! http://dailysignal.com/2014/10/29/latest-reason-oppose-amnesty-voter-fraud-2/ http://patriotpost.us/posts/30138 Indeed, Obama declared Wednesday, "Before the end of the year we're gonna, uh, uh, take whatever lawful actions that I can take that I believe will improve the functioning of our immigration system. ... Whatever executive actions that I take can be replaced and supplanted by action by Congress. You send me a bill that I can sign and those executive actions go away." In other words, if Congress won't do what he tells them to do, then he will act unilaterally with executive orders. If Congress doesn't like it, all they have to do to make those executive orders go away is just do what he tells them to do. Columnist David Harsanyi explains the serious consequences of this plan: “Obama has basically admitted again that he believes the president -- if he’s passionate enough about a certain issue -- is free to craft legislation. And by consistently equating his forthcoming executive action with bills passed by Congress, Obama acknowledges the purpose of his unilateral moves is to enact new policies or pressure Republicans into giving him what he wants. Which is a big problem if you care about the Constitution.” There has been enough proof documenting voter fraud to see it as a real attack on the Constitutional right to vote in America. If illegals are granted amnesty, they will vote for Democrats by the millions, and you will never be able to get them out of power in this country again. That my friends, will be the end of the Free America operating under rule of law and the Constitution, that we used to love.
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