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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. cool - now we can confirm whether my 2019 buck is 75 or 80" with certainty! Does roadkill count towards the BBC? Honestly, I am holding out this year. Opening day bucks were cool but kind of ruined the rest of both seasons. Now if DanD's twin buck or another crazy 4pter walks by ......
  2. One plot is already white clover that I seeded in March or April - leaving that one alone. The other (about an acre) will have beans and frigid forage brassicas. Those go in this weekend thanks to the rain scheduled for Monday-weds of next week. Then 200lbs of 15-15-15 in 4-6 weeks and done.
  3. Hey now, you can attack the post, but not the poster! Plus I sold the truck. But the jeep does have carpet too but no blood will be touching that (mostly because I am a crappy hunter).
  4. Sure, after you kill our only good buck! lol Congrats!
  5. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  6. But region 8 only has little bucks from what I know!
  7. Can't we all just get along .... Its now a who is tougher argument. Oh Lord. lololololol WATCH OUT FOR THE QUIET ONE - NOT THE ONE RUNNING HIS MOUTH!
  8. the real question is - will he shoot rather than video?
  9. I hope TF shoots him this year. That goiter is getting worse!
  10. Its kind of strange to be so sensitive to what is said on a forum. I had a newspaper article published the other day where a public official called me and another attorney "full of $hit" simply because he didn't like our opinion on a legal matter (and perhaps because he is using the Trump approach to reelection). My kids were horrified and asked what I will do. My great plan is to ignore it and greet him with a pleasant hello when I see him next. Its more a reflection on him than me. Likewise, we really can't take the stuff on here too seriously, although it is nice if we can restrain ourselves at times when we disagree and I will admit that I have not done so on occasion. Working on it!
  11. This is true. The legal costs are very high for patent cases (typically well over $500k for most cases that go to trial). Add in Chinese infringement and its near impossible to do anything without jurisdiction.
  12. Sounds like you have a plan. I have never tested the soil where I plant plots and just add some triple 15 fertilizer (200lbs per acre +/-) 4-6 weeks after planting. Seems to work fine. But maybe I have good soil. Good luck!
  13. Thanks for the explanation Bionic. So cool to see the excitement and continued innovation! Not sure if I missed it, but what does it weigh?
  14. China infringes on patents constantly and sometimes its the same factory making the real and knockoff parts. Not sure if that's the case with rage. I am not suggesting its good to support patent infringement (I am assuming rage heads are patented) but the quality could be identical. Regardless, use whatever head gives one the most confidence.
  15. Just enough for a 2” lift if you eliminate that antenna
  16. Honestly Lar, at the poundage you shoot, I would stick with COC heads. I never had any issue with penetration. But also shot 80plus lbs. I could see a huge cutting head being an issue shooting 60lbs or less.
  17. I wanted to try these but I don't think they make them in 125g. Plus I have way too many rage lying around.
  18. In fairness, it was my first season hunting and I am sure I didn't sharpen them. So perhaps with some work they do well.
  19. The VPA are easy and frankly plenty sharp out of the box. The three blade are the easiest to sharpen as you just lay them flat on a stone.
  20. If you didn't buy them already, consider the 1 1/4". Not a big deal but wider is nice.
  21. They sharpen great. Never had an issue with rust with them, but they pretty much stay dry when stored.
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