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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by burmjohn

  1. Cool video's Buck! I gotta try the video setting on the Trail cam.
  2. Hey all, Quick Q, what should I plant on a large trail like the pic below? Its not going to be limed or fert, but would like something that deer may eat and would help prevent any erosion. Any thoughts? [smg id=189] [smg id=190]
  3. Carb, I like it so far.. Havnt had a chance to take it for a good spin yet either.
  4. The Buck knife is a nice knife. I don't have one, but my buddy does, and has been using it for the last few years.
  5. Since I recently had to go through all this crap with DMV, I read a lot about the ATV laws. You can not just ride down a road, you can cross a road legally if its done on a 90 deg angle (LOL). If you are riding anywhere other then your own property, you legally need ATV insurance. Even if your on your own property legally your supposed to have a valid registration and license plate. But again, I see people riding all over, and I will as well to cruise down to other trails and friends places up the road. At my uncles place in Walton, people riding around all over the place and do it all the time with out issue.
  6. No videos yet, I'll take once once I can actually pull it out again. My tile saw and crap are in the way. I had one video, but it with a crappy camera from last year and I wasn't getting on it... I'll try to dig it up
  7. From what I see lots of people ride on on and on the side of the road, but I guess there is no one around to really bust you for it.
  8. What kinda grass / wheat is that mixed w/the clover?
  9. Those plots are beautiful! We are doing Chicory Brassica Wheat and Clover for our first try. One acre is going to be Chicory, Clover and Wheat, the other will be Clover, Brassica and Wheat.
  10. Its pretty dry near the food plots, but about 50 - 75 yards away is a spring, which is active all year round (slower in the summer though)
  11. How many of you "Register" your ATV? I had to, so I could transfer ownership because its a non-titled vehicle. Even got a license plate?!? Didn't know that, and they want 12 bux a year for registration fee's. Pretty sure next year I will not be re-newing the reg even though its "required" . Everyone else I know with an ATV never registered theirs, or they did register it and never did it again. Thoughts?
  12. Sweet any pics? lol great dream.
  13. I herd those copperheads can be fairly aggressive?
  14. I have a 255 in tank pump and a helper pump, its still stock fuel lines. Its a 60mm Turbo... C16 is out of my price range, but I love the smell Problem with the open gate is that is sounds like a Harley when I stomp on it. Quite as anything otherwise (I like the sleeper look).
  15. Yes actually it looks like I am.
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