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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Where is it located?
  2. Welcome to the site. I wish I had your weight problems. I Think you should reconsider your MMA debut.
  3. We live in a state that has very restrictive gun laws.they should have known better than passing info that can be deemed illegal. I wish them the best of luck. The laws are the laws, and we all have to abide by them, eventhought they are assinine.
  4. Watch out fellas. Cover the fig trees , it's going to get cold tonight and over the weekend.
  5. Be careful with your fig trees, it's going down to the 20's this weekend nights.
  6. Hey Bellmore, I was going to wait till April to uncover my fig trees. Planting a mimosa tree today and have put in a weeping cherry and a few Japanese maples a red and two greens. Have to get some chicken manure, somehow. They claim its the best, it has no seeds?
  7. Single Shot, thats a crazy story. you made my skin crawl. I'm sure it brought you closer to you friends. Thanks for sharing.
  8. My school revolves around the penny for a two month period. We collect pennies for Penny Harvest, we collect close to a thousand dollars. We teach about poverty, job loss and dedication to helping others. So the penny has NOT lost its usefulness.
  9. I have been digging and transplanting new trees this week, getting my vegetable garden ready. I LOVE IT, feels good after such a rough winter.
  10. Geno, good luck with you endeavors.
  11. No friggin luck for private land. Bellmore, count me in. Thanks again, my daughter is trying to talk my wife into getting a beagle pup after watching your videos. However, my wife was considering the idea till last night. My couch potato American eskimo treed a possum barking his head off, we could not get to settle down for 3/4 of an hour.
  12. Pygmy, adding water to the bag or tupperware always keeps game from freezer burn.
  13. Bellmore, keep working your dogs and posting your chases. My daughter and I LOVE the videos. Did many a miles today found some nice spots for hunting but nobody with private land was willing, I'll keep trying next week.
  14. Just got in from cleaning the yard and preparing for scouting in the am out east. Taking my wife and baby girl hitting the begging trail. At least we have some beautiful days ahead of us.
  15. Walmart is the cheapest on the Island. Damned it's getting expensive to live in New York.
  16. Today was a great day to barbeque and work in the gardens.
  17. NOW THAT WAS QUICK. Takes me about 1 hr, I try to save as many organs as possible (they taste great). The guys next to him looked like they were having more fun with 2 people skinning.
  18. Robinson, if the teacher had tried to break you up they could have been charged with assault. We have to call school security if a child hits/kicks a student or a fellow teacher, even they are afraid to get involved. We live in a litigious society and everyone should watch their P's and Q's.
  19. Smart man, maybe you should market this idea. I'd buy one.
  20. Our region is to quiet, is it that everyone is getting ready for fishing or turkey huntin. Hope nobody went swimming in all the water out there.
  21. HAHAHA, were going to hell.LOL
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