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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by ants

  1. I was in Gander this morning. One of the gun guys told me that a few days ago they got some ammo in (didn't think to ask what cal.) but as soon as the doors opened a guy came in and bought $6000 worth of it. I asked why the hell Gander would let one guy buy some much, given the current ammo situation, and he just shrugged his shoulders. ( He agree'd it was wrong but out of his hands) I have no problem with people stocking up, that thats just plain B.S.
  2. How can that be??? Detroit has very strict gun laws, so it should be a nice safe place!! Check your facts MR.!! LOL!!
  3. I have a few boxes of 125's because thats all I could find. I also have 2 boxes of 38spcl. 158 grn lead round nose that I have had since I last owned a revolver. About 15 years ago.
  4. Thanks for the complements on the gun. As soon as the weather breaks I'll see how it shoots.
  5. Funny!! Dogs crack me up. I wish I taped my dog freaking out on my deer target, when he was a puppy. He would sneak in back of it, bark at it then run away from it.
  6. Same here. about 3-5" but windy and cold. School was cancelled this morning. Yesterday my youngest daughter's school sent students home after the first hour, because of high winds. Just some light flurries now. Its about 25 out.
  7. I saw part of his state of the state address. When he was talking about gun control he yelled that is was about getting assault rifles off the street. Then, in his bill ,he puts magazine restrictions on most common pistols. This guy is dirty. Add liar to the list.
  8. They won't even mention that part. The media is a big part of the problem.
  9. Under the King's new law, you can either sell your "assault weapon" ( as he decides to define it) out of state or your family must surrender it to the state after you die......But thats not back door confiscation..Right?
  10. Mine was made in 1971... Don't get into a pissing over this. It's no big deal.
  11. LOL!! I love it. At what point do we go from being respectful to wearing FU T-shirts??? Being respectful, law abiding gun owners hasn't gotten us much lately. I'm not saying its FU time yet, but when?? Little Andy just emptied his bladder on us.
  12. Sounds like little king Andy is just sending out whipping boys so he can say that he was interested in public opinon (after the fact.) I remember when his father, little King Mario was governor. Little King Mario tried to tap into public pension funds to bank roll his "special interest" projects. The only thing that stopped him was a law suit. Hopefully that will be the case here. Dirty Bastards (Sorry)
  13. Thanks ....this thing is almost spotless. You can barely see a wear ring around the cylinder. I'll try to post closer pics.
  14. No concerns that I can think of. I have a few boxes now...looking for more, but you know how that has been. I wanted to take it right out today but the 700mph winds made me decide against it.
  15. I agree that we should put well spoken, intelligent people out there to speak for us. That makes perfect sense. But, there is a big difference between a pre arranged interview, with a well spoken pro gun person, and a news crew just showing up at an event and wanting to just start interviewing people. How would you "control" who they speak to? If they start talking to an idiot, do you cut them of in mid sentence and move on until they find someone who sounds like they have half a brain? Again, I feel sorry that your friend was treated poorly, but I understand why pro gun people are leery of the media.
  16. Good job little king Andy!! Way to put your personal and political future aside and govern!!
  17. Thats good, but in the "Give Me" state of New York......that might not mean too much, when you consider the type of people who will vote for this "man"
  18. A few guys called into the Bob Lonsberry show (570 WSYR) and said how mobbed it was. Glad to hear it. I don't have much faith in these "Representatives" having much influence over king Cuomo. Sounds like the King sent them out just to patronize the "little people" Hope Im wrong.
  19. A few days ago, in Syracuse, a career criminal crack head attacked his two adult sons and his wife with a knife and a claw hammer. All three are in critical condition. Proof that gun control stops violence.
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