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Posts posted by jjb4900

  1. If somebody is worried they can not shoot a buck with 3 points on one side then they are clueless and do not belong in the friggin woods.........

    hmm, because maybe by the time it takes to count points the opportunity is gone.....but since you sound like quite the genius we'll leave the real answer up to you.

  2. Lack of doe permits has squat to do with it.  The younger generation does not go in the woods.  Im 40 and barely any of my friends hunt and you keep going down the line and it is worse and worse.  Now the oldtimers are retiring from woods, Alot of people are working 6 days a week and put it all together.

    lack of new hunters, lack of doe tags, antler restrictions and a few other factors play into it.....someone mentioned a 6pt rule, that doesn't exist.

  3. I do not get what is so great about Starbucks coffee...I have never had a cup that didn't taste bitter to me...We drink Dunkins regular at home and sometimes I'll stop at Tim Hortons..


    I usually drink 3 big mugs a day...

    that's because most people don't know what good coffee tastes like......I hate Starbucks, and would rather have 7-11 or DD, I'm also fairly sure I don't like good coffee.

  4. and no, it's not for hunter's to show the rest of the world where their meat comes from.....you would have to be half retarded, if not more, to need to see a deer on top of a car to snap out of it and say "hey, now I get it, my meat comes from a bloody deer on top of a car"....and if you're a hunter who sees this as the answer, you're even more retarded......and all respect went out the window when I killed it, after that it's all about caring for the meat that it's been reduced to.

  5. I usually tie them to the ATV like they're riding it and put a cigarette in their mouth, that right there is some funny [email protected] seriously, why go out of your way to offend people? I have no problem with people who don't like hunting or killing animals, rabid folk folk who are anti hunting is a different story......I'm more concerned with proper care of meat and see no need to treat it like crap, because that is what you will be eating if you do so.....................oh, and by the way, back in the day, you HAD to transport the deer in open view.

  6. very quiet as far as hunter #'s......hotels/motels with vacancy signs and 2 or 3 cars in their lots, local restaurants and bars far from busy, local supermarket a ghost town, gun shop same, State Land another shadow of what it once was (a good thing).............and this is in the heart of the Catskills where 10-15 years ago it was dangerous just to go on State Land

  7. I agree with this . But I have zero interest in ever going back there. I've been there a few times, spent a month training with fdny and mostly I felt sorry for,those guys ( no offense jmg). They made a little more then us but the commutes and cost of living wiped that out and more.

    They wouldn't believe you when you,told them FF here often lived in 2,500 plus sq houses on an acre with built in pool in a suburb with great schools and a 15 minute drive to work. My house is only 1,700 but my mortgage when I had one was $756 a month..... For reference last year I made in the six figures.

    commute is a killer....that must suck the life out of those who have to do a few hours a day doing so.

  8. Easy, most history , n most the financial mogel's are concentrated there strictly out of reputation , but to say NYC is New York and the rest is Sh$& is ignorant and rediculous .... You couldn't pay me all the money in the world to live here ....! Fact! But for some it's home n I get that , drop your proud pompous " I'm from NYC " attitude cause it's not for everyone ! I get the pride with the best NYPD and NYFD stuff , I respect that , but go F yourself if you think everyone else should measure themselves to the "city" ... Going back to my scotch now , n don't think that changes my opinions on the matter .... Good day sir !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    ahh, sucking on the Scotch, that answers the question of your nasty comments.......there's no NYPD, NYFD pride in any of my comments....just the simple fact that NYC puts more into the States economy then all other places combined....I don't live there nor would I ever, but I am smart enough to realize what it puts into the state.....so, go back to your cheap scotch.

    • Like 1
  9. well, since this has gone so far off track, I might as well keep going....there is no question that country life is much better, as far as I see it anyway.....but there is no question that NYC is the most lucrative City in this state..love it or hate it, it puts more into our economy then any other city in this state...want to cut them out of tax revenue and everything else that they contribute to outlying areas? have at it.

  10. I've Posted a lot of land and it don't help. Hell I fenced in 30ac 5ft high to train my dogs. Posted all corners plus every 50ft Legal posted signs.Locked gates and all, found a guy from NJ hunting. He said what are you doing here LOL. Told me a story that he was lost, I seen where he jump my fence. Post it as best as you can and make an Example out of the 1st trespasser you find. Word will spread that you mean it, thats the only way. It won't stop all of them.

    much like speed limit and no littering signs...no scumbag cares.

  11. I also do alright and also plan on retirement around 50 if I play right but live in small community and rely on NYC 0 percent...I understand the reasons people live and work there but when 1 city determines the outcome of the state something is wrong....

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

    Edit no deer sightings today from the dentist office...

    but. what other NY city can we depend on to make it do so??

  12. I would rather live on a slum state than have NYC elect my public officials and take all our energy ex governor and windmills

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

    we all have the option of living like an animal in a slum...if that's your choice then so be it......I'll take my six figure pension and move to Florida like I plan...no hard feelings whatsoever...my only concern right now is to whether or not to contribute an extra grand a month into my 401 plan or not......retirement at 55 making more a month then I do know seems pretty good, so I hope the big cities keep thriving.

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  13. I manage production facilities in Brooklyn, LIC, LI...as well as many other big people filled cities...Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte.....


    I get really good employees to keep them running very well so I do not need to visit hardly at all and can stay up here working out of my home office in the boonies and hunt out my back door!! NYC may be the greatest city in the world but you best be offering me 7 digits a year to even think about living there/working there full time!! All those people freak me out especially since I really am not a fan of most people!! lol

    so you agree, that without those thriving cities you would not be doing as well as you are......I would not want to live in them either, but if they didn't exist, a lot of us wouldn't be doing as well as we are.

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  14. well, I'm not broke...wash my hunting clothes in nothing other then baking soda and usually air dry, if that's not possible and you're pressed for time, use one of the hunting brand types of dryer sheets.....works for me...don't overthink it. Doesn't cost a fortune to go that route.

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