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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I used apple, wood was in there from start to finish, so constant smoke....I have a Masterbuilt Electric Smoker.....I was wondering if that because it was so cold here yesterday and last night, that caused it to burn hotter than normal and create a more intense smoke because the smoker was constantly fighting to maintain temp., is that possibel?

  2. well, my first attempt at kielbasa is so so, casing came out a little dark, crispy and too smokey...........probably too heavy on the smoke at too high a temp? did about 170 for 12-14 hours. Only up point is I just grabbed a few links of fresh Kielbasa from a local German store, so no $$ really lost. The guy wasn't sure if there was any preservative added so maybe I was a little over cautious with the heat and cook time.

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  3. mature

    Just curious - how many hunters legally take 2 4.5 or older bucks in any given year?

    no idea, does DEC even keep track of the age structure of bucks being harvested aside from adult or fawn?............I'll rephrase that and just say that taking two bucks, regardless of age has got to be worse for the herd as far as letting bucks grow than taking just one.........at this point the majority of hunters who hunt the AR zones would have no problem shooting two 1.5 year bucks that just meet the criteria, and that's not the point of AR's is it?

  4. Well it sure sounds like a few like to spout off about it so i guess a few do care about it for some reason. For a person to bring up deer farms in a post about gun control......Yeah right, Tell me all about it.

    I think you may be confusing people's enjoyment out of getting a rise out of you by by bringing it up every chance they get, with a genuine concern for the deer farm industry itself............

  5. Ya know...A few of you on here think this is possible. It would take a mass killing of some disease killing animals before they could even think about doing this. Do you think they can just shut down dairy farms for little reason? Wrong. Just as they cant shut us down. We are Dept of Ag listed and USDA ruled. If you want a real answer to your thoughts give Dr Davis Smith a call in Albany and find out for yourself.  Why the frig do you think they are trying to regulate us out of business with border closings and crazy rules??????? Because thats all they can do and those are getting fought and dropped in courts of law. Do you think states would be paying farms a million dollars to kill their animals and lock their land if they could just shut them? Not!   Do you think states would states would pay millions to farms that get hit with EHD if they could just shut them down. Like most on here know about deer farms and laws......Clueless!!!!!!!!! 

    although I can fully understand your concern for your business and what may or may not be happening with it, I also think you're way overestimating everyone else caring about it.

  6. You can get free range chicken at tons of places in NYC. In addition to restaurants grocery stores, and markets, even some farmers markets have it now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think the term "free range chicken" takes on a new meaning once you get into NYC...........at least that's what I hear.

  7. I'm just wondering if anyone here expects a perfect system in reasonable gun control? If we all agree that certain people with a mental illness should not have guns do we then assume every person with a mental illness will get denied or that an innocent or two will not get caught up in the gears of the machinery? I agree that on the face of it this seems like a huge mistake, but I've only seen this one story and have no facts as to how many have been denied guns due to the mental illness as a percentage of the gun owning population of New York. The safe act is a horror show but the idea of keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill who could be dangerous is a good one. You may point out that this person is a veteran and ex police office but since both groups have a higher percentage of gun violence and gun suicide it carries no weight. Let's not forget it was an elderly ex cop who shot a man in Florida last year in a movie theater for texting his daughter. Just like when you hit a certain age you shouldn't be driving anymore, there may come a time when an person shouldn't have a gun anymore. This goes to the heart of gun control, if gun owners do not put forth reasonable and manageable solutions they will and have been forced on us.

    I agree about the "ex police officer" and "ex military" really having any bearing..........I know a few of both who balance on the edge of people we want owning guns, there's a lot of both with major issues....if I'm not mistaken, there are many that are angry that cops have an edge on gun ownership and certain exemptions, so right there you could throw that out the window as far as the concerns of many go.

  8. Insomnia ..can seriously mess with your body...high blood pressure ..arrhythmias...even panic attacks... ect...All they would have had to do is pick up on either of these to admit him to the hospital..

    I don't doubt that, but at some point there was a mental health issue......my guess is he was admitted for a psychiatric evaluation, the terms being used, "voluntary" and "involuntary", are usually associated with how someone is being being admitted for that evaluation...........I hate to see what help people are going to refuse to get because of this type of outcome.

  9. these days, I rent a splitter from Home Depot.........cut everything to desired length and when I'm ready to split I rent the splitter for 24 hours and pretty much run it nonstop till I'm done..........let someone else worry about the maintenance and storage, and if it blows up it's not my problem.

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  10. Ill have to take one of his off the fence and bury it and then cover it to see how it works. How long did you leave it in the ground and any prep work, skinning, scraping or just bury it hide, eyes and all?

    I pretty much buried it as it was with all intact.....I'm gonna guess 6-8 months, winter months probably have little insect activity so leave it through the warmer months.

  11. So Papist and job, when you bury the skull, I assume you leave the antlers sticking up out of the ground. Do you cover them at all? My FIL has about 4 skulls at his house in different stages just hanging on a fence and have been exposed so the antlers are bleaching from the sun and the critters got to a few of the points. Just curious how you proceed with your method.

    I just did it once because it was a roadkill and didn't really matter to me how it came out.....anyhow, I buried it up to the bottom of the antlers and cover it with a barrel to keep rodents off it, but it did turn out pretty well, not to sure I would go that route with a rack that meant something to me....but probably better than the hanging on a fence method.

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