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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. yes it should. we have done it before by cutting and then just spreading the seed.
  2. Toss down some rye and oats, even if only in the trails you brush hog. Can’t hurt
  3. Yep, srf is more of a sight in at 20 and drop towards narrow end for 30.
  4. Same concept as a trad bow sight called SRF. Many like it for hunting. Quick acquisition.
  5. Again no worries. You have some big horns to block the flash.
  6. I generally agree Rob, especially for bow, but last season when it was snowing and cold, or raining, it sure was comfortable.
  7. We have trained her that anyone from downstate is a danger and should be met with her full force!
  8. Yep - if she aint sitting with me, she is working. She even ensures that the cats don't go outside. One cat is smart enough to jump up and pull on the lever door handle to go outside - which we don't want. If I see kiki jump up and run to the door, I know she just pushed the cat away from it and sure enough that cat will be waiting with kiki between him and an open door. lol Sorry - way off subject.
  9. Shepherds were the other dog mentioned as being prohibited in some areas or dog parks. Honestly, my shepherd is the smartest dog I have ever owned by far. And like I said, very sweet (although will sound like a killer if another dog walks in front of the house). Even that, we have pretty much trained out of her with little effort - just a constant stern NO when she starts. When we are home and a dog goes by, now she just whines at the window a bit like "I should be barking". I suspect she goes crazy when we aren't home though.
  10. Scared me more than the deer that were 15yds away. They just kept walking. I thought a bomb went off in the blind. lol Never found the arrow but it just clipped the window.
  11. I have never shot through the "shoot through" mesh either. I have shot into the fabric accidently. That doesn't work so well. lol
  12. In all seriousness, in bow I do tend to keep a few windows open and try to keep it dark inside. Little easier on a platform vs. eye level to get away with more. I think you would call it cheating. Up this way, we just call it successful hunting. I don't like messing with opening the window when a deer is closing in. Gun is a different story.
  13. I was just watching a show the other day about pitbulls and how they are banned in many cities like Denver. It was really supportive of the pits explaining that their incidents of biting are no greater than other dogs. It really depends on how any dog is raised and then you just have some bad apples regardless of breed. I suppose the strength of the pits makes them more scary. I was bitten in the face at 5yrs old by a shepherd. I now own one and she is sweet. Who would guess. But any dog that has known aggressive tendencies should be treated as such and not allowed by the owner to be around people. Surprisingly, the show said that the most reported bites each year come from golden retrievers. Now maybe there are just a lot more around. Not sure. As for Belo, I have no good advice other then perhaps a talk with your niece. Glad to hear it wasn't serious.
  14. I just turn the volume down on the TV and keep everything wide open. But we do have dumb deer up this way.
  15. We grew some dunstan chestnut trees from seed this year. They are still only 8" tall or so. I told my son we would grow them through the winter in a pot in a basement grow tent and plant next year. Only 2 made it so we really need a couple more. But envy you. Those things have to be deer magnets.
  16. I stand corrected. Sorry for bad advice. Not even worth what you paid for it. lol
  17. If everything is level and your are running the planks same direction, no need to for a moulding. When I installed our hardwoods, I only used a threshold where there was a change of flooring type - ie hardwood to carpet. In fact, I didn't even need them where hardwood met tile as it was level.
  18. Yep - that one I like to keep to myself. I always change into camo before the hero shot though to maintain my manly image.
  19. By the way, the rain forecast keeps changing for the worse. UGGHHHHH
  20. What are you talking about. There are NO deer in mendon.
  21. Honestly my attire varies throughout the season from neon leotards early season to bedazzled smart casual attire later season. So I just went with black. Black matches everything!
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