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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. That's my whole point, I think if hunting violations are publicized so should traffic violations!

    I could give a crap less if my neighbors knew I got a speeding ticket.........now if I got busted shooting deer at night from my car with a spotlight, I would be embarrassed and ashamed that people knew what a low life I was...........pretty sure most feel the same.

    • Like 1
  2. I looked at the date. Sorry, again, God forbid any of you master posters make a damn mistake.

    I stand by the snow makes things look brighter.

    No I would not shoot. Even thought I only hunt with a bow.


    This is a troll thread. You are looking for validation to break the law, or for others to accept and go along with breaking the law.


    Been done 30 times since I been a member here. Wrong is wrong.

    where is he asking someone to break the law? he clearly stated "if the 30 minutes before sunrise was legal", and the time on the camera was 6:41, which would put you at 1 minute past legal shooting time if sunrise was 7:10.

  3. No. The OP said time of sunrise was 7:10. Pic was what? 6:22? Snow reflects light and UV rays. Makes things look brighter then they are.


    This is yet again, another "Would You Break The Law?" troll thread.

    wow, go back and reread the post and this time, look real close at the time on the picture..........

  4. I had enough of their mindless phone calls and annoying taped messages from the President of the NRA and don't even get me started on those insultingly cheap crap "gifts" they send out to members.......find the politicians that have your best interest on their agenda and donate directly to them......I bet more individuals donated more money to Astorino's campaign then the NRA did.

    • Like 1
  5. do that many of you not wear BO anyhow? I wear it even on private land because you just don't know. In some states you're allowed to remove while in the tree or blind. You're telling me for an extra hour a day you wouldn't put a vest and hat on?

    if it was just going to be mandatory during the regular gun season I would be for it, but I can't imagine that.....I don't want it mandatory across the board, would you want it in archery and turkey season? and you might as well give up waterfowl if it gets pushed into that season.

  6. Comparing a trespasser to a rapist or miolester? Thats taking it a little far, dont you think? 99% of the time, the crimes are pretty much victimless, and they should be treated as such. Yes, I understand that someone trapsing through your property sucks and is a pain in the ass, but unless they are stealing or damaging things, they arent hurting you physically or financially. If they are caught stealing or damaging property, then additional charges should be held against them.

    my intention wasn't to compare the crimes......just suggested a registry similar to the one used for the sex offenders.

  7. all im saying is that those people on list already know they did wrong ,do you think they want everyone on here to see there names.Just think its wrong for someone t o put list on here , think first,! Im done now

    people who go above and beyond breaking the law to kill animals are dirty people and their names should be out there for all of us to see.............baiting, spotlighting and shooting, driving around with loaded guns, shooting deer from inside the car, killing deer on other peoples property....that's disgusting behavior, they should have to register along with sex offenders so we know who they are.

    • Like 2
  8. what can you shoot in NY if you buy all the tags and hunt with more than one type of weapon, 3 for starters and more depending on where you live and whether or not you get dmp's?.......I guess no matter how much you give some people, their still gonna want more.

  9. My respect for the animal is constant.  My main purpose for hunting is to get meat, and I don't care a whole lot about antlers (I will have to spring for another mount this year for my big, old Adirondack rifle buck however).  That shot was a bit of a stretch also, with my 30/06 at about 300 yards, but I had practiced up to 400 with that gun at least.   I will try and post a picture of him on in the crossbow gallery if it is ok.   That wasn't my largest rack, but probably the heaviest and oldest buck I have ever taken.  The teeth were so worn that most of the acorns stuffing his belly were not even chewed.  I will have to ask the taxidermist the age. Without a doubt, I will take more chances with an empty freezer.  My wife, two fast-growing daughters and myself all love venison. 


    How was your season this year? I know it is easy for folks to slam successful hunters, out of jealousy, if they didn't do so well themselves, but hang in there, next year will be better.   ML season also has a ways to go this year.   My best advise for being successful, hunting or anywhere else, is to stay right with the Lord.  Practice, read, put in lots of time, but you are only going to get that deer if the man upstairs wants you to.   I am 2/2 since being "born again" this past summer.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.        

    Hell, with all the stuff I've done over the years, if it was up to the man upstairs I would probably never have gotten a deer.......I'll stick with preseason scouting to up my odds......

    • Like 5
  10. I love being in my stand and seeing my neighbor walk in with his head lamp on and the watch the deer start working out of his field towards me:)

    As for me I go lightless when ever possible but I always wear safety glasses into my stands in the dark.

    wouldn't stumbling around blindly on the way to your stand, to the point that you need safety glasses to protect yourself, alert the deer to human presence just as much as any other method of entering the woods?

  11. At the hunting lodge I go to near Oneonta, most guys - including me - are out the door well before sunrise while one guy waits until a couple of hours after sunrise to head out. The later guy says he doesn't want to push the deer out of the fields and back into the woods before they would otherwise go on their own. I respect the experience and advice I read on this forum. What do you think is best, and why?

    well, since you hunt with the people who have different start times, what do you see coming from them? is there a difference in success rates or does it appear there is none?

  12. I wasn't wanting to discuss where we are going in a hand basket. I'm not talking about the animal rights crowd. In my experience, animal rights advocates care about individual animals, not about populations. 


    I just want to know if we should care what non-hunters think? Hunters are a small minority.

    should we care what non-hunters think? yeah, I think so, a non-hunter is different than an anti-hunter....I've seen some photos from some of these hunts, and to the person who doesn't know the purpose behind them and the animal or bird being killed, it could be a big turn off and could reflect badly on the hunting crowd.......much like the bloody deer hanging off the roof of a car, can we do it? sure, but why would you when there are other less offensive ways of transporting it?

  13. although setting it up and leaving it is probably best, I think you can get away setting it up before a hunt. I've seen deer eating the buds off big trees that just fell down, the recently fallen tree made a noticeable change in the landscape, but didn't make them nervous, I can't see them being able to determine a difference between the two...but I don't use blinds so really can't say for sure how deer react to them.......they probably carry a lot of human odor, so that would be my biggest concern.

  14. I have Tripple 7 pellets for about 5 years now. Last time is used it was in the spring of this year and the gun shot fine. Is it crazy to use it or should I go out and get new powder.

    I probably have 15 pellets left.



    get new? hahaha, I can't find it anywhere.....you may have no choice but to shoot what you have.

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