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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. went to the range today with two rifles with newly mounted and bore sighted scopes........first one was perfect left to right but about 6 inches high........second was about 18 inches to the right and 6 inches low. There is no way I would ever go hunting with a gun that has only been bore sighted.

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  2. Laugh if you want, the stats are what they are & it certainly isn't the BO that makes the difference.


    Please enlighten us with your opinion on why there is a difference. Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe not.


    It's certainly not out of the realm to suggest that those that voluntarily wear BO might be a little more safety conscious dispite the absurd posts that suggest just the opposite.

    what's the point in decking yourself out in full camo if you're gonna wear a blaze orange hat, do the deer notice?

  3. So if dead things don't drain blood...what's that red stuff in my cooler when I have to quarter them up?....hhmmm

    oh, you'll get some drainage, but they certainly will not "bleed out" once dead....I think what I said was dead things don't bleed.

  4. the only real benefit in hanging one way or the other, is that if you hang from the back legs, the heat won't get trapped in the body cavity for as long...it will rise out and cool quicker, everything else is just opinion and personal preference.

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  5. Antlered get hung by the horns. Non antlered get hung by the neck. Call it what you like, but they do drain and wash out better. The head and neck area will swell if hung by the rear legs for the time needed for meat curing. For mounting purposes, not so good.  Ask any taxidermist.

    dead things don't swell, nor do they bruise or bleed.......

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  6.  Where did I say it would be illegal to set up before sunrise of leave after sunset? I'm only saying that if you were caught in your stand with a loaded gun after hours you could be written a ticket & good luck with the judge. If you admitted to having a loaded gun sitting on stand after sundown during deer season I don't think your argumants would hold up in court.


    Me personaly I don't care one way or the other. It's none of my business. If you are hunting after sundown you know it.


    That's all that matters unless you get caught. Then there may be consiqueces.


    Not the same thing, but I was in court fror traffic ticket when a guy was there answering a loaded gun in the vehicle charge. That's a misdemeanor, not a violation. A whole nuther ball of wax. Yes they had to "prove" the case, but he had to spend the time to go to court & it was his word against the DEC officer. the judge didn't throw it out.


    The point is you might still have to take the time to go to court & if it's your word against the LEO, good luck with that.


    See above.

    my point is, the only thing you could be charged with is hunting outside of legal hours and many people do it in some form or another, there is no charge for possessing a loaded firearm outside of legal hours....once you start pursuing game you fall into that category.

  7. I used to & yes I wore full camo. Being shot with #4 shot at 30 yds is a whole lot less likely to be fatal than being shot at 50 or 150yds with a 30-06. That's one of the reasons shot size is limited for turkey hunting. Most of the turkey hunters shot are "stalking" a bird. I don't do that as the only real chance of success when stalking a turkey is that of being shot.


    I once had an imbecile run right up to me after he busted a bird I was calling. I had relocated after the bird spooked & the guy trots up in front of where I was standing, dropped to his knees 15 yds in front of me & starts calling. "Thanks a lot a$$hole, you busted my bird" I said. The guy was young. He had the Ray Eye handkerchief thing over his face goin'.. He became so unglued that he started hyperventilating. I had called the bird about 1/4 mile up the ridge & it hung up so close I could hear his feathers rattle when he gobbled. After about 10 minutes I heard him gobble way down in the hollow. I got up & moved in wide open hardwoods about 10 steps & stopped. That's when yoyo came trotting up.


    Turkeys see color, deer do not. Blaze orange would be a handicap to a turkey hunter. For a deer hunter it isn't or at least far less so.

    well, here comes my point........any serious turkey hunter is in the woods WELL before legal hunting hours, and has probably called to and located a Tom before as well...........technically the second you start calling and have that Tom respond to you, you've started "hunting" him, have you not? does DEC see it that way? at this point in time I think not, much like they are well aware that people set up to deer hunt before hours and leave after hours.....and you think they would make blaze orange optional in turkey season? hahaha, doubt it.

  8. I've never bore sighted a gun before , always had time to go to the range ! Anyone sight their gun this way , ever use Dicks to get a gun bore sighted ?

    if you're talking bore sighting and then just going hunting, bad, bad idea.........the best you can usually hope for is it getting you on paper. what does Dick's charge? if it's the cost of a box of ammo, get it done....I've burned through a lot of ammo just trying to get on paper.

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  9. Page 80 in your hunting laws handbook has a chart & it's you responsibility to have a watch or some other time piece.

    Have a DEC officar walk up to you in the stand when you have a loaded gun & it's 10 minutes after sunset, try to convence him you are hunting coyotes.

    so, I assume if sunset is say 5:30, YOU are certainly not sitting in your stand until that time, are you? I hope you're back at your vehicle or home with your unloaded gun safely tucked away, if you're popping out of the woods at 6:00 with a gun,which you could have unloaded at 5:55 (you prove otherwise), you were breaking the law...........do I have that right? oh, and if you're referring to that little booklet you get with your license, that is just a hunting guide, certainly not a "hunting laws handbook".......the ECL is a little thicker than that.

  10. Page 80 in your hunting laws handbook has a chart & it's you responsibility to have a watch or some other time piece.

    Have a DEC officar walk up to you in the stand when you have a loaded gun & it's 10 minutes after sunset, try to convence him you are hunting coyotes.

    didn't I say watch and that 15 minutes is pushing it and that you should already be heading out by that time? you think all watches are synchronized to be exact? I'm talking 2-3 minutes of a variance......I've got 10 different clocks, watches and time pieces around my house and they probably have a variation of 5 minutes.......let me know when the law says you have to have a time piece that is perfectly synchronized with the giant clock up in DEC Headquarters. 

  11. No, they can't see it as orange, but they also can't distinguise red from green but they still get driver's licenses.

    that's why the lights are set in a specific sequence from the top down.......red, yellow, green. They can see the lights and when they change, the color really doesn't matter.....kinda like a person who can't read, but they know what the pictures on street signs mean.

  12. I find it extremely interesting that there is not a single response to the question above.


    What that seems to indicate is that most would take the shot after sundown  & probably don't unload their rifles & stop hunting the moment that sundown occurs. On the other end, how many wait until official sunrise to load their weapon?


    The same scenerio would apply if one saw a trophy buck sneaking by 15 muniute before official sunrise. How many would watch it dsappear W/O shooting if there was ample light?


    So, I can see some (ill conceived) logic to the resistance to wearing blaze orange in a trade off for the extra hour at the best times. Why give in to mandatory blaze orange if you are stretching the hours anyway right?


    We are probably never going to see the change to legalizing what many are doing anyway because most politicains would be wringing the hands over the ill perceived increase in fatalities. If we throw them a bone by accepting mandatory reasonable blaze orange, they would be far more likely to make the change.

    ok, I'll bite....I'd give myself a little leeway with shooting times, if we took 20 watches and checked times there would probably be quite a variance in times, and I don't have a smart phone or GPS and the last time I checked they aren't required......15 minutes? that's pushing it...you should already be walking out of the woods by then......and the problem is, not the shooting times, but the fact that "Trophy Buck" has to be "bait" that's thrown out there to catch everyone.

  13. you need to learn escape routes and what direction deer tend to go with various winds and driver entrances. You can't make a deer go where it doesn't want to... this is done by trial and eror. Your sanders need to know direction drivers are coming from and safe directions to shoot. If the world record buck is between you and a driver you cannot shoot! We prefer to put sanders in elevated positions as the drivers often get shots at deer and elevating them helps eliminatell dang er. Again the drivers need to know where standers are so they are not shooting in their direction or in direction of other drivers.this is also very important if a standers shoot a deer and even if it's the biggest in the world they do not leave their a assigned spot for any reason during the drive. No one tracks or recovers deer till drive is done. Seems like a lot of rules. But someone needs to be in charge and lay down the law. It's safety first!

    what he said.......

  14. Anyone ever hear the phrase "10% of hunters kill 90% of the deer" or "90% of the big bucks" ? There's a reason and it's all in the details, just like any successful endeavor. There are no shortcuts to success.

    hmmm, can 10% of the hunters legally have enough tags to kill 90% of the deer?

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