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Everything posted by bubba

  1. The safe act being repealed does not depend on Albany. It lies in every home in NY. It is up to every one of us to get it done. It will not go away unless we force it to go away. Simple as that.
  2. Shipping to NY and the back ground check are two separate entities. It became illegal 1/15 to ship ammo to an individual in NY state regardless if the background check was in place. A company can send to an ffl or licensed ammunition sales person and all they need to do is hand over the ammo as the background check is not in place yet with a fee I am sure. . However as stated who is going to do so even if the background check is in place when they sell ammo on their shelves. In fact most places that sell ammo in my area are planning not to after the background does come into place to include walmart. (after November 4th) My daughter is a manager at a local walmart and they have been told the day the background check becomes usable they are pulling all ammo in all stores in NY. They are saying it is not worth the hassle to do so. The OP shows just how this law is being ignored by the "sportsman" who does not think it effects them. This was the message from the king and his minions. Apparently enough people believe him and trust him not to follow up.
  3. i did not say they did it all. i am saying a small percentage can make a huge difference while the others rode on their backs.
  4. But 3 percent approximately actually participated in the revolutionary war as far as fighting it. The rest jumped on board when it was easier to become a patriot. If this gets repealed watch the people come out of the wood work who have done very little to take credit.
  5. By October they will all be for repealing it. Just before the election.
  6. ok my unpopular response. will the safe act be repealed yes. Will it be this year no. I expect it to take about 2 to 3 election cycles to get it done. As I have stated it will take much more than getting a republican governor to get it done. We also need a senate and assembly to support it. If we can replace Cuomo and a few of the seats in Albany this November, we have made headway. As long as they replacements stay on track,. In the next cycle, we can gain a few more until we have what we need. Relying on the courts to turn this around is not going to be a good plan. Replacing the bums who put it in place and standing behind those who vow to get it gone is where we will get the job done. However if the majority of continue to sit on our hands and do nothing but hoping everyone else does the work, the work will not get done. The problem with this scenario is people tend to lose interest fast and will not stay in this fight. If you think this will all be over this November, you are very wrong. This will take years to accomplish. On the other hand remember only 3 percent of the population won the freedom for this country. The majority became patriots when there was less to lose after.
  7. Astorino has a great last name rino. He is in some ways pro gun. But he wants to roll back the safe act and have the state have gun laws like Westchester County, which I am sure is still an infringement. I have not read their laws, but from where it is, I am pretty sure it is not gun friendly. That is different that a full repeal. I heard that directly from his mouth, not second hand. He is liberal light. The sad part is the good ole boys never look North for a candidate as they think no one for the north could win. If he could get the backing Steve McLaughlin would be the guy. Conservative through and through. He is a pilot who got into politics to make a difference. I have spoken with him personally when he attended one of our north country rallies last summer. He called it then. He is too far right for the liking of the republicans, and stated he would be shot at from the back and front. The republicans will not back him, and the grass roots can not fund him to the point he needs to win. If we settle for Astorino, we are not much better off. That being said, if we do not change a lot of seats in the assembly and senate, it will not matter who is Governor. The liberal run assembly will never pass a bill to repeal to send to the Governor regardless who that is. I have not heard of too many stepping up ti run for these seats, which leaves us defeated again. Our mission at this point should be to find viable candidates for those elections as they are all up this year, both senate and assembly. Another thing to think about. if the so called republicans lose the house of representatives, we will have federal laws as bad or not worse that NY state has. We need to put some focus on those elections also.
  8. just heard they are cancelling him as the ratings have dropped. he says he is leaving. CNN says they are booting him
  9. I mentioned this a while ago and was told it is just the pediatrician looking out for the safety of they children I was also told that it is not mandatory for Dr's to ask. If you question this source, feel free to check the executive orders.
  10. http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines/psychiatry-as-a-weapon-of-tyranny-by-michael-connelly-constitutional-attorney#sthash.CHJPfqTy.dpbs And on the federal level too
  11. Sometimes even friday night depending if the cow is in the moooood
  12. I have two and I will explaIn why 1 Gray's gun shop in Lisbon NY A friendly place you can go and look at stuff at your leisure. Always friendly owner staff and patrons that will sit and talk with you for a while. Good prices good inventory and they treat you like family. If they do not have what you want., they will get it for you. Started out as a small shop in the 50s in the back of the house. Now the grandson of the original owner is running it and they have expanded to a complete shop with all types of firearm services. Same customer service as it was when they opened. 2. L&T gun shop in Canton NY. This was a traditional muzzleloading shop only. Run by a retired man who was a traditional shooter for years. He held Thursday evening "prayer service". We shot the cannon threw hawks and just had a great get together. The shop closed when he passed away. I bought a lot of things form him over the years and he always had time to shoot the breeze for a while when you got there. If you needed something out of the ordinary, chances were he had it in a drawer somewhere. Goes 5 dollars a pound a buck a tin for rws #11 percussion caps. A great guy to deal with. That type of customer service has long since died out for the box big box stores. I prefer to go where they know my name and are willing to talk and deal with you with knowledgeable people than deal with a sales rep who knows nothing.
  13. May I ask why you can not shoot it? I had one for a few years sold it to a buddy kicked my but ever since. I have a 50 hawken and 54 renegade. just acquired a new englander 12 gauge 50 and 54 barrrels.
  14. still in moth balls in the storage building. Wind here was wicked almost blew my truck around
  15. they control all but fox now. In order to get the agenda through, they need control them all. And we will do what about it?
  16. So, if he wore a suit and cut his hair and did not rant, but he said the exact same thing a with less enthusiasm, it would be ok? it is the message not the messenger.
  17. yes my bad thinking feb not april thank you. wishing it was april I guess lol
  18. I do not think it can be sold or bought in NY. Not even by someone trying to dupe the system or get set up. And registration has went by on the 15th deadline. Might be tough to sell it to a dealer even if they will take it or give you anything for it without that paperwork in hand. Just my opinion
  19. This is why I plant those food plots/ bait piles. After the ice I took the tractor and broke the ice up over the sugar beets. Then I broke trails for them to get there. Last weekend there is a lot of activity there. See not everyone plants food plots to sit over them.
  20. First off as a former JP I would have ot say ignorance of the law is no excuse. However that being said, it sounds like a rookie mistake if the story you tell is correct, and I have no reason not to believe it. The hunting charge is based on intent. I know some here will throw a fit with that word, but that is how it is. If you came in front of me I would suggest you go to trial and have the officers come to testify why you were treated the way you were. Bring your dash cam video and if it were me, you would walk out a free man. I personally do not know much about air rifles, but I am sure they are illegal to hunt deer with in NY. So, I do not know of them being for deer only. It would have to be a certain diameter and center fire. But that is beside the point. Go and explain your story show the judge the video and a decent judge will dismiss it as long as you have no previous criminal record. Just my speculation, but that is what I would do.
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