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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Schumer is such an arrogant little punk! I saw him Saturday as he was marching in the Syracuse, St. Patricks day parade. He had that same fake (pander to the little morons) smirk on his face, as he waved to the crowd and yelled his Rah-Rah bull S..t, that he didn't mean, to the crowd. i felt like throwing my chair at the arrogant little punk. And I wasn't alone.
  2. What did it end up costing you? Did it come with a scope?
  3. Im still finding clocks to reset. It took me a good 10 mins. to figure out the clock in my daughters car yesterday.
  4. I could finally go to the bar and sit with my back to the door, without worrying about the wife sneaking up on me.
  5. Yeah I found it. I think I typed in "soda brand" when I first looked. Mayor McCheese must be pissed. Fingers crossed on SAFE. Its nothing but arbitrary but this is New York.
  6. I talked to ppl at Gander and Dick's who all told me that they are getting in the same amount of ammo as they always have, but its flying out. They have both recently put limits on purchases because of ( my word not theirs) hoarders. Im sure a lot of people are stocking up to resell at a profit, also. I spoke to a customer in Dick's a few weeks back and he went on and on about how he went to this gun shop and bought up all the 223 ammo they had, then he went to that gun shop and did the same....on and on. He was all proud of himself... I thought he was just a selfish tool.
  7. I walked into the house a little while ago and caught the tail end of a news report on the radio. I think I heard that Bloomber's big soda ban was shot down or at least delayed?? Couldn't find anything on it. Anyone hear?
  8. If I had to make one choose, now and for ever, it would be gun only because Im not getting any younger and who knows how long my bow patience and draw strength will last me. If those things were not factors it would be bow.
  9. I come across mushrooms all the time but Im too paranoid to take them home and eat them. Whats the safest way to know you're not getting the Woodstock & tie died mushrooms??
  10. Sounds good. I'd throw an egg on it to make sure you get all 4 basic breakfast food groups.
  11. This morning I heard a report on the news. A little kid brought cup cakes into class, to celebrate his birthday. Each cupcake was decorated with a little green Army guy carrying a rifle. Needless to say the facility freaked out, confiscated the Army guys and called the parents. So now these mambie pambie, feel good "educators" don't even draw a distinction between active military personnel and some whack job who may shoot up a bunch of people. College makes you smart.
  12. ants


    Sprauges is the best restaurant around there. He gets a lot of his sap off of the property I hunt. The blue lines that run up the hill, behind Sprauges end up on the property. In fact one of my favorite gun stands is surrounded by blue lines & my tree is a tap tree. When Sprauge first tapped the property I was worried that the deer wouldn't like the blue lines. I mean It's like a blue maze through the open hard woods, but the deer don't mind it at all. They move over and under the lines like they're not even there. His syrup is good too.
  13. Snipers train (shoot) a lot. So much so that their rifle barrels actually get shot out. A bolt action rifle, that might last a hunter way more than a life time, might only last a sniper a few years before wear on the rifling effects accuracy.
  14. I know it sounds weird but I really think that they can pick up on nervous vibes or something. Kind of like when your dog knows you're upset or pissed off. A week or so ago I went to my brother in law's house to return some tools. He lives in the sticks. I pull in the drive way, in front of his work shed, and there is a doe standing on the side of the shed eating something that she pawed up from under the snow. I slam my door, open the shed, load the tools into the shed, slam the shed door and slam the tail gate of my truck closed. The whole time she just kept eating. She was maybe 15 yards away the whole time.
  15. Your whole argument is that if the baby is too much of a burden or inconvenience abortion is O-kay, Do you hear your self? do you re-read what you post?? Because a kid might be born with heart defects?? or might develop leukemia later in life abort?? Sorry sits but when it comes to this topic you are a sick SOB. Lance that boil !!!!! You and the rest of the ladies have a nice "Bash Ants" session....Im done. Remember....Always Rationalize>>>>>>
  16. But if you take the front pistol grip off, then its legal, even though its the exact same f---ing weapon, only without a scary feature that the anti gun dirty politicians use to fool morons who don't realize that it is the same gun.
  17. So you're going to put abortion and World War II on the same page? Really?? Am I getting a whiff of desperation here Grow? Damn men !!
  18. No I wouldn't abort if an ultrasound showed that the baby would turn out to be an abortion Dr. But you would be in favor of a woman being held down and forced to undergo an abortion, against her will, if it helps with an overpopulation problem. You have just about said so. Yes Sits, your view of life is Cold and Callus. But there are a lot of people out there that share your views so don't sweat it. Your opinion is your opinion.
  19. Wow, imagine China without birth restrictions, our problems would be ten fold what they are now, and lets not forget all that precious life crossing our southern borders too... "Birth restriction" = forced abortion. Got it. How are you on late term abortion. You know were as long as the toe of the "fetus" is still inside the mother the doctor can scramble its brains with a pair of scissors but if the "fetus" is all the way out of the mother, and the doctor does the same thing then thats murder. Lance that boil sits.
  20. Yup my daughter's dance group is marching. I'll be there by noon with my green cooler. Might prep with a bloody Mary in an hour or so. It's good having a wife who doesn't drink and who has a drivers license. Have fun. Stay safe.
  21. First light on May 1st. for me too. I have been driving around checking the fields for birds, but as far as getting up at zero dark hundred, when I can't shoot one....I'll pass.
  22. Again...you and I view life differently. You ask"why is it so important for one group to tell another "What" it should love. I consider the "what" a who. And I guess you can't make anyone love an unborn child but I think the child at least has a right to be born. A right to life. You make the case of over population. China has a remedy for that and I hope you don't agree with it but who knows maybe you do. And the case of "well the odds of getting the next Michael Jordan or the next super awesome person are soooo slim". Well sorry sits but thats just some silly sh..t. I don't even know how to respond to that one. "Sorry Ms. Jones our test indicate that your child will just be an average human being." Thank you Dr.... in that caseI'd like an abortion??? You just have a colder, more callus view of life than I do. No changing it. Its who we are.
  23. Yes. And it will need to go all the way to the Federal level.. NYS Supreme court will side with King Cuomo.
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