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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Trade it for a savage 220! I just got it and it shoots like a .22! I have killed two deer with it...1) dropped in his tracks at 100yrds. 2) was shot high double lung ran 60 yrds!
  2. Dude you should patent this thing! Could be the next big thing in toikey huntin!
  3. Dispicable!!!!! It was so sad seeing that drugged buck with his antlers caught in the vine!....waiting for the slaughter.
  4. Shizen happens, glad your back. We could always use people from the Department of The Navy (ie Marines). LOL ooh Rah!
  5. Don't get me wrong, I love my job! However, if you think that teachers sit on there ass when they get home, you are mistaken. Who grades the papers, creates tests, correct spelling/grammar? It's not done at work, not enough time! I've served in the military 6 years, owned 2 restaurants and this is the hardest most rewarding job ever. Thank a teacher for teaching you to read, do math and taught you how to pass an exam! Enough said!
  6. Dang bad deal! Poor man can't even defend his own! God Bless America!
  7. Guaranteed not to miss any target. It is also guaranteed that your shoulder will dislocate and you will have a huge headache!
  8. Pretty cool deerthug. Good luck with the Remington!
  9. Do you know that 4 out of 10 people that go into teaching quit the 1st year! Out of the rest only 1-3 people stay more than 3 years. Nobody receives there fully salary as a pension the most you can get is 60% after 30 years. I spent over 4000 dollars for my class last year! That's just on supplies! Over 3/4 of my students do not come in with pencil or paper never mind homework! Yet the schools don't supply anything, sometimes not even school books. Try doing a job with your hands tied behind your backs and both legs tied, we do!
  10. Easy with the teacher stuff. Anybody that thinks that teachers don't deserve what they get should work in a classroom for 1 week. You will have to deal with all sorts of behavior, spoiled students and parents to start. We are held accountable for what we teach, where are the pArents to help with homework and what the student is doing during school an after school. When the heck are they going to be held accountable?????
  11. This is crazy! The welfare mentality has taken hold of our future leaders! 40% of the us population is on some type of f&$&ng welfare, no wonder the US is going down the crapper!
  12. Very well said! There is hope for this country!
  13. I ordered a camo case to set up my iPhone! Thanks for the update!
  14. I wonder how many unfortunate guys are out there with this dilemma and are not aware of it! Eeeeewwwwww!
  15. First go the eyes then the ears and eventually the mind! All of the I'll effects of growing old!
  16. My gut piles are definitely minimal.LOL DEERTHUG- I've thought about taking the intestines for kokoretsi but worried about the spoilage! Besides I usually don't kill anything! This years very unusual for me! Maybe the forum has given me luck????
  17. That is/would be a great law! Sick and tired of these people bumping into me in the mall and on the streets. I witnessed a young lady walk into a parked motorcycle. Knocking the bike and herself down! I could tell you the biker was not happy!
  18. I love to eat heart, liver, kidneys and the spleen. I used to dine on the lungs as well, until I was told that it's not good for you! All fried in olive oil seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and oregano! DELISH!
  19. I'm with Deer Thug on this! The plastic D-loop has worked great for me for years!
  20. Great work! Keep the motivation going strong and you will succeed!
  21. Working on a conceal and hunting!
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