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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. this is my point of view, the area I hunt has a fairly low deer density....I could have shot 4 doe this year, but knowing the deer population I chose not to shoot any.....now take a guy who just wants to shoot deer, he could have killed all of them ( or most, not counting tags).....and if his only purpose was to kill them and then dump them off as a donation, whats the point? have a little knowledge of you area and hunt accordingly....that's what I'm saying...is it unethical to take more than the land has to offer, that's someone else's opinion

    • Like 1
  2.  I don't get your take on it. I can't find an issue with legally tagged deer being donated.  If they were truly killing for the sake of just killing, why would they even take the deer out of the woods. Just shoot it an let it lay. Is it possible their motivation is enjoying the hunting experience, being successful and also helping out the less fortunate? no?

    to me, it's the mindset of the person who does it...if your true intention is to help people out, and you live in an area that needs deer taken out of the herd that's fine with me, but the person who hunts in an area with a low deer density, I say let them walk........but it all goes back to ethics, mine anyway

    • Like 1
  3.  Well I hunt ethically and am proud, I was able to help someone that is by far less fortunate than I...would not nor even think of apologizing for not only using the license, I payed for, but enjoying the ability to hunt and not waste the meat I get. It certainly does not make me an unethical hunter...

    good for you, you helped out a person who really needed it and don't need to explain yourself any further...but there are many out there who kill for the sake of killing and the donation process is their way of getting rid of a deer so they can go on killing.........I much like you did, would get more satisfaction out of helping a person in need than I would stocking my own freezer.

    • Like 2
  4. Now you know about the elderly gentleman I got the deer for...He has lost everything because he showed others kindness and was bled dry...

    Today I hear of a 90+ yr old man that saw a young fellow down and out and offered him help and a meal...to be beaten and put in the Dansville hospital....


    If there is even a tiny bit of justice in this universe that no good %$#@#! will have some horrific nasty accident that he will survive. Only so have to live a very long and extremely painful life in a public nursing home.... :threaten:

    I've lost faith in humanity a long time ago....I assume everyone is the enemy until they prove otherwise........sad but true.

  5. Never gonna happen. While I agree..It just won't happen. Joe Smo does his thing, Jane Train does her thing, you do yours, I do mine.

    I think the laws should set a base for standards, and then the individual takes it from there. Free will is the key here. But, blatantly asking about breaking the law, or agreeing with anyone who does, is unethical in my book. That's just me.


    Now, if you take a look at the big picture, NY jumped at the chance to ban a ton of $hit, due to things that didn't happen here. So if you honestly think the folks who just do w/e don't reflect on all of us, you are wrong. Hunting is a community, if you think that jerk that shot the guy with a deer on a cart doesn't reflect on hunters as a whole, you're mistaken.

    the incident of the guy who shot the guy pulling a deer on the cart had nothing to do with ethics or legal behavior.....dare I say he had the "if it's brown it's down" attitude

    • Like 1
  6. my comment was really more of a thought. I've never made up my mind on either shot. They're low probability and I dont take them (on purpose haha). Just not sure I would beat someone up, eventhough I have. I flip flop on this one.

    yeah, I'm sure there are those who take both on a regular basis and never had either one go wrong, so in their mind they are responsible and ethical which is why I threw it in there.

  7. You can get 2 the first go around 2 when the release what's left and 2 transferred to

    You leaving a total of 6 doe tags..... I think the bigger issue with doe tags is people tagging for the wrong wmu

    and if you hunt an area like L.I., you can keep get additional bonus tags for each doe you bring in......but Bubba was addressing the issue as to the amount of tags you can have transferred to you from another.

  8. as long as done legally and responsibly, I don't care if people:

    -eat farm raised animals.

    -hunt animals behind fences.

    -hunt animals with dogs.

    -hunt animals over bait.

    -kill piebald deer.

    -hunt animals at night.

    -snare or trap animals.

    -shoot does, button bucks or bucks that aren't mature.

    -use crossbows.

    -take head shots.

    -let me know if I missed anything........I may choose not to do some of those things, but if done legally it's not for me to say what another holds as "ethically correct".........


    • Like 4
  9. I don't really concern myself with farm raised animals......in fact, I sleep very well at night thinking about it, especially after a meal of milk fed Veal, mmmmmmmmm......and I really don't think that I'm doing the "right thing" by killing my own food.

  10. I'll be hunting in the morning near Nelson in Tioga County..The property I hunt there is about a half hour drive from my home here in Steuben Co.

    I had breakfast with Lawdwaz and his buddy Dave this morning on thier way to the border..They will be hunting near Tioga.

    I have two antlerless permits, a buck tag and BLOOD in my eye....

    I haven't fired my rifle since opening day of NY and my trigger finger is getting itchy.

    and if you don't get a deer, try some Visine..that'll get the red out.

    • Like 1
  11. From Nov 19th - Nov 23rd I was seeing deer every evening. I wasn't hunting mornings. I had two bucks come within 10 yards one night. Another night I had a doe and a fawn come within 10 yards. None of the deer were scenting me or seeing me. I only spooked them when they could here me walking out or in.

    On the 24th the weather turned hot and it got up into the 60's. After that obviously we had the snow storm and the cold temps that followed.

    I stopped seeing deer on the 24th. What happened?

    what happened? sounds to me like they got fed up with trying to get you to shoot one of them, so they took the party elsewhere.

  12. Well, this still doesn't make sense.


    Ya gotta love all the "free unlimited pop-emails" then come with paying for a web site. 


    Makes it easy to be stupid.

    There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

    • Like 4
  13. Here is a pic of two pictures of one I killed in 2004 down in Hector. Not as white, but I wasn't paying her. Everyone knew she existed and wanted to kill her. I figure she had a better chance of a swift death with me than with some of the whoople heads that were hunting nearby.


    thanks for your service..........

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