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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. One thing is for sure. Ethics decisions have an awful lot to do with location (local hunting methods), parental guidance, and often they vary by generation. When I grew up, almost every kid around ran traplines. I was pretty good at it, but I have yet to eat muskrat, coon, possum, skunk, beaver, mink or fox. Fact is that I don't even know anyone who ever did. I never had any twinges of conscience or ethical wrestling matches because I threw away all that meat or used it for bait.


    The only problem I have with limiting hunting to only the "food source" justification is the idea that that standard, if widely accepted, could have some far-reaching effects if it ever found it's way into law.

    deer seem to have been lifted up to some level higher than all other animals, why? I have no idea.........

    • Like 1
  2. Maybe if they were wearing blaze orange you would be able to see tresspassers that are sneaking ontp your property.


    Now we are going to hear about how law breakers don't obey the law. At least they could be cited if they were caught.


    I think that's the main objection up here on the tindra. Tresspassing is a time honered traditioin here & when I moved in, many said that they would hunt on my property just like they always have.


    I played a little phscological game & bought some 00 buckshot & inqiured about an extended magazine tube for my 870 at the local gun shop. When asked what I was going to hunt with that combo I replied, "poachers". The perception that I am perhaps a little bit crazy has worked well. I have never seen a strange boot print on my place.


    The other argument that doesn't hold water is the relative scarcity of deer hunters in the woods here. That is the very attitude that leads to carelessness. If you are expecting hunters in the woods, you might be more cautious than if you assume you are alone. Blaze orange will usually tip one off to the presense of a hunter in the area long before a game identification issue might arise.

    are you saying the main objective of you wanting to get blaze orange made mandatory in your area is to deter poachers? hmmm, I don't think that's its purpose.

  3. Stay away from your plot and cams. If your there most days they learned that.

    I was thinking along those lines............seems a lot of guys are in the woods more than they need to be prior and during the season, this may not be the case here, so just a thought.

  4. It's fair enough. There are generally 2 buckets of hunters that most but not all hunters fall into. Sometimes these online debates get hit because of the 2 different buckets. That 400 pounder at kfc isn't helping your health insurance premiums.

    hahaha.....I knew the Health Insurance comment was coming.

  5. You make the ethical shot to dispatch the deer, even though it's illegal.  Ethical would win over legal with me in that case.

    the gentleman I quoted said not legal or ethical....how's one to know?

  6. How about all the guys that shoot at 1st light, or just after official sunset. Not legal, and not ethical, but I hear the shots every opening weekend.

    ahhh, but what if the one after sunset is to finish off a crippled deer......now what?

  7. yes. And let me cut you off right there, my comment regarding a loaded gun at dark and the doe tags do not indicate I've ever broken one of those rules. There's so many subtle nuances to 6 NYCRR that nobody knows them all. And this I know because working in the environmental field I've read practically the whole thing on water, air and waste and you still can't get it all.




    overweight and not having a medical condition causing it is sloppy. handicapped is not your fault. I told you I push for perfection. That includes sound mind and sound body. Maybe it's because I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 5. But there is very little excuse for poor eating and lack of exercise. Treat your body and your mind like a temple and you will live longer, feel better and be happier. All proven through medical research... but hey there I go again being an elitist for wanting people to be healthy.


    do what I do and don't worry about them.......if the guy wants to pump gas and go hunting, or the 400 pound person wants to eat another bucket of KFC, or the other person wants to drool while eating, good for them, as long as I don't have to go home to them or hunt with them....I do what I do and worry about me and mine.

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  8. I think the use of the word "slob" is what's causing you problems.......could you imagine if you have a family member who is overweight and someone has the opinion of them being a slob?, or maybe a handicapped family member who eats a little messy and someone has the opinion of them being a slob?

  9. You guys who don't wear orange is there a reason why have you been busted by a deer wearing orange or is it strictly just not want to look like a pumpkin....i only ask because this is first time in my life ever hearing that some don't wear orange during gun...i was raised to think it was required so never questioned it...

    I grew up during the red & black plaid era.......nobody even started wearing any orange until the late 80's and then it was pretty much only hats.........I started wearing more when my own kids got into hunting? and yes, the pumpkin suited hunters in the beginning were laughed at by some, pretty sure that's where the "orange army" term came from, but you would have had to have experienced it to really appreciate it.

    • Like 2
  10. I also feel that anyone who hunts during the firearms season without bearing blaze orange is not being responsible. I have always worn blaze orange during the firearms season even though I hunt on my own property, and it has never affected my hunting negatively. When my son began hunting some years ago, I required that he wear blaze orange during the firearms season, and he has worn it ever since. I would ask any hunter this question- Would you want your child or a loved one going into the woods during firearms season without some blaze orange on? If your answer is no, then you should also be wearing blaze orange.

    my kids have always worn it, and I've gone from just a hat to a hat and vest since they started going with me, but I don't support it being mandatory.......and to the O.P., I think allowing people to shoot till it's dark is just as dangerous as not wearing blaze orange, only because there is no shortage of dangerous hunters out there.

  11. Ok Turns out that the activity he has been looking for is baiting and the hotline has had several complaints from the area and even the superior seems to think from other hunters that want the place to themselves.  He has been told to ease up on the location as nothing has been found in 2 months.  Thanks for all comments 

    knew there had to be a reason...........just be glad he didn't find a bait pile near where you were hunting.

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  12. Wooly I respectively disagree. If you find something you find something. If you've been out in that vicinity on numerous occasion and just seem to interact with the same guys obviously its time to move on or get a better informant. To me, this is entrapment, move on down the road.

    do you know what entrapment is? obviously not.

    • Like 1
  13. I just don't think it is ethical to get a bunch of tags, use them all and not eat any venison at all.  You want to hunt and donate some meat, fine.  Take a deer and donate it.


    But fill-up a bow, muzzle-loader, buck, and 2 doe DMP's on public lands and donate it all when there are others that are looking to get a deer to fill their own freezer to get through the winter, just does not sit right to me.


  14. We stop at different restaurants on some Saturday am's as well as on Sunday after Mass . When you walk out of the restaurants and get in the car , you can smell grease . That's why I NEVER eat at any restaurant when hunting .

    that's the residual bacon grease...don't beat yourself up over it.

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