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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Erin go bragh! Happy St. Paddies day.
  2. Haha, good one! Wonder if her crotch recovered?
  3. Good looking deer. Could have been poached and covered, and the poachers being rocket scientists forgot where it was! Maybe. LOL
  4. Try this! http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/donald-trump-sons-fire-hunting-photos-posing-animal-carcasses-african-safari-article-1.1038101?localLinksEnabled=false#commentpostform Read the moronic postings!
  5. I use chicken fertilizer on my garden. I mix it with my dirt in late fall. It gives it a chance to burn out. I hear rabbit is the best, have had no luck finding i!
  6. Besides the bugs the deer are looking nice and healthy. Hopefully, the spring wont kill the Turkey eggs/chicks. At least there is going to be enough bugs for them to eat. LOL!
  7. I would love to get some input on this subject myself!
  8. No offense meant Ncountry! FastEddie, life's like a box of chocolates!
  9. Every hunting mans dream!
  10. There are idiots everywhere! Just take a look around on our own forums! LOL
  11. You could only advertise like that in Texas! In NY the NAACP/ACLU and Al Sharpton would be up Kellers derrière!
  12. Cool video! However, not sure it's at/around Caumsett. My wives family bikes/fish/hike/live out there and have never mentioned a sighting. It would be cool if it were true!
  13. I unfortunately work 3 jobs. I work a 12 month school program. I also teach ESL to adults on weekends, mostly 3 classes on occasion 4 per weekend. I also do early intervention 4 nights a week. I could only afford 1 child and 1 car to live on the island. It's not the union that makes me get a masters it's the State! they also expect me to take 175 hrs of updated instruction that I pay. I have 3 state licences, ESL, Special Ed and History 5-12. I couldn't get a job until I had at least 2. Yeah, I live on f---king easy street.
  14. I do not agree! In a classroom you cannot give up on a student that does not want to listen to reason! In the world outside the classroom, you just give up! The reality is folks, go to school for 6-8 years, pass 4 state exams, and interview in competition against many... Become a teacher! Ooohhh yeah! Start paying 60-100 thousand back to school loans! Quoting some of my students "ain't nobody stopping you!
  15. Yea, for you! You never know, you might have something marketable!
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