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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Now that is a sweet looking rifle. I'm sure it kicks like a mule.
  2. Congratulations, she is a beauty. May god bless her and may dad bless her with love of hunting. I have a 4.5 yo that watches hunting and fishing shows. She also fishes with me and wants a bow. My daughter is my future hunting partner.
  3. In the famous words of Forrest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does" or in this case writes or speaks. It's Scary that people are this friggin dumb.
  4. Keep up the good work! Wooly, you can beat the habit. Now it's all brain power.
  5. Good one. Eddie are you worried that there is some truth in this joke.LOL
  6. It soooo sucxs. It's been 13+ years since I quit, and I'm still finding for a Marlboro light or a Parliament. It get's easier as time goes by.
  7. Right on G-man. The nations on e day to remember the fallen men and women of our armed services. "All gave some, some gave all". Thanks to all that have served! Go Navy.
  8. Woooooo! My mistake! Senior moment!!!! Thought you were talking about northeast Columbia County. No canned hunts for me, cheaper to got to the range.
  9. Great place to hunt. Years ago there were many deer in the county. Not as many know.
  10. I think most of us are all gone before this started.
  11. If most of humanity gets caught up in rapture... I am gonna have the woods to myself. Or do the deer go up to heaven also????? Points to ponder. LOL.
  12. Welcome aboard. You sound like our kind of guy.
  13. Sorry to here that. At least when you travel you meet some InTeresting people :.
  14. My wife, daughter and I walked up and down Sarnoff and got nothing in the cold. When I went to scout on the state parks and Barcelona Neck it was 26 degrees came back with 6 ticks. Don't they die or hibernate in the winter?????
  15. YEAHHHH! The gas in my area dropped a whopping 2 cents. Can you flogging believe it that a barrel of oil is down $25 and all they drop is 2 fargin cents. Sorry everyone this pisses me off. Why are we not screaming and boycotting all this crap. Why has America grown so complacent?
  16. Should be a banner year....for ticks and chiggers due to the rains.
  17. John, that was cool. I too have only small bucks and young does respond to any calling.
  18. Growing up in NYC, there were rumors about gators in the sewer..... Now I've never seen them. But, in NYC anything is possible.
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