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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. I think the redneck seat is a bit more $ but not much. It will last a lifetime, but not overly portable as its heavy. Pretty comfy for permanent blinds.
  2. I went last night and just used some flat black enamel I had to paint them. Lets see how it holds up. Can always respray. Took all of 5 min.
  3. So for permanent or semi permanent blinds that deer become accustomed to (not really hidden-just there all the time) wouldn’t it make sense to paint the outside of the window covers black? Seems to me that the first thing deer notice when we open windows on a blind that they see every day is the new black openings compared to the Camo. If they saw it that way always, the deer would be less inclined to pay attention. Thinking of painting the outside of the window covers black on my permanent redneck soft side blinds. Thoughts? if I do, any reason not to use basic black spray paint? I guess I could cover with black duct tape
  4. Will the platform blind work! Only 7’ up and enclosed.
  5. I used one of those once. It worked but was painful with all the hard fast turns you need for it to dig in and it also broke the hitch receiver on the ATV. That forced down pressure is tough on the machine unlike Bobs creation. And GMan is right. I second trailing set of times would be even better. Although it worked way better than I was hoping for.
  6. Some nice bucks for sure. Way to try to put your friend on a nice one!
  7. So the Culver Creek ATV Plow was a huge success. Spray, cut and today was plow, spread seed followed by drag. Easily turned over top few inches. It worked really really well. Rain cooperates and I expect a solid plot. Did soy beans and a brassica mix. Will hit it with fertilizer in 4 -6 weeks. Also moved two stands and checked/restrapped about 12 more. Solid day. Thanks Bob!
  8. Lol. My neighbors may disagree with the whole art thing, but it is in the eye of the beholder.
  9. If it will make you feel better Greg, I will sell the 4 door jeep and ATV and buy an old 2 door jeep and geared tractor. My needs and preferences be damned!
  10. Your probably right but Treeguy talked me into an auto. No jeep plotting for me I guess.
  11. That's a beauty - love the color of the hide as much as the horns.
  12. No kidding. I do two plots of less than 1.5 acres total. I ain't buying a tractor. The plots seem to grow just fine the way we do them with the ATV and I have a wheeler for picking up deer and to ride for fun. We all don't farm big spreads and have a need for a huge tractor. What the heck would I do with a tractor at my suburban home. lol
  13. Hopefully it won't be an issue. I sprayed three times this year and its pretty bare right now. What little was lift I cut yesterday but we shall see.
  14. I told Bob, its pretty much exactly what I was looking to buy, but no one makes one. lol Still small enough to strap to the ATV to get it into my swamp plot too.
  15. So I called Bob yesterday at about 5:30pm and asked his thoughts on what we could use to upset the dirt in the plot before spreading seed on Sat. Plot is pretty much weed free at this point but dirt is hard. I was thinking of dragging a cut telephone pole with screws in it. Bob says, I have an idea and I think all the materials we need. By 10:15pm, he engineered and welded up the prototype CulverCreek ATV plow. It’s pretty darn cool and heavy duty. We can even ratchet on logs if we need more weight (it ain’t real light now) but I suspect due to the angle on the pointed tines it will dig in good enough for what we need (only 1” or so will be plenty) without weight. Plus you can flip it over and drag after spreading with the flat bar. I have to say, Bob has skills and is creative. His camp is a greater example of that though. Nice Job Culver!
  16. Now which jerkman are we talking about? Happy BDay!
  17. I have seen the Lives of Pets and Lives of Pets II and I bet that the dogs and cows can work out a resolution and save you a trek.
  18. Fair enough - we will include the catskills and steuben, chatauqua and maybe Alleghany (although I think it was annexed by PA several years ago). Sorry for derailing thread. Back to quality Kimber rifles!
  19. lol - I don't consider anything south or east of Albany to be NY proper
  20. On the cost benefit analysis, I would be waiting for one to pop out within 50yds.
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