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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. At camp one of our favorites is Limbuger cheese with onion and hot mustard on rye bread (no seeds). For the stand it is bologna, extra sharp cheddar and hot mustard.

    That Limburger reference brings back memories of some of the old timers who used to hunt at our camp........Limburger and onions on Rye was always in camp back then.

  2. Who poaches more deer, the city boys that come up to hunt, or the local upstate boys??  

    This ought to get us to at least page 28.

    That's a trick question isn't it?....obviously City boy's poach more deer, the Upstater's don't consider it poaching because they justify it by saying it's to feed their families.

  3. It happens to all of us I know. Tahoe was dead on my driveway yesterday morning. It's 7 years old and I got the click click sound when trying to start. Walked to my service station and told them the deal. They came and checked it out and said I needed a new starter. I thought it was the battery but OK, go ahead and do the job. Went to pick it up late last night (10ish) and got in and click click. (Lights came on but the automatic back tailgate would not come up.) Looks to me its a battery. The starter cost $418.00 and looks like I didn't need it. I have no problem paying for the starter but think they should deduct the labor charge. What do you think? 

    did anyone attempt to jump start it? that's the first thing I would have done.

  4. Wow Pygmy never thought of that !! u know I have some old, very old cork ones I could always just paint and save myself some $$$ they are heavy as can be so maybe the bleach bottles just might work have you tried this ? Will ducks decoy to them? Thanks

    old cork decoys could be worth some $$$$, I wouldn't paint them unless you're certain they're worthless.

  5. Wait...a in-state town has fresher seafood than a port city?  Maybe local freshwater fish like trout, etc. yes but otherwise, I doubt it.

    I stand corrected, The Brewster Inn, in Cazenovia say they have the freshest seafood in the world......yes, the world, and that's straight from their website.

  6. Nobody can say the food is good in lake George. I go there once or twice every summer. Still searching for decent food besides bobs ice cream.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

    was up in Syracuse in May, the restaurant we went to said it had the freshest seafood in New York........... I got the Oysters on the 1/2 shell and Sushi, how could they be wrong?

  7. Upstate chicks are easy. Downstate are much prettier and require more wine n dine, before 69. The best looking upstate girls are the college ones who are from downstate. Separately, the food sucks upstate. Lake George has horrible food and the restaurants are packed and people are eating like its the best thing ever.

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

    holy crap! I think you just insulted a whole new group of people. Now you're gonna have to deal with the culinary experts,

  8. Im just checking in, so whats the general consensus on the upstate chicks versus the city chicks thing?

    they're all up to no good at some point in their life, the prettier they are the worse they are...........unless they're not pretty, then they have self esteem issues which cause them to act worse then the pretty girls. Additionally all father's are clueless and needed a wake up call.............did I miss anything? oh, and the Upstate girls are missing out because the only desirable guys live down close to NYC, if not actually in the City, but those guys are in high demand, so chances of actually hooking up with one are pretty slim.

  9. so your branches can support things that do not fall in line with the national chapter's beliefs? I'm not trying to be a smartass but that's a little odd to me and I'm just curious. And regardless all I was saying is that the blog post criticized special interest groups for pushing agendas and bills but then proves his point wrong by bringing up a failed AR bill that was pushed by a local group. See what I'm saying?

    I too, was curious as to how that works........ whether it's the entire special interest group, or any portion of it, it's still a special interest group with an agenda.

  10. right? so hard to believe an archery organization wouldn't want guns going off during archery season right? A gun is a gun regardless of who pulls the trigger. Don't forget the first year was rained out. Wait till you're in your stand and your neighbors kid, or with some people I know, your neighbor with his kids tag lets a 12 gauge rip through the woods. We've all gun hunted, there's a reason the deer are harder and harder to hunt during gun.


    But yeah, what a bunch of jerks for being against gun during archery. It's not like a 12 year old cant hunt with a bow or anything...

    you've made it clear that you don't want to share the bowseason with anyone, whether it be turkey hunters, grouse hunters, rabbit hunters, mushroom pickers, etc., and that's ok if that's your stance, but unfortunately there's not enough hunting season to have bowseason and then everything else......and the first deer youth hunt last year was not rained out, as a matter of fact it got an overwhelming positive response.....

  11. Why in the world would you want to get rid of the tree tops. 


    Logging is the best thing you can do for your property when it comes to increasinig the quality of habitat. 


    Deer will bed like crazy in and around the tree tops, tree tops protect new growth trees by acting as a natural fence, and the deer will feed on the tops. 


    You do not want your deer woods looking like a park, you want it to look like a thick nasty woods where you can not see past 30 yards with lots of sun hitting the ground.


    Leave to the tree tops, unless you want in to look like  a park, and not hold quality bucks.


    Everytime I have had logging done, the hunting that season and seasons after has been better!

    yup, a lot of times, depending on when the logging is done....the treetops will produce or have buds for the deer to eat.

  12. I support Crossbows and here is my reasoning....will I use them?  No.  But my father has hunted his entire life and absolutely LOVES nature and being out there in the NY cold.  He has a bad back now due to a work accident where he can no longer pull a bow or handle the recoil on a high powered rifle.  A crossbow would be a perfect weapon for him.  Why should he not be allowed to enjoy his favorite past-time due to an injury??

    I've said it before, NY needs to relax the restrictions on what qualifies someone to use a crossbow.........I have a friend who was issued a permit to hunt / shoot a firearm from his vehicle due to a knee injury, something is not quite right.

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  13. Just curious, why do you limit yourself to 30 yards? Your bow can easily kill a deer beyond 30 yards, so why not become proficient at a longer distance? Unless, you hunt in heavy woods or something where >30 yards wouldnt help.


    Regarding me, I feel confident to 50 yards with my crossbow given the right shot (broadside or quartering away).  That's all I need for now because I hunt in very heavy woods. However, if I hunted farm lands for example, I would definitely work on getting comfortable "lobbing it in" from 70-80 yards.


    I never shot a rifle past 200 yards at a range in my life. I shot my Mule Deer at 330 and 440 yards, both hits, because I knew where to aim at that distance.


    I never shot past 38 yards when practicing with my crossbow (that's as long as the yard is I practice in), but I would feel confident knowing where to aim up to 50 yards and definitely take the shot at a standing still deer facing the right way.

    30 yards is what I'm limited to practice at, so that's what I stick with.

  14. Not sure, but no experienced bowhunters should be limiting themselves to 30yards. These new bows have plenty of energy to kill deer well beyond that distance

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

    I have more than enough experience bowhunting, and have no problem or regrets limiting myself to 30 yards in a hunting situation...........what distance do you limit yourself to when you hunt with your bow?

  15. I wish I saved the email with the links to fill out the pre-printed letter and submit it to the Politicians, would have been more than happy to forward it to you.......................unless you want me to believe that they had no stance on the crossbow bill that was being proposed and didn't send emails to everyone on their mailing list, now that's hilarious.

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