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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Sounds good. Getting a shoulder ready for smoking.
  2. Karpteach


    Jim, welcome to hunting! Good luck providing and have fun.
  3. It really sux that we have become a de- sensitized society! Bubba , throw the book at em!
  4. Now , that's one heck of a spike! It'll gross over 200 points. That's a lot of steak!
  5. I think the reality is that some people feel better about themselves when they put others down. It's very common in schools! It should not be common as adults. You learn to ignore them after a while!
  6. The teams started in WWIi aka frogmen. They have been involved in every theater of operations! They have been spilling their blood for every president since Roosevelt! JFK, made the official! They have been re-organized every twenty years. There are a few teams out there, each with their own specialty. They all start the same, but go in different ways out of Coronado island. They all deserve praise and admiration! These are the ops we here about. There are craploads more we don't. It's about time they get dome recognition. Many have gone without a tear from the general public. I could also tell you they do not fo it for anything else except to be the best of the best! Sorry for the tirade!
  7. You hope that they get the message! NOT Can we all just get along!
  8. Thanks, Jimmy! That was a well written article! I also like the fact that a hunter did his begging on- line!
  9. Ohh cute doggies! (my 5 yo daughter exclaimed) We have a miniature American Eskimo, who happens to be a great squirrel hunter.
  10. Funnnneee, laughed out loud over dinner and almost choked!
  11. Wow would have loved to see the dogs reaction. Something like that happened to me GSP and a hen pheasant. She turned around and looked at me as if she was say what do I do now dad???
  12. Yes, unfortunately the beeaach won!
  13. Niiice, and of course the paint job helped!
  14. Savage makes a great rifle/shotgun! I got the 220 2 months ago and I love it! The stock around the action has a 1/4" space in some spots. But love it none the less!!! Good luck either way!
  15. Welcome to the site! Enjoy all the fun! The thick skin comes in time. LOL
  16. Great pictures, thanks for sharing! Good luck, with that beautiful bird.
  17. I'm so sorry. This jagoff needs to be sued for your loss. If his pet is killing any animal, he should be made responsible!
  18. I think the snow is getting to us! LOL however, that's a good one!
  19. Wow, that's a toy that I'd luv to play with!!! Line up da Taliban I want to show them a neat trick, how many? I think 50 in a straight line could stop that round!
  20. The last video made me sick! Herd animals are revered in all agricultural societies. No one should slaughter a poor defenseless animal like that. Grab an enemy combatant and do something like that to them. Or if your making a statement to a town...use your imagination. And do not film anything! As a vet I find this disturbing
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