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Media Demo




Everything posted by ants

  1. I had a closer look today. It is almost spotless. The bluing is deep with no fading or scratches. One tiny tiny spec of rust on the side of the rib. The screws are all perfect. The trigger is awesome !! I don't think the thing has been fired much at all. I ran the ser.# and its a 1971. I offered 450. He's thinking it over.
  2. Police Chiefs are politicians. They have to be to keep their jobs. Even if the most bare bones, no nonsense street cop rises through the ranks to eventually become chief, he instantly becomes a politician serving to the pleasure of the mayor, governor etc. They will go with the political flow.
  3. I wish every city, town and village in the state would do the same, and tell king Cuomo and his little pack of rats to stick it.
  4. Yeah... I have to take a closer look at it but it looked real pretty. He also has a 6" Ruger GP 100 .357 for the same price. The Colt just looked better.
  5. I have a chance to buy one for around 500. It's in good shape 6" barrel. Im not really in the market for a long cannon, but if it's a good deal I'll do it. Any opinions?
  6. Okay ...I'll start with the witty saying..."It's colder than an igloo's ice box" LOL!!! LOL!!! Funny ....Right??
  7. The hard working middle class means nothing to these dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty politicians, who look for minority support. Free stuff??!!!!! He has my vote!!! It's really a simple concept when you think about it. What happens when they run out of our money to pay for other peoples free stuff??? Did I mention that the politicians who support this type of thing are DIRTY!!
  8. Well wait a sec. If it was pistols that were used.......the military uses pistols too. Were they "military style" semi automatic pistols??? I hate to keep saying it but the dirty media will start using terms like that soon enough.
  9. Last night the wife complained that the washer fluid, in her van, was coming out slow. I checked and the fluid is slush. I poured in a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Hope it works.
  10. Venison has a smell all its own. If it smells different from the raw venison you have smelled in the past,, there might be a problem. If it smells rancid or like old eggs toss it. other than that ..... its hard to say.
  11. 8 degrees when I got up, around 6:00. It eventually warmed up to a sweltering 13.
  12. Protesters need to be aware of antis who may try to infiltrate just to make them look bad. I can see antis joining in and pretending to be part of the protest only to break out with signs that threaten politicians lives or read something like "machine guns for everyone" "kill them all" just to make gun owners look like the nut job hicks they all paint us to be.
  13. In the inner city of Syracuse alone the are several shootings (sometimes multiple victims) every month, sometimes every week. There are multiple shots fired calls every night. Wonder why we don't hear more about this inner city violence that accounts for most of the gun related homicides and gun violence. I wonder hhhmmmmmmmm.
  14. Im a big Nikon fan. I have a few. I have a Pro Staff 3x9-40 on my 7mm-08. It has the graduated reticle out to 500 yards, not that I would ever shoot that far. I think it was under $200 a few years ago. It's a super clear high quality scope. I have had all my Nikons out in snow & rain with zero issues.
  15. Unfortunately this pack of rats only care about the rights of certain groups of citizens and law abiding gun owners do not make the cut.
  16. Why didn't she just call 911?? Or throw her hot tea at him??? All you gun nuts are something else!!
  17. I heard $70.00 but haven't seen it in writing
  18. Same exact thing happened to me once. I had just set a new stand and was only in it for maybe 10 min. A nice buck came walking down a run and right into my shooting lane. Hit him high in the shoulder and watched him run off with most of the arrow hanging out of him. It looked like only the broad head went in. It was about a 15yrd. shot and I was using 125gr. Thunderheads. Not only did I only find a drop or two of blood but it began to snow as soon as my feet hit the ground. Never found him. Three or four days later my buddy had the same buck by his stand but couldn't get a shot. He told me that the wound didn't seem to be too bad. Our stands were about 100 yards apart.
  19. So how will this pistol permit rectification work, in five years? I see a lot of problems with every permit holder in the state having to do it all at the same time. In January 2018 is everyones permit expired? If so what happens to your guns while you wait for your permit to become valid ? How long will the process take? (It took me a few months) How will the state handle the sudden surge of renewals? Just some questions I have been asking myself since the "Bill" passed.
  20. I see a lot more people not complying than complying. So far everyone I have spoke to say the same thing when it comes to registering their guns..."F@#K THAT!"
  21. I wasn't able to watch most of it but I heard him spend some time on gays, minorities and welfare recipients. Did he ever get to the hard working middle class?
  22. Don't leave your guns in the trunk. At least not in New York State. They will rust. It has happened to me too.
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