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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. The high fence place had three bucks let loose when a tree fell on the fence...so it wasn't the only one that was shot. All three were based on the reports I read.


    So, to single out the kid seems like a bit of crappy reporting for this article.

    maybe the other two hunters took it for what it was and were smart enough to keep their mouths shut.........

    • Like 1
  2. It does pose an interesting question. 


    If it is livestock, as VJP suggested, then there are penalties for that. However, how to you prove that the hunter not only knew about an escaped deer, but knew that this is the same one? After all, it is legal to hunt deer and how do you determine this is the exact buck that escaped?


    Along the same lines - if deer are considered "livestock" in this situation, then how does that reconcile with hunting seasons? If you raise cows or goats, there are no rules about when you can process them. I have horses (livestock) - nothing stopping me from putting one down at anytime.


    Classifying farm raised deer as livestock would theoretically allow hunting those deer 365 days/year.  

    The kid put it in print that he knew the deer was one from the farm and rather than notify them he decided to hunt it...................how funny would it be if what he knowingly admitted to set him up for some type of lawsuit from the deer owner?

  3. I wouldn't want an army of their employees screwing up my property to get it. Unless a chunk of money was involved I would like to continue to hunt my property with the deer unspooked.



    how do you fine a hunter who didn't know it was an escaped pen raised deer?

    the kid knew it was escaped.....I'm pretty sure that's very clear in the story.

  4. I'm still thinking stillwater needs his permission to retrieve it and he's not obligated to let them on. Honestly, I would let them know. I would then still hunt it. Maybe if they offered some money for it then it would change.

    my point is, the kid knew the deer was a pen raised animal that escaped its enclosure and in all reality belonged to someone else.......his choice is to kill it and put it out it as some type of accomplishment.....is it really much different then your dog getting out of your yard and someone taking it?

  5. Belo - this might help you


    the government gives us no rights, our creator does.  we allow the government to pass laws with the consent of the govened...there are few historic documents you might want to reread....



    When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    who is this "Creator" anyway?

  6. send CVA an email explaining you just bought the gun new with a broken sight..........I bet they send you a new one free of charge, I've done this with a few other scope & gun companies for various reasons and they have always taken care of what I needed.

  7. Don't they do this in LI?

    they just extended the Archery season until the end of January. The shotgun season was always in January, weekdays only.....they just expanded on that as well. Bonus DMP's are available throughout the zone in an unlimited supply the last time I checked.

  8. This means what?





    This isn't a sale gimmick. I seriously want someone to take this down or lock it. I am giving it to my bro. The jacket is no longer for sale. What's so hard to get about that?



    So break out all the vids you want. It won't change that I am asking for this to be tagged as sold or whatever. 

    take a deep breath and relax........

    • Like 3
  9. I had a conversation with my local FFL about receiving an internet sale just the other day.


    He didn't have an issue with it. SAFE act hasn't changed the process of transfer has it?


    BTW: I have always paid $20 for a transfer. In the last 10 years I've purchased 4 firearms on the internet & transfered them through 2 different local FFLs.

    yes, private sale transfers have changed since the Safe Act...they are only allowed to charge $10.00 on face to face private transfers/sales and they must retain the record of those sales. I would guess they're might be more willing to do internet sales and transfers because that price is not dictated by NYS............there are a few shops that add certain "fees" to each face to face transaction to make it worthwhile, if you find one I would keep it quiet.

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