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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. Definitely an owl, well the back of the owl with his wings expanded.
  2. I would love to try it. The scope movement would make acquiring the target difficult for follow up shots however, if you make the first shot count you would have no problems.
  3. Enjoy the time with the grandkiddies.
  4. Love this place, got a summit tree stand from them $100 cheaper than anyone else.
  5. Dude, sweet bow. I'm a Hoyt man but, she looks real nice.
  6. NY Newsday had a picture of a young man with a12.5lb turkey on his back. The story went on to say that another young man was wet and half frozen with a 21lb turkey. I guess hunting was not so bad in the rain, at least on the Island.
  7. It seems that the NY teams are cursed or just cant pull it off. It's just sad.
  8. It will definitely effect my hunting. At $5+ a gallon, I will need $30-$40 a day to get to the happy hunting grounds. >
  9. Since the Rangers sucked away their games, I hope the Sabres take it all the way.
  10. HOW the FLUCK is it possible that the Rangers lose after a leading 3-0. I just don'y get it.
  11. Welcome aboard. Foliage coming in slowly in shady areas and strong in sunny.
  12. I think that was the new .22 mag. . Now that is a sweet rifle. The .50 caliber. They claim it could shoot out to over a mile with the right person squeezing the trigger.
  13. hanks FastEddie, DVR'ing it.
  14. AAAA, OOOOHHHH. What you talkin about? Sabres all da way.
  15. They are a farmers worst nightmare. I feel sorry for whoever have food plots. If the hogs find them, there is going to be a mess.
  16. What the heck happened to Global Warming????? I think it should be named Global snowing/freezing...
  17. I thi k the new season started last week. It's a great show. Never knew they had such a problem in Hawaii.
  18. I figured you guys would be rioting in the streets instead of posting about it here tonight. Flip a car or mug a little old lady for me if ya get out yet! NAH! We do dat on regula dayz not when we celabratin . LOL.
  19. YEEAAAAAAAH, we finally won 1. WOOOOHOOOOOOO.
  20. Hunted the in Texas many many moons ago. The young boars and the sow's taste very when there bled.
  21. You never know, he might have enjoyed his colonoscopy.
  22. Let's hope that the Rangers can pull it off tonight at the Garden.
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