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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. I'm sure some of you have heard about and/or seen the video of the wacko who took a 2 yo kid out of a shopping cart near her mother and held her at knife point.


    As negotiations broke down, while one cop distracted the wackjob another lunged at the guy and shot him point blank in the head instantly killing him and grabbing the little girl bringing her to safety. The news reports say that the guy was mentally disturbed.

    I had a discussion with my wife about this during dinner and whether the cop's actions were correct. She was of the opinion that the cop should not have done that because the guy was mentally ill. . I disagreed and said I would have done the same thing the cop did if the opportunity presented itself. I asked her if God forbid it was our kid would you feel differently? She thought about it for 1/2 a second and said "I would have shot the guy myself"! I said "Thank you"! Point made! You mess with my family you will NOT live to regret it, (though my kids may have to visit me in prison). ;)

    Thankfully it turned out as well as it did..........look at what happened in Nassau County a month or so ago, an absolute nightmare...........

  2. This has always been a shotgun only area.

    ok, I think if you look at the majority of shooting related hunting injuries / deaths, there are very few related to long range shootings caused by the range of the weapon........the majority are probably close range incidents caused by the failure to properly identify a target, and I'll even venture to guess that most are between hunters in the same party.

  3. One could argue that the bowhunters who oppose xbow during archery season have 2 choices. 1) Share the woods while xbow hunters hunt. Or 2) Share the woods while xbow hunters scout.

    They're more then welcome to scout..........during archery season, I also hunt turkey, grouse, squirrel and anything else that may be open and I think it hardly has an impact on anyone's deer season............I also intend to partake in the youth season with my son.

  4. One could argue that the bowhunters who oppose xbow during archery season have 2 choices. 1) Share the woods while xbow hunters hunt. Or 2) Share the woods while xbow hunters scout.

    I was under the impression that most crossbow advocates were already accomplished bowhunters who just wanted another weapon to hunt deer with, not just an easier weapon.........looks like you proved that theory wrong.

  5. It was the trailer that was unregistered

    yes, the trailer needs to be registered........unless it's under a certain size and the towing vehicles lights are visible, I would suggest to plead not guilty and register it asap, the judge may take that into consideration and reduce the fine and maybe even throw it out

  6. I think there are very few scopes these days from any fairly well known manufacture that can be classified as "crap"..........it all depends on what you're satisfied with, at the very least, any scope manufactured that is owned by a big name company should have a decent warranty..........that being said, I just upgraded from a Burris to a Zeiss, like night and day when held side by side.

  7. I want to answer this in two parts. First, the antis are watching all the hunting legislation and they certainly do weigh in. Second, I generally tend to agree with your other statement. If you watch any public hearing were hunting organizations testify, every organization begins the delivery of their case in very much the same way: Our organization has X members and through those members we represent X other clubs and organizations. Through our "resolution process" our stance on this issue represents X sportsman.... After doing what amounts to describing how big they are they then deliver the rest of their manifesto. I am not going to get into it about whether organizations represent the opinions of its member constituency, but I will say that many sportsmen go with the flow with little of their own evaluation. This facilitates politics very well, which pleases lawmakers, but sometimes the special interest wants & needs are not scientifically or ecologically sound. On social issues, it moves hunting in one direction or the other. Someone may not like that direction for personal reasons, but may also disagree because they are concerned  the big picture may be negatively effected.


    I am not taking sides in the crossbow wars. But I have no problem with people speaking out and bucking the system. Many of us will be around longer than the political career of those elected to public office or hunting club office. Those who don't like the path our sport is going can become hunter education instructors and otherwise reach out to novice hunters, but only those who want your mentorship - don't try to cross dad, uncle, or an older brother....

    and to touch on your other point of assembly districts south of the Tappan Zee, the crossbow bill presented last year was backed by an Assemblyman from L.I.....

  8. But, I have to admit there is a part of me that feels like everyone should be allowed to use their weapon of choice at some point to hunt deer. I was a backer of the youth hunt so I feel like a bit of a hypocrite to turn around and say that crossbows should not be allowed anywhere prior to regular deer season........maybe a week just prior to rifle? but then that opens up the old debate about Archers losing the prime week of the season....to allow them just during regular season or late muzzlelader / bow is almost pointless.

  9. I would attribute it at least as much to a societal paradigm shift as I would to technology. We all hunt for different reasons and maintain a different level of ethics. Some of that is explained in hunter education manuals in the chapter about the different stages of hunters. I would not be surprised if natural resource agencies have adopted the marketing research tools used by business and can look at the hunting demographic data and predict social trends in hunting. Whether they do or do not, the attitudinal change in hunters is pretty obvious. Since this change has been occurring gradually for many years, it is not restricted to a trendy youth, but to the late baby boomers, which in addition to comprising of the bulk of hunters, are the ones involved in the political arena of hunting via the boards and clubs. Since there is no term limits on state senators and assembly members, many of these older hunters have a long association with members of the legislature, particularly with members of the Republican Party.

    That old boy relationship with the republican party allows pro-hunting legislation to succeed in the state senate, where there are 63 seats of republicans, some critics accuse the senate districting of being Gerry-mandered, but that’s above my pay grade LOL… The Assembly districting is more challenging. There are well over 100 seats and the lion’s share of them represent districts south of the Tappan Zee Bridge. Sure, antler restrictions will pass no problem, what anti would oppose less deer or young babies being killed??? But crossbows will increase deer kill. I have seen on you tube a couple videos of anti-hunters opposing crossbows when the state of New Jersey was legalizing them. I have not heard anybody suggest that the antis have weighed in on the crossbow issue in New York, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they did.

    I could be wrong, but I don't see the majority of hunters weighing in on any of the recent hunting legislation let alone the anti's.

  10. I always felt that part of the allure of bow season was that it didn't attract everyone because it required a certain amount of dedication............my guess is if crossbows are ever allowed in bowseason, the guys who have put off picking up a bow because they either don't have the time or desire to learn to shoot a bow, will get a crossbow and spend a day or two sighting it in before they hit the woods.

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  11. that's an out of season kill. not the same.



    I realize this. My question is why does it matter. Because I'd like to know if there is no open season in the central and western areas of the state simply because there have been no bear here, or is it because they're trying to grow their numbers. I'm not advocating that I do or would go through with it. As far as I know there are none in wayne or tully anyhow. This is simply a hypothetical case. I do have a camp in the dacks, I can easily go up there and shoot one. The question is what would happen down south if YOU saw one.

    Bear are legal to take where I hunt, so without a doubt I would shoot one.........and I would think killing a bear out of season and killing one where there is no season, would be more or less the same thing.

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  12. yeah i thought it was around a grand. That's crazy. I might make a trip some year to my camp up by Racquet. At the risk of sound unethical, would it really matter if you shot a bear in a county without a season? what's the consensus on this? If the DEC is trying to grow their numbers in other areas then I wouldn't do that, but I'm not sure that's the case.

    would it matter if you shot a bear in an area closed to bear hunting?..........I can say that absolutely yes, it would matter.

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